Chapter 38: I-Island! Pt 1.

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3rd POV:

Izuku was currently sitting on a private jet as he watched the clouds go by jet. Now you might wonder why is he sitting on a private jet you might wonder, well simple really! He is heading towards I-Island with All Might because All Might wanted to introduce him to the shields in person since they could help Izuku in the future for support needs once he graduates from Shiketsu High School. As such, Izuku agreed to go to I-Island during the expo event that the Island was hosting so he could meet the shields. All Might did warn Izuku though that the winner of the sports festival meaning Bakugo Katsuki had won tickets to go to the Island and would without a doubt be at the Island.

Luckily for Izuku though is that he would be wearing his Hero Outfit nearly the entire time so it didn't matter since Bakugo would never directly see Izuku's face. Izuku just had to avoid having any large conversations with Bakugo since he might be able to figure out that his former victim Izuku Midoriya is the protege of All Might! Izuku didn't want to have any conversation with his former abuser in any regard any way but he knew his luck seems to always fail him in moments like this. So he just prepared himself for the troubles that were going to come his way on I-Island.

Soon their plane arrived and All Might went up into his buffed form as the plane door opened and they both walked off the plane. Izuku already had his mouth guard up and his hair covering pulled over so the only thing you could see of his skin was the small area around his eyes. It wasn't even 2 minutes in before they were both mobbed by other people who wanted autographs from All Might and even Halo who has risen to a high level of public knowledge as the rising symbol. Izuku and All Might soon escaped the crowd and made their way away from the crowds. Soon though they were called out by a younger voice as the voice called out, "Uncle Might!" which caused both of them to turn towards the voice. The voice belonged to Melissa Shield who was the daughter of David Shield. 

All Might hugged Melissa and they talked a bit before they all moved towards the labs inside of the main building so they could meet David Shields. All Might had informed Izuku beforehand that Melissa didn't know of his skinny form but that David Shields did know about it. As such, after talking for a while, Izuku would need to get Melissa out of the room so that All Might didn't waste his time limit when he didn't need to. Anyway, they soon arrived at the labs where David Shields was going to be. They made their way through the main building and soon arrived at the lab and Melissa walked in which David saw and greeted her. Melissa said that she had a surprise for him and that is when All Might entered and hugged David. Izuku entered soon after and David greeted All Might's protege. 

"Hello, Izuku. It's good to finally meet you in person." David stated and Izuku nodded his head and shook his head. "It's nice to meet you as well Mr. Shield, I'd like to thank you guys for creating the support item to hold a version of my suit when I don't have my hero gear on me. It's already proved useful." Izuku stated and David and Melissa smiled at hearing that. They said it was mostly thanks to their new worker that they had on staff but they would inform them about his thanks. Soon, Izuku took Melissa out of the room to get shown around the Island as All Might could drop his form. David was concerned but All Might waved it off. "I still have about two hours and a half left But it doesn't matter. The public is already starting to put trust into my protege and he's making a name for himself to the point that people will stop relying on me as much and rely on him. The future will be chaotic for a brief time but I am sure my protege can stabilize it." All Might stated and David nodded his head in understanding. What All Might didn't know is that he had prevented David from doing something incredibly stupid since he had introduced his protege to David since he had the plan to try to keep the symbol of peace up longer through an invention that he would have had to steal back from the Island that he created. However, since All might had talked to David about Izuku roughly at the start of the semester, David never made the foolish decision that he would have made. 

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