Chapter 11: First Day!

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya went to sleep that Sunday night with anxiety even though his mother and All Might reassured him that it would be fine. Yea... the first day of UA was meant to be fine as well but it went south quite quickly in Izuku's honest opinion now didn't it? Anyway, the next morning came quickly and Izuku was lucky enough that he was already tired from the day's activities that his body ended up going to sleep even though he knew it was unlikely for him. He woke up and look at the alarm clock. 'I have about an hour before classes start. I'm amazed I got about 7 hours of sleep which surprises me.' Izuku thought as he got up and got dressed in the Shiketsu High School Uniform. 

Overall Izuku was surprised the hat even fit onto his hair without it coming off

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Overall Izuku was surprised the hat even fit onto his hair without it coming off. Soon he moved into the living room of the dorm and saw his roommate Yoarashi making breakfast. "Good morning Yoarashi, when did you get up?" Izuku asked him and he looked at the clock. "Oh, about 30 minutes ago. I like to be up at least an hour and a half before I have to go anywhere most of the time if it's possible. I've cooked us some breakfast and you can also call me Inasa by the way since we will be spending a large amount of time together." Inasa stated and Izuku nodded his head and thanked him for the food as he sat down at the counter since there were chairs at it. "Thanks, and you can call me Izuku if you want, Inasa," Izuku stated and Inasa nodded his head as he sat down and ate with Izuku.

"So Inasa, what pushed you to come to Shiketsu instead of another hero school?" Izuku asked wanting to know his roommate more. Inasa looked at Izuku and sighed a bit which confused Izuku. "I actually was going to UA on recommendation but I decided to come here instead. The son of the number two hero was going to UA and I didn't like him. He feels like everything is wrong with heroes and all I saw in his eyes was anger and hatred. It wasn't something I believe heroes should have and I wanted to come to Shiketsu instead if that was the type of students going to UA." Inasa stated and Izuku realized that Inasa was somewhat right. UA did accept Bakugo even though Izuku was sure his entire being is completely opposite of his student file in regards to behavior. 

"I see... we might have ended up as classmates at UA for the short time I was a student there," Izuku stated and Inasa looked confused and Izuku realized he let the cat out of the bag on the issue. "Um... so do you know that UA teachers or rather a 1-A teacher do a quirk apprehension test on the first day of class at UA?" Izuku asked and Inasa shook his head not knowing that. "Well, they do... the last place individual gets expelled and sadly I only have had my quirk for two months before UA started. I received my quirk late in my life so the first time I used was during the UA entrance exam. I had planned to gain control of my quirk during school in a controlled environment but that backfired as I was expelled since the teacher deemed me with zero potential. Ironically... it only took me three days to get a grasp on my quirk under a very decent teacher that now teaches here at Shiketsu starting this year." Izuku stated and Inasa was shocked with what he learned and he started to put the dots together. 'So that is what he meant by people being aggressive towards him!' Inasa thought since he knew some of the numbers regarding quirkless people.

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