Chapter 67: Battered

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3rd POV:

Everyone around Japan and even in the world was watching as a large lighting storm was going off from the combo move that GaleForce and Halo had created from their combined attacks. They watched as all of the Nomu's dropped dead or what they assumed was dead but also saw how the main villain was still standing as the attack was pulsing through him. Back at UA inside of the staff room, All Might was watching the lives news feed of all of the destruction that had happened with the war but he also was now watching his protege who was his son take on Tomura Shigaraki who now seemed to be All For One himself in a new body from the words that the news camera could pick up.

All Might was one of the only people left inside of the UA campus with Principal Nezu and a few other people that couldn't go out on the field since they needed to guard over the campus. All Might was also tasked with watching over Eri who was sitting with All Might as they watched the combat. Eri looked up to All Might and asked him, "Will Halo save them?" she asked him, and the only thing he could do was turned towards her as he smiled and said, "Yes, Halo will save them because he is resilient!" All Might said as he turned his head back to the TV in front of him. 'You need to end this son...' All Might thought because the fact that All For One now controlled the body of Tomura Shigaraki made the former symbol of peace scared as the man had hundreds of years of experience and wisdom over his son which could prove fatal with any small mistake.

Back on the battlefield, the Shiketsu students had fallen back outside of Galeforce since he was directly helping their General in fighting the main villains. All of them knew that they had a far less chance of helping in the current stage of the battle and could only look to see if they could aid in any small manner from clearing paths, reducing people, or just keeping people away from the fight. As they approached the Pro Heros and few UA students that were still on-site they noticed Eraserhead had woken up for the most part and had his leg tended to by some medics that arrived on site. Even Gran Torino was being tended to by other medics while the UA students just stayed near their teacher as the other Pro Heros were all standing in front of them in case someone tried to attack. 

As they all watched the fight go on, Bakugo spoke up and asked how likely was it for Halo to defeat Shigaraki. The Shiketsu students only responded that students from Shiketsu were resilient and that it would be fine in the end which didn't really answer the question because even they didn't know what the odds were but they knew to trust in their general and that he would figure a way out to win. This seemed to irritate Bakugo as he asked if they would give a straight answer to their questions which the classmates of Izuku just rolled their eyes at. FOG sighed as he looked over at the UA students and the Pro Heros that were around them and spoke, "You are asking for odds of who will win between two near god-like entities. Two Titans that are trying to defeat each other... Do you honestly think anyone has the actual odds for a fight like that? The power both Halo and Shigaraki wield is enough to wipe all of us out. During the fight you all had with Shigaraki he was being held back due to Eraserhead only because if his quirks weren't suppressed do you honestly think you could withstand attacks on the scale you are seeing? It's worst now that All For One has taken over Shigaraki's body since Halo now needs to deal with a two-hundred-year-old monster." FOG asked and everyone not from Shiketsu High School was silent. Suddenly while they were all in their silence a large explosion happened as All For One in the body of Shigaraki send a large blast of air away from his body as his body kept spasming out due to all of the electrical currents that had gone through the body.

Though the large air blast had broken the tornado which stopped the electric current that was flowing through All For One as well which allowed the regeneration quirks to start healing all of the damage since they were no longer playing catch up with the constant damage that the body was being given. All of the people watching saw Halo charged straight forward and grabbed Shigaraki's body with a black whip. The moment All For One was in the black whip, Izuku blasted upwards into the air to keep him away from the ground since he knew All For One wouldn't hesitate to wipe everything out with a touch to the ground. 

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