Chapter 47: Halo & Eraserhead!

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3rd POV:

Several days passed and the cleanup of the battle in Kaimino Ward was still going on. Izuku had informed his school and class that he was going to stay down at his home for a while longer and likely return closer to the start of the semester since he wanted to spend time with his mother and All Might before he returned to jump into training. They agreed since even Shiketsu High School was dealing with some of the fallout as reporters were outside of their school trying to gain any information on Halo about his time at the school but they were kept out due to the new defenses that the school had built. Nezu had asked All Might, Izuku, and Gran Torino to come to the school for a meeting about some matters which they agreed to.

As such, they all rolled out of bed at the Midoriya home and got ready for their day. Izuku though was standing at his doorway looking at All Might who just came out of his mother's room. "Let's not talk about this?" Izuku asked and All Might nodded his head and they both just walked away to the kitchen and started eating breakfast. Soon Inko Midoriya and enjoyed her breakfast as well and Gran Torino was just laughing at the facial expression Izuku had on earlier due to seeing All Might come out of his Inko's room. 

Izuku though ignored the man and asked if anyone knew why Nezu wanted to meet. "I don't know... maybe handling any matters that are leftover from the battle most likely. I don't know anything outside of that he would walk to talk about." All Might said and Gran Torino shrugged as well. As such, they headed towards UA High School without knowing the details of why they were going there. Soon they arrived outside of the school and Izuku was not wearing his hero outfit though he did have his support bracelet on with him in the event he needed to get geared up quickly. They moved past the reporters that were trying to ask them questions and they only responded that they were at the school for a meeting with Principal Nezu about the recent battle and follow up to the events that happened. 

As they were walking through the halls of the school Izuku saw a few staff moving about but soon they arrived at Principal Nezu's office. "Hello everyone! Thanks for coming!" Nezu said as they entered his office. They all greeted the Principal and took the tea he offered and sat down. Izuku decided to ask why they were there and Nezu sighed. "To talk about many things but one I wanted to inform you that I did have a talk with Eraserhead who has expressed that he wanted to apologize to you Izuku. I will leave it up to you if you want to talk to him or not. Outside of that, we need to decide if we want to pursue the students that caused you to let the League go during the battle since you could charge them with interfering with Pro Hero work." Nezu said and Izuku shook his head and said to just have them punished at UA. It was not right to charge them with a crime when Bakugo was able to stay at this school with everything he has done. Nezu nodded his head and then looked at All Might and spoke about asking him to help the homeroom teachers convince the first years to allow their students to move into the dorms that they were building. 

All Might agreed and then there was also the conversation point about Bakugo. "When you go to the Bakugo's house... I will be joining you and Eraserhead as we will be talking about all of his crimes. In all honestly, I just want to arrest him and be done with it but we will go with the original plan of just having his record marked with all of the crimes he's done. But he will be on a tight leash moving forward as well since he can't be allowed to keep doing what he is doing." Nezu said and they all nodded their heads. Soon they moved onto other topics such as the aftermath and devastation of the fight and how the cleanup was going. So far they were still pulling bodies out of the rubble but they were nearly done though and hopefully they would have a final death count from the fight. 

After a while, Nezu decided to test his luck and asked if Izuku would consider rejoining UA if he was offered a spot and Izuku just shook his head. "I have an entire family more or less at Shiketsu High School now that I love spending time with. Also, they don't go breaking the law like every other week as it seems UA 1-A class enjoys doing." Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head and said he had to try his luck. Soon though Izuku agreed to meet Eraserhead since he didn't want the entire conversation to be sticking around forever. As such, Nezu called Eraserhead to his office where Eraserhead found Izuku Midoriya, All Might, and Gran Torino in the room waiting for him. 

"Halo." Eraserhead greeted as he bowed his head and started to apologize. "I need to offer my apologies for failing you as a teacher and a Pro Hero. I had always waited to look at my student's profiles to not be biased on what past teachers wrote but that seems to have backfired on me since I never read your profile which would have shown me that you had your quirk for only a short period of time before the first day of UA. As such, I ended up damaging your trust in teachers even more and even damaging your trust in heroes when I didn't push Bakugo Katsuki enough when he decided to try and attack you that day. I hope one day you will be able to forgive me and be able to trust me even if it's only as a co-worker as heroes." Eraserhead said as he bowed his head. Izuku sat there in silence before he sighed and told Eraserhead to raise his head. "I will be honest with you, I won't forgive you as a teacher in all honesty. I thought you were going to be different since you were a Pro Hero but I guess I was wrong. I will learn to trust you as a co-worker as heroes and see where we go from there Eraserhead since I don't hate you. No... You didn't do much against me compared to everyone else in my life so your on the bottom of the scale of pain that people have caused me in all honestly. It also drove me to Shiketsu High School which honestly I think is better than UA even though they don't have the same amount of facilities or other things but we definitely have things that bound us together and make us stronger. So I also owe you thanks for kicking me out so again. I don't exactly forgive you but I will trust you as a pro-hero above everything else." Izuku said as he shrugged his shoulders and drank some of his tea. Eraserhead nodded his head and Nezu dismissed Eraserhead and reminded him that he has a class to attend to. 

Izuku looked confused since it was still summer break even though it was close to ending. "Ah, due to his quirkest actions, I've enrolled him in a class about discrimination to help him be better. I've also made him suffer a pay cut that will be paid to one of All Might's quirkless charities. There some other things like him not being able to expel anymore without my strict approval but I don't want to fire him since he is still a decent teacher outside of this event and I think he can fix his errors." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head. Soon the meeting came to an end and they all decided it was time to go home since All Might would need to accompany the homeroom teachers next week to all of the homes so he better start enjoying the small break he has before he has to get back to work.

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