Chapter 46: Media & Aftermath

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3rd POV:

Izuku and All Might were still standing at the destruction site answering questions that ranged from many topics. All Might did announce his retirement though with all the reporters present. "As I am sure many are wondering, I am indeed retiring as I can no longer keep performing heroic duties. However, Might Tower will not be stoping operations as I will be handing functional control to a close friend of mine that will keep the building operating. This is to allow my protege Halo here to keep working out of Might Tower for his work-studies as he has been under the other Pro Hero Gran Torino who was a mentor to me during my younger days. Once Halo obtains his full hero license in the future then he will take over all operations of Might Agency as I trust him to look after Japan in my absence." All Might declared and everyone was stunned at hearing the declaration. They were losing the Symbol of Peace but they knew they were gaining a new symbol as well that was in a growing phase so everyone didn't lose hope.

One reporter did ask why Halo didn't attend UA since All Might taught at the school and Izuku just looked at All Might to see if they wanted to even answer that question since it was a loaded one without the reporters even knowing. All Might sighed and spoke up. "In truth... my protege did attend UA for a brief moment but circumstance forced our hands and my Protege soon attended Shiketsu High School instead due to an incident at UA where we felt it was better if he didn't attend the school. At this time we will not be discussing the matter any further and will leave it up to the discretion of Principal Nezu if he wishes to reveal the incident or not." All Might said and that just caused them all to want to know what happened to force All Might's protege out of UA. 

Soon the questions came to an end as Izuku and All Might were transported together to the hospital to get their wounds checked out since they did have some. Izuku called his mother and informed her which hospital they were being taken to so she could come to see them. Now, while this all happened there were quite a few interesting reactions that came out of that Interview. One belonged to Bakugo Katsuki who was currently fuming! He was pissed that the useless Deku had saved him once again but he was furious that somehow the quirkless Deku or formerly quirkless Deku had lied to him about his quirk all of these years and somehow came under All Might and obtained his Provisional License before him! His classmates were trying to get him to calm down but he wasn't because he was downright pissed. It got to the point that the police officers with him had to put quirk-canceling cuffs on him since he kept setting his quirk off in his rage. 'DAMN DEKU! I WILL SHOW YOU YOUR PLACE!' Bakugo was thinking as he sat there in his rage.

While he was raging, in a certain school called UA, an evil laugh was going off at the facial expression of someone in the room. The laugh belonged to Principal Nezu and he was laughing at Eraserhead who looked paled and dumbfounded. "So, do you understand where you screwed up?" Nezu asked with a dark tone and Eraserhead nodded a bit. "I expelled All Might's protege which pissed you and All Might off," Eraserhead said and Nezu sighed. "Wrong! Indeed you expelled him and that pissed us off but that isn't an issue! Well, it is but not the one you are in trouble for! It was the fact that either you were a lazy teacher or a quirkest teacher. Both excuses you have are bad! Do you know why you are either of those things?" Nezu asked as he pulled a file out of his desk. Eraserhead was stunned and shook his head not understanding but Nezu gave him a folder. 

He looked at it and it was Izuku's Midoriya folder that he had put to be placed in the archives since he wasn't his student anymore. Nezu told him to open it and read the quirk information and he did and he froze! "How... what!?" Eraserhead spoke up and Nezu nodded his head. Vlad King looked at it and was stunned and started to understand what Nezu was talking about and knew his coworker screwed up. "You expelled a student in your quirk apprehension test who didn't have any training with his quirk since it had only awakened the day of the entrance exam. He wanted to wait to train it under UA's help since it was destructive to his body as seen in the exam and could harm others if he wasn't careful. I'm quite amazed that he went from destroying a limb to a single finger but that sadly wasn't enough for you with it only being his second time using his quirk." Nezu said and Eraserhead said he didn't know and Nezu said that was the problem right there. "You should have known since you had the file the entire time yet you didn't check it nor asked him why he didn't have control. Instead, you held quirkest beliefs that he was a child with a strong quirk that skated through his life but that was wrong. Instead, he was the former quirkless kid struggling with a brand new quirk who needed a teacher to help him train but when he thought he would have a teacher that would connect with him... he got turned away and treated the same way that he did by all of his past teachers who helped abuse him as they allowed Bakugo Katsuki to harm Izuku Midoriya. The reason I was pissed with you about Bakugo is that the kid is more or less a villain with all of the crimes he committed but we were trying to figure out a way to deal with him but the League complicated matters since they were targeting the class due to the U.S.J. So tell me Eraserhead, still think Bakugo Katsuki is fit to be a hero knowing he is an abuser who has suicided baited Izuku Midoriya, and has left scars across the boy's body for 10 years?" Nezu asked with a venomous tone as he was finally letting his anger out about the entire situation. Eraserhead was silent as he didn't know any of this and had said he believed in his student to become a hero but knowing all of this he couldn't say that was true anymore. 

"Now I think you see the issues and trouble you have caused UA? Your test at the start of the year needs to be changed since it's biased... I admit I allowed you to operate as you saw fit for quite a long time but I will need to be stoping that now. We lost the future number one Pro Hero, to Shiketsu High School, lost all the money we would have gained with him being alumni, lost him as a skilled student, his mind was amazing as well, then we got the issues with how you didn't take stricter punishment against Bakugo when he attempted to assault a student and you expelled for less, then you didn't even mark it in his record either, and a whole bunch of other issues with those in your class you deemed with potential yet you expelled the person with the most potential of them all. Do you understand where you went wrong and how you have damaged UA's standing with others because what you have done is more or less an open secret with Shiketsu High School now since they were informed of everything that happened when you expelled Izuku Midoriya?" Nezu said as he just drove the knife further into Aizawa's back since Nezu was still pissed for losing Izuku. Izuku did some digital lessons with Nezu since they were so well together but it didn't make up for all of the time that Nezu could have had with Izuku if he was a student of UA.

Eraserhead nodded his head and asked if the Principal wanted his resignation and Nezu was silent but finally said no. "Overall, you are still an effective teacher and a hero but you need to work on your issues and with the bias, you have been carrying around against students that have stronger quirks due to your past. You judged Izuku Midoriya unfairly due to your bias and failed to look into why he didn't have control because you assumed he was just a spoiled child with a quirk he never trained. Do you understand?" Nezu asked him with a disappointed tone because he was quite frankly disappointed in his employee who he trusted so much to be able to handle almost anything Nezu needed. Aizawa nodded his head and said he understood and then Nezu dropped another bomb. "Good because you need to go deal with your students that decided to go cause an issue in the raid. Several of your students caused Halo to abandoned his capture of the League of Villans since they appeared during the fight and he had to ensure they escaped successfully which allowed the villains to escape so now we need to worry about the League still being out there due to their actions!" Nezu said in his cheerful tone that didn't sound cheerful at all and Eraserhead groaned as he smacked his head as he was really starting to dislike his students with all of the shit they were pulling. As such, he left to go deal with that situation.

While that was going on, All Might and Izuku were sitting in a hospital room with their wounds having been taken care of. Izuku had bandages across his head and over one eye since All For One had landed a blow to his head and made a cut that had been bleeding. Izuku's eye had suffered a bit of injury as well but it would fully recover by the time the bandages needed to come off. Izuku also had cut across part of his body that his outfit hid but they all got bandaged up and taken care of. All Might had the worst of the wounds and everything so he was a bit more covered and had one arm in a cast from doing the United States of Smash attack. They were all sitting in there when Inko Midoriya came into the room and glared at them which made them gulp. "Really... that was too close for comfort you two!" She said as she grabbed their ears. They both apologized and she sighed and hugged them both and thanked them both for coming home alive which caused them to smile.

Soon they got to talking and Izuku brought up a topic that he knew needed to be brought up. "So... what about Bakugo since he is going be super pissed and try something since he now found out about me being Halo who has saved him and is also your protege dad?" Izuku said and All Might nodded his head in understanding. "I think we can use this event to force him into therapy and anger management maybe. We can also threaten to expel him or remove him from the hero course if he doesn't agree to it. If he tries anything like attacking you then it would be worst for him since your a provisional hero." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head. Soon they just relaxed because this would be some of the only peace they would be having for a while as the future would be filled with chaos. 

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