Chapter 70: Past VS Present

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3rd POV:

Izuku informed his class that they would be attending the press conference with him as it would be announced of their Pro Hero statutes at the conference to help build support for them. Izuku told them to take a short break before returning to work as he needed to go find Nezu and speak with the Principal of UA. As Izuku left the room he found Nezu standing next to All Might, Eraserhead, and other staff of UA who had the UA students near them as well. As Izuku approached he could hear Nezu talking about when they might be going back to UA. "Until I get clear from Halo or the Commission's President, we will be staying a bit longer since everything is still being dealt with. I haven't had the chance to talk to Halo since he should be meeting with the commission's president right now." Nezu said and a few students pointed out that Halo was coming to them. Nezu and the staff of UA turned towards the direction that the students pointed at and indeed saw Halo walking over to them. 

Izuku came to a stop in front of them and smiled at his father who smiled back. "How was the meeting with the commission's president?" All Might asked which got a grimace out of Izuku due to all of the topics they talked about which included the unsavory ones. Though they all took it as that the meeting went bad. "Not bad... but a lot of work needs to be done. I do need to talk to Nezu about some of it and you might as well join me All Might so you are up-to-date on the shitstorm we are about to walk into in a while." Izuku said which Nezu and All Might shared a look as they nodded and followed Izuku into a spare meeting room away from the UA students and staff who just looked confused about what else could go wrong with everything that happened. 

As the three of them sat down, Izuku sighed as he looked at his father and Nezu. "There are going to be many things changing moving forward. Luckily, I didn't have to use any threats against the commission since even the President of the commission knows how screwed heroes are in this situation." Izuku said as All Might asked what was wrong and what was going to happen. "First, Endeavor will need to face his crimes such as child abuse, spouse abuse, illegal quirk marriage, and many other things which will cause an issue since he is the current number one pro hero," Izuku said and All Might grimaced but Nezu nodded his head as the principal always had his theories. "We also caught Dabi who is Toya Torodorki so I don't know if we should tell your student first before it hits the news or not," Izuku said, and at that Nezu's and All Might eyes widen. They asked how he knew that and Izuku explained his theories and that Dabi more or less admitted to it when his classmates confronted him about it as he dealt with the giant bodyguard of All For One.

Nezu said that they should inform Todoroki first before it hits the news so the entire family could prepare for it. Izuku nodded his head and then moved onto the topic of Hawks being a child soldier. "I got the commission to free him. I don't know if the truth will hit the media but at least he is free now." Izuku said and All Might was pissed with what the commission has done under their noses. As Izuku watched them calm down he apologized to Nezu who was confused on why he was getting an apology. "I will be bringing UA a bit into the spotlight for discrimination... part of the changes that are being planned is to combat quirk discrimination which UA's entrance test is a prime example of it on a large scale. So apologies in advance but I got the commission president to agree to start looking at how to combat the creation of criminals instead of just dealing with the aftermath of them. As such, quirk laws will be changed and quirk licenses will be offered for people to use their quirks in public most likely. There will also be more anti-discrimination movements as long as the commission follows through which I plan to force their hand on if I need to. Another thing is most likely a focus on getting more underground Pro Heros via an underground hero course at top hero schools for people that tend to have mental quirks since they tend to go that route anyway. There will be other changes as well but that is the broad scope of things." Izuku explained as he drank some coffee from a pot that was in the room though he wondered who kept making coffee and leaving it.

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