Chapter 24: Enter General Midoriya + Scolding!

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After everyone started to clear out of the arena, Izuku knew he was going to get scolded when his mother and All Might got ahold of him but Izuku had zero regrets at all on doing what he did. Izuku told all of his classmates he was asked to go to the Principals office to talk about his new position and they said they would see him back at the dorms. As such, he headed towards the main building instead of going towards the dorms and felt as if his mother and the others would be there waiting for him as well. Turns out he was right as he entered the room and saw his mother and All Might both glaring daggers at him. "Ah, sorry it seems I have the wrong room!" Izuku said as he closed the door and moved to walk away but Gran Torino was right there when he turned around with a grin on his face. "It's time to face the music brat!" Gran Torino said as he hit Izuku in the knee with his cane. 

Izuku opened the Principals office and ran to his mother. "Mother! Gran Torino is being mean! He keeps hitting me in the knees when I just got out of the infirmary! He's bullying me!" Izuku said as he pouted to his mother who just gave him a smile but it wasn't the kind type of smile as Izuku wanted to back away but found a hand on his shoulder which turned out to be All Might's hand. "Welp... um... did you know that One For All has some sentience to it?" Izuku said districting everyone from the topic he wanted to avoid. All Might's eyes widened a bit before he snapped back.

"I know what you are trying to do. It will work for now but we will be having a conversation about your action after everything else son!" All Might said and Izuku pouted a bit and blew his cheeks up but everyone rolled their eyes. "That might work on your classmates but not going to work here," Inko stated and Izuku deflated as his attempts to get out of trouble didn't work.  "Fine... I am sorry but I don't regret doing it. I want to get my provisional license now so I can legally act when the time comes." Izuku stated standing his ground on the issue and All Might sighed. "Son... even if you have it, I don't want you fighting that man until you are much closer to 100% since that man is truly fearsome." All Might stated and Izuku's shoulder slumped down a bit. "I know he is fearsome... just the thought of fighting him terrifies me but I don't want you to fight him alone..." Izuku muttered and All Might patted his head. "I know you don't want to... I know so well from personal experience." All Might said and Izuku hugged All Might's side. As they sat there for a bit gran Torino spoke up.

"Sorry to ruin the moment but let's hit the topic of what Izuku said earlier trying to distract us when he said One For All was somewhat alive." Gran Torino said and they all nodded their heads. "So... during the mental quirk with fog of war. I saw ghosts most likely of the past users and All Might was there as well. It was as if they controlled One For All for a brief moment and made it enter my brain area which broke the connection of the mental quirk. Then again during the last fight..." Izuku said and they all looked at him in surprise that he had a second encounter on the same day.

"I was in the bathroom before the last fight and I talked into the mirror and tried talking to One For All in an attempt for their help to somehow win the fight and I guessed it worked somehow. During the last moments, I believed I heard whispers of voices I've never heard before as they told me to stand up and keep fighting. As I powered up to 25% even though it was hurting me, the pain just vanished for a brief moment as I was able to use 25% without pain, and then I was able to stand up and slugged the third-year and win. Soon after the pain returned so I can't be sure I just imagined it or not but I think it was real since I know for a fact the first moment was real in the fog of war mental quirk battle." Izuku stated and they all nodded their heads as they heard the new information. All Might then spoke and said he had a similar event before but it was brief and never knew why.

"It's weird to know there is more undiscovered about the quirk but let's not spend much time on it until something else presents itself. Though, Izuku, if you ever can get in contact with the quirk again you should see if they can tell you anything more about the quirk itself on anything we don't know." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head at the request. Inko asked her son if he had any damage from all the crazy stuff he pulled in the tournament and Izuku said no. "Everything was healed and no permeant damage was caused. I was told to just not use my quirk at all today and just take it easy with no training for the next couple of days so my body can relax. I'm also not going to wear the weights until Monday as well so my body can relax more." Izuku said and Gran Torino agreed with the plan. Soon they moved on to talk about Izuku's new position which was the Shiketsu High School General position.

Izuku asked to start on that topic and everyone agreed since they wanted to know what Izuku would be really doing as well. "Overall, you can propose changes to the school board and staff to have new things implemented for the school. We like to do this so we can get student perspectives on the school as a whole and make some changes to better help the students. Of course, not everything will be accepted but if you have a reasonable plan and how to complete it including costs then we will without a doubt study the plan and see if we can adapt it to the school." The Principal stated and Izuku nodded his head. The Principal then started to explain the other things that Izuku would be in charge of and could do. These things included a list of things but one thing stood out to Izuku.

Izuku as the General was allowed to propose interschool events with other hero schools and the school we see if they could have it done. Izuku felt a bit petty and had an idea involving UA in the future which All Might could already sense as he spoke up about it. "I see those eyes turning and you plan to do something with or rather against UA don't you?" All Might asked and Izuku just put on a smile that said that he didn't know what he was talking about which All Might just rolled his eyes at. "Just don't kill anyone..." All Might muttered and Izuku nodded his head with a smile on his face.

As the General, Izuku could also do the following; Recommend anyone for the provisional exam (This didn't include the first person he can request to take the exam with him this semester.), Propose changes to the school, set up training classes approved by a teacher, approve transfers between courses if he had a valid reason to and said person could make it in the course, order students of Shiketsu to do things within reason, remove himself and others from classes for things but they had to be able to complete the homework or assignments, represent the school in decisions with other schools within reason, and other misc. things. Overall, Izuku's position was a powerful one and he was trusted to take care of the school as he was leading the entire student body and expected to take charge if anything happened to a Shiketsu student or they were involved in something such as a battle or incident and there was no staff person present to represent them as an authority figure. This also meant representing the school with or against police in any events that their students were involved in until a staff person from the school could arrive to take over. 

Izuku was astonished at the amount of power he would be wielding as a student and confirmed that he was indeed having so much power. "Why doesn't anyone hear anything about this since I've never heard of a Shiketsu student having so much power before?" Izuku asked and the Principal said that most past students didn't use their powers much since they didn't think they should. We've been interested in a student using the powers more and I think you might just be the person to do so in all honesty. So feel free to take charge of situations where Shiketsu needs to be represented." stated the Principal as he pulled out some paperwork that Izuku needed to sign and then an ID card that identified him as the General of Shiketsu and it stated that he had the authority to act on the school's behalf in any matter he sees fit that the school interested might be invested in. 

Izuku was stunned but accepted it and signed the papers. "Next, do you have any idea on who you want to join you for the Provisional exam since you can recommend one person no questions asked to take the exam when you do a few weeks after the internship week?" asked Principal Suoh and Izuku thought it over and nodded his head. "I want to recommend Inasa to take it with me. I think he has the power and abilities to pass the exam with me. If we can get some crash courses before we take the exam then it would be helpful for anything we might encounter." Izuku stated and the Principal nodded his head and said he would arrange some crash courses to be set up for the weeks after the internship for Izuku and Inasa. Soon, Inasa was called into the room and he greeted everyone and wondered why he was there. 

"Congratulated Yorashi, General Midoriya here has recommended you to take the Provisional License exam with him which is scheduled currently to take place about a few weeks after you all return from internships," stated Principal Suoh as Inasa looked at Izuku who nodded his head. Inasa hugged Izuku and thanked him since this meant if he passed he could start work studies sooner and gain experience faster. After spending a bit more time in the office, they were all free to go and Izuku decided to spend a bit more time with his mother and All Might before they had to leave since they would need to return to their side of Japan the next day. 

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