Chapter 41: UA Summer Training Camp

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3rd POV:

While the summer training camp at Shiketsu High School had recently kicked, UA High School's first day of their summer camp would also be starting. However, not everyone is 100% thrilled since several people failed their exams which resulted in them learning that they will have to take remedial classes during the summer camp on top of all of the training that will be going on as well which sucked for them. None of the staff or students were told of the campus location and the staff only learned of it on the day of the camp trip since Nezu had taken care of all arrangements. As such, Nezu thereby limited the possibility of the mole being the students or the two staff people that would be going from UA. 

Nezu truly hoped none of his staff or students were betraying the school and kind of hoped that the League was just using the Warp user to spy on the school movements and steal anything they needed information-wise otherwise it would be a huge stain on UA's history to have a mole in their ranks. Nezu already knew one student from 1-A was cleared due to the mall incident as the detective under Izuku's direction was able to question the student and clear them as such Hitoshi Shinso was cleared of any involvement with the League of Villains. That just left 39 other students in the first-year hero class and all of the teachers!

Anyway, back with the students of UA as they arrived at the camp location or they thought they did as they stopped on the side of the road. As they all got out and stretched, another car came and parked next to their bus. They all looked at it and saw it was the Wild, Wild Pussycats! Eraserhead told them that they would be helping in their training and right after he said that one of them collapsed part of the cliff and the students went falling down into the forest where they were met with beasts made of dirt that they were forced to fight to make it back to the camp. If they didn't make it back in a few hours then they would need to make their own food and sadly for them they never made it back in time and had to make their own food.

As such, you could find them all working on creating themselves dinner. Surprisingly even Bakugo was helping as he would call all of them shitty cooks as a few of them just destroyed whatever they were making so he decided he didn't want to starve to death and forced them to just let him cook. As all of this was going on, Kota the nephew of the Pussycats was glaring at the hero students but not for the reason you would think! No, he got rid of his hatred for heroes instead he just didn't like 1-A's teacher and 1-A! Though his guardians didn't know that he no longer hated heroes since they didn't know he has had several encounters with the Provisional Hero Halo! 

Izuku had told Kota about his life before he obtained a quirk and what he aimed to do as a hero and Kota ended up bonding with Izuku over it. Kota had gotten lost from his guardians one day when they had taken him with them on a research case but he had run into Izuku who was out on his patrol. Izuku believing it was a hero's job to even help little children who are just down decided to stop and spend time with Kota. They talked for quite a while and Izuku ended up agreeing with Kota that he had the right to be angry at everyone who said he should be proud of his parents dying for what they did. It was okay for him to be proud that they were heroes and did their jobs but to be proud that they are dead because they died while in the line of duty wasn't something people should have told Kota or anyone. As such, they bonded and after a while, they started to hear Kota's name being called as his guardians were looking around for him. Izuku gave Kota his cell phone number and told him to call or text if he wanted to talk and they have been in contact for a while now which has helped Kota grow out of his hatred for heroes but he did know about Bakugo Katsuki and Eraserhead and what they have done to his favorite hero. 

As such, far as his guardians knew, he still hated heroes but that wasn't actually true anymore. Anyway, outside of Kota glaring of the heroes, the students of 1-A all ended up in the hot springs to relax since the following days would be filled with hard training of their quirks though if Izuku was there he would honestly laugh since what they all considered harsh wouldn't even reach the level of harshness that a light day would be like with Gran Torino in Izuku's book. Gran Torino came from a time that was more brutal in their training and was more brutal in battles against villains and it was exactly what Izuku and his class wanted because they knew the war was coming and they didn't want to be treated with kid gloves in training. 

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