Chapter 42: Camp Aftermath & Plea

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3rd POV:

It has been several hours since the training camp of UA had been attacked and the incident was completely spread across the news. The students of the Shiketsu High School of 1-A were sitting in their dorm common rooms as Izuku was watching the TV. He sighed as he watched it and spoke. "Everyone, the war has started... this will result in a battle between my master and the hidden leader of the League of Villains and how the battle ends will decide the overall time limit before the entire situation erupts to complete chaos," Izuku stated as he watched the news and they asked what was All Might's odds of winning the battle since Izuku has given them some hints that the leader hidden in the shadows behind the League of Villains was very powerful. Izuku looked around the room and thought about it and he honestly didn't know if his master... his father would walk away from it alive. None of them liked how long he was silent and it spoke volumes without even a sound being made.

"To be honest... it's too close to call on who will win or not win. That is how problematic this entire situation is... if All Might dies and the man lives then Japan will directly enter a state of chaos. If he is defeated and All Might walks away then we will have a bit longer time but the chaos will start slowly growing before exploding since I believe this will be my master's final fight. All Might likely won't be able to continue as a Pro Hero anymore after this final fight." Izuku stated preparing his classmates for the coming battle and they all paled a bit in understanding. They all nodded their head and Izuku left soon to call his father and ask him something. As Izuku sat in his dorm room and made the call he was just sitting there watching the news on his TV.

"Hello, Son. I can assume why you are calling." All Might said and Izuku said he likely did know why but still he wanted to ask. "Dad... please let me fight by your side... I don't want to watch on the sidelines as you fight him... if it turns on us then Gran Torino can force me to retreat. Please... don't make me stand on the side and watch your possible death." Izuku begged and the line was silent. Izuku sat there and waited for his father to say something but he didn't for a while. It felt agonizing to sit there in silence but soon All Might spoke up.

"Get Gran Torino's approval and your mother's. If they both approve then you can come but the moment Gran Torino thinks you need to leave then he is taking you and leaving. Do you understand?" All Might said in a tense tone and Izuku nodded his head. After the call ended, Izuku headed down to find Gran Torino who was located in the common room area. Gran Torino looked at Izuku whose eyes were a bit puffy and asked what was wrong. Izuku looked at him and spoke and Gran Torino had a look of shock. "All Might said I need your and mom's approval. If you two approve then he will let me join him in the fight." Izuku stated and you could see how wide Gran Torino's eyes were wide. The old man was stunned in silence before he soon came out of his shock and looked at Izuku's in the eyes. "You do realize you're asking to go to your potential death? You only have 50% of your quirk under control right now... only halfway to 100%. Why should I give you permission to go fight the demon at your current state?" Gran Torino asked because if Izuku had a weak reason then it wasn't going to happen even if Izuku hated Gran Torino for the rest of his life. Gran Torino wasn't going to let Izuku go to an early grave easily.

Everyone in the room was shocked at Izuku's request and looked at the encounter before them. "Because adding my 50% on top of All Might's powers could make the smallest difference that might change the entire battle. I agreed with All Might's demand that if you ever thought the battle turned too far south then you would remove me from the fight. I don't want to stand on the sidelines and watch his possible death, not when even the tiniest ounce of my strength could tip the battle in our favor." Izuku stated as his eyes were filled with determination. Gran Torino sighed and walked up to Izuku and told him that they better go call his mother and get her approval for this. Inasa wanted to go as well since he had his provisional license but Gran Torino shot it down. "Sorry kid but I am already going to have my hands filled with this brat in the middle of the battle. The man we are going against... your quirk will be ill-suited to go against him since he could easily flick away with just his hand. That is how fearsome  he is going to be and it's a huge ass risk to even take Izuku on the battlefield since the man will try to kill him if given the chance since he is still a bit weaker than I would hope when I thought this day would happen." Gran Torino stated and Inasa gritted his teeth and Izuku thanked him for the thoughts of coming. Inasa sat down and nodded his head as Gran Torino said that even if he wanted to approve it, it was doubtful his work-study sponsor would likely approve it since he works under them and had the power to stop it and Inasa knew they were right.

Soon, Izuku and Gran Torino were up in Izuku's dorm room calling Inko Midoriya. "Hello sweetie... I saw the news... the battle is going to happen soon isn't it?" She asked right out of the gate. "Yea... that is actually why I called you mom..." Izuku said and she asked what was wrong. "Mom... I asked All Might to let me join him in the battle to help try to turn the odds of us winning. He's approved of it but only if Gran Torino and you both approve. Gran Torino has given his approval and it all comes with me agreeing to leave when Gran Torino attempts to pull me off the battlefield if he thinks the situation turns into one we can't win." Izuku said and Inko Midoriya was silent but then you could hear her crying. Izuku asked her if she was alright and she responded with no because her son was asking to go to his potential death. "Sorry mother... I know this is cruel of me... I just can't watch dad possibly die when I know I might have the slightest chance of changing the battle for the better." Izuku said and she knew it was true as well. "I know sweetie... I know. I don't like that you are going but I know this is the path you choose. Just promise me you will leave if it looks like you have no chance of winning. If you survive then a day will come when you can beat him but if you die now then that day will never come." Inko said as she held so many tears back on the other side of the phone as she sat on her couch and watched the news talking about the camp attack. She didn't wish ill will on anyone but she found it ironic that Bakugo got captured by the villain organization for what people are assuming to recruit him. The irony of it all is so funny to her for what he has done and no one really knows about it. 

Soon the conversation came to an end and it was agreed that Izuku would be joining the raid team with All Might. Izuku said he would be heading down towards UA in the coming hours with Gran Torino once he did a few things at the school. Inko told him to be safe as possible and to trust Gran Torino to know when it's time to leave if the situation is unwinnable anymore and Izuku agreed. As such, Izuku got to work as he grabbed his outfit and some clothing for a few days since he wouldn't be returning to Shiketsu at least for a few days since the Raid wouldn't happen likely until the next night or the day after since they would need to do some scouting before they attacked and plan things out. 

Izuku had asked Inasa to come to the dorm and when he was in there Izuku presented something to him. Even Gran Torino was shocked but understood since what they were doing was risky. "Inasa, from what I understand of One For All. I don't need to be physically present to give One For All away. I've stored some Hair in this baggy in the event I am on death's door. I am sure the raid will be televised so if you see me on death's door or just got killed them consume the hair and become the 10th user of One For All, please. I trust you since you know everything about the quirk and you are my best friend." Izuku stated and Inasa was stunned but gritted his teeth and agreed. Before Izuku left, Inasa called out to him. "Izuku... you better not die because I refuse to take your quirk... I will hold hatred for you if you dare die this early in life because we promised each other we would become heroes together so you better not break that promise and force this on me!" Inasa said with a determined tone and Izuku smiled at his best friend and said he wouldn't be rid of him that easy! Soon, Izuku walked out the door with Gran Torino and they informed the Principal of him joining All Might before they left the campus. 

Soon, Gran Torino and Izuku were both on the train heading towards UA as All Might would be there. Izuku was already wearing his outfit since not a lot of people were outside at that time of night or in their homes watching the news about the recent attack. Now, while they were doing this and thinking of what was going to come, some students of UA were making a crazy plan to save their classmate Bakugo Katsuki. The main individuals leading the rescue attempt were Krihsimia who was convincing people to join it and he had successfully gotten Todoroki, Iida, and Yoayorozu to join in the attempt to go save Bakugo. Iida and Yoayorozu were going because they didn't want the others to commit a crime and get in trouble and Todoroki was going for unknown reasons in all honestly as it was as if he was going with the flow and was doing it to rebel against his father since it would surely piss the man off. 

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