Chapter 57: Raid Meeting & Talk With Sir Nighteye

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3rd POV:

Izuku avoided LeMillion and all of the UA students after that event and just spent his time increasing his power output and working on his ability to dodge fast attacks or bullets because he wanted to save the girl known as Eri as she had already been failed by the heroes once when they could have saved her from all of the pain she suffered after the first meeting but they choose not to. As such, he wasn't going to let it keep going on when he had the power to stop it. Izuku did call his classmates back at Shiketsu several times to help him keep his mind off of his past memories since the incident with LeMillion but sadly the day of the raid meeting had arrived. At this meeting, they would be going over the final details and plans for the raid that would happen within a day or two after the meeting. As such, Izuku had to meet the UA students that were on the case but also meet Sir Nighteye.

That is how Izuku found himself walking up towards Sir Nighteyes office and into it while wearing his hero outfit. Gran Torino told Izuku to try to keep his emotions in check and that he only needed to hold himself back until the mission was done then he didn't care what he did or said but Gran Torino did tell Izuku that if Sir Nighteye tried to push the One For All issue then he was clear to say whatever he wanted to say. As they walked in they were greeted by Sir Nighteyes sidekicks that worked at the agency and they asked what they could help with. "We are here for the raid meeting that is scheduled to start soon," Izuku said and Bubblegum said the meeting didn't actually start for another hour so he was a bit early but he would show him to the meeting room anyway.

It was at that moment that both Gran Torino and Izuku knew that Sir Nighteye gave them the wrong time on purpose and realized that Sir Nighteye likely wanted a private conversation to happen before the meeting. Soon they were lead into the meeting room and found Sir Nighteye and LeMillion in there working on paperwork. Both of them looked up and LeMillion face twisted a bit with different emotions while Sir Nighteye had a more neutral look but you could say it was a bit of a pointed look towards Izuku. "I see we were given a meeting time that was an entire hour ahead of the actual meeting, may I ask why?" Izuku asked playing dumb on why since he had a good guess. Sir Nighteye looked at Izuku and asked them to sit down. "Indeed, I wanted to talk to you Midoriya before the others arrived. Mirio, could you give us the room for a bit." Sir Nighteye asked LeMillion who nodded his head and left the room. After a few seconds, Sir Nighteye spoke up and said "So you are the one he chooses..." Sir said and Izuku rolled his eyes. "If you really brought us here an entire hour ahead of time to just say that then we will be leaving until closer to the time of the actual meeting," Izuku said in a monotone voice and Sir didn't seem to like how Izuku was talking to him. "I don't believe you are worthy of One For All.... I do admit you did quite well at the battle helping All Might somewhat but you have already been expelled from UA and you seem to lack patience when it comes to things that are needed for a good hero while Mirio can live up to the legacy of All Might as such I reject you in regards to being the 9th user and want you to hand One For All over to LeMillion since someone like you should never have gotten One For All." Sir Nighteye said and Izuku stood up and walked over to Sir Nighteye and leaned down a bit to him and spoke.

"Sir Nighteye, what makes you think your qualified to judge me as the 9th user? You have zero rights when the past users believe I am the best user that One For All has ever had which included All Might in that sentence when they told me that. So what do your lousy views mean to me? Nothing! You don't measure up to All Might's views of me nor the views of any of the past holders of One For All. You had no right going out and finding a possible user for One For All at all and training them to become the next user. It was never your place nor were you asked to do as such so your opinions mean jack shit. Also, patience? Really... is that the same patience that left Eri in the hands of Overhaul when LeMillion had the ability to save her and legally should have which means if someone really wanted to push the issue he could get suspended from his Provisional License since he was legally required to save her by law. So please, answer me Sir Nighteye, how you think LeMillion could measure up to be the 9th user of One For All when he couldn't even save a little girl when he had the full capability of doing so but choose not to. That isn't an action that a One For All user should make if they have the power to save an innocent life and has the capability to do so because don't say for the greater good because the greater good can go fuck itself for all I care or for all what One For All cares because they agree with me that the girl should have been saved if the person had the ability to do so." Izuku said as he remembered his trip back into One For All over the past few days. Nana Shimura and the first user had pulled Izuku into the quirk and tried to help him calm down since they could feel his rage in regards to the fact that heroes abandoned Eri when LeMillion had the full ability to save her. It made him so mad because of what everyone did to him in the past and he thought he was over it by now but Eri's case probed otherwise. 

They spoke to him and agreed with most of his viewpoints and said he could have gone about it in a better way but the overall message was correct. This made Izuku greatly happy that the users supported his viewpoint since he knew he was going to have to deal with Sir Nighteye when the meeting happened and he predicted a conversation about the quirk would happen. Now back to Sir Nighteye whose eyes widened at the information dumped on him. "What do you mean the past users agree with you?" He asked and Izuku backed away to his seat and sat down as he chuckled. "Ah, I forgot you were kept out of the loop in regards to me so you wouldn't know about the changes to One For All. Yea, the quirk keeps echo's of the past users alive inside of the quirk. I've been taken into the quirk quite a few times and spoke with them and they agreed with my viewpoints of LeMillion and how you have zero right to judge me as the 9th user. I also have started receiving the quirks of the past users, for example, I have the 7th user's quirk Float." Izuku said as he started to float without turning One For All on and Sir Nighteye's eyes widen even more even though Izuku thought it was impossible. The hero was stumped and at a loss for words.

Soon a knock on the door came and LeMillion poked his head in and saw Sir who looked in a state of shock which made him not notice LeMillion coming in. Izuku and Gran though noticed him poke in though. "Why hello LeMillion, need something? I think Sir Nighteye needs a moment from earth-shattering realizations that he can't control everything and his viewpoints aren't the end all be all." Izuku said and LeMillion was dumbfounded but spoke after a few seconds. He told them that the others for the raid team have started to show up and he wanted to know if they could start bringing them up and Izuku just said it was fine and that Sir Nighteye would come out of his shock soon enough. LeMillion didn't really know but nodded his head after Gran Torino said it was fine and soon the room started to fill up with other heroes as Izuku's conversation with Sir Nighteye had somehow taken 25 minutes which him realizing it. 

Sir Nighteye had come out of his shock and started to get everything ready for the meeting. He also kept glancing at Izuku every once in a while and Izuku just kept a smile on his face as he kind of enjoyed the fact the man was now uncomfortable with him. 'That should think you for looking down on me!' Izuku thought with a smile on his face and Gran Torino just rolled his eyes since he had a guess that Izuku enjoyed making Sir NIghteye uncomfortable which he couldn't blame him either. Izuku noticed Kirshimia, Uraraka, and Asui were in the meeting from class 1-A with the big 3 all being present as well. Some heroes saw Izuku and Gran Torino and wondered why they were there and one hero aka Rock Lock asked Sir Nighteye why there were two new people on the case.

"I believed we would need their help in this case as Gran Torino has years on all of us with his experience and Halo is a large heavy hitter that can provide us firepower against Overhaul and his men. The reason they were not at the previous meeting is that I sent the request for them to join they were out on a mission for the police where they captured the League of Villains member Kurogiri which had dealt a large blow to the League's operations." Sir Nighteye said and everyone in the room turned to Gran Torino and Halo who were both not making eye contact with anyone as they both had their eyes closed as they weren't needed at the moment. One hero made a comment that the League wouldn't be a threat anymore and that earned a laugh out of Izuku which made them all look at him in confusion. "The League's a bigger threat even without Kurogiri being captured. We discovered they had more members than we knew about one had enough strength to bring a battle with me to a standstill until I removed the guy's left eye. The damage caused by our fight has been calculated and the area of destruction is 3.5x the destruction zone from All Might's fight in Kamino Ward. Just note, the Giant of a monster is still out there since he retreated after I destroyed his left eye and he escaped via going underground. So yea... the League is even a bigger threat than anyone believed them to be so just because they don't have Kurogiri doesn't mean they are done. It's far from over with them and our future will be filled with them... that I am sure of but we are not here to talk about them so let's move onto what we are here for." Izuku said and everyone in the room was pale. Even Sir Nighteye who didn't get the full details from the hero commission was pale at what he heard... the destruction from Halo's and the League member caused more damage than All Might's fight!?

Soon they started to talk about the raid they would be doing on the Shie Hassaikai and their objectives. They were aiming to stop the quirk bullets from being made, save Eri, and defeat Overhaul and his entire organization. Overall the plans were straight forward and people would be split into teams and expected to stay together as best as they could. 

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