Chapter 15: Dadmight!?

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3rd POV:

Everyone in the class was confused when the Principal himself walked into the classroom and asked Izuku to follow him about an emergency. Gran Torino tensed as well at the tone of the voice the Principal used and excused himself from the class and followed them. Everyone and their teacher of 1-A were confused about what happened. About 20 minutes later near the end of the class and before they would return to their dorms, Izuku walked back in and they all could see his eyes were red and that he had been crying. Gran Torino had always walked back in and seemed tensed as well which worried them all due to the hell teacher that pushed them hard in their training was 'tense' about anything.

Soon the class came to an end and they all walked back to the dorms with Izuku. None of them asked him any questions yet as he still seemed sad. As they entered the dorms, Izuku just collapsed onto the couch in the common area and Inasa walked over to him and asked him what was wrong. Izuku turned the TV on and a breaking news broadcast happened which alerted them that the UA hero school class 1-A and All Might had gotten attacked at the U.S.J. during their rescue training class. The class was shocked but still wondered how that had anything to do with Izuku. They all knew he went to UA before coming to their school but he shouldn't have made any meaningful connections to upset him to this level, did he?

Gran Torino came into the room and saw they were all worried about Izuku and Gran Torino knew Izuku couldn't really explain much without outing the fact that he was connected to All Might. As such, Gran Torino thought it over and called all of their attentions. "Brats, I'll explain the situation but let me get the principal and your homeroom teacher here first before I tell you anything okay?" Gran Torino stated and they all nodded their heads and Izuku looked up at him shocked. "Kid... you are going to screw up sooner or later and expose it or he will sooner or alter so we might as well tell them the truth now instead of them finding out later on and asking questions out in the open where it would be a problem for us." Gran Torino said as he pulled his phone and made a call and stepped outside.

He had called the Principal and their homeroom teacher to come to the dorms because he was going to tell the class about All Might being connected to Izuku and they should be there to help keep the students in line. Gran Torino also called All Might as well and waited for the phone to be picked up. "Sir? Is everything alright over there?" All Might asked worriedly. "It's fine but we have a small problem which I am going to fix but I wanted to warn you about it first. Izuku's class was worried about Izuku since they have all grown close to him even in the short time they have to know him. He can't tell them what is really wrong without outing your connection to him so I am telling them all and having the Principal and their homeroom teacher help me keep them quiet with the school's NDA which they signed when they joined the school since this would fall under it. I just wanted to warn you about how I am telling them that you're his father figure and he's your protege. I'm not telling them about your form though but that will come out one day in the future on its own so if you ever come here you need to be in your full form or claim to be his uncle or something in your skinny form. Understood?" Gran Torino asked All Might who was silent for a bit before answering that he understood and was okay with it happening. Gran Torino just snapped back that it didn't matter if he was okay with it or not and hanged up the phone. 

Soon, Gran Torino reentered with the Principal and homeroom teacher. "Okay, gather up and listen well!" Gran Torino stated and they all nodded their heads and looked at the teachers. "I'm am saying this right now. You open your mouths about what your about to hear then your done... you will be expelled from the school with no ifs, whats, or buts, about it. Do you understand? This falls under the Non-disclosure agreements that you and your parents signed when you joined this school. It's also your jobs as future heroes to know how to keep the information confidential when you are entrusted with it." Gran Torino stated and they all stated that they understood. Gran Torino then sighed and then brought attention to the attack on the U.S.J at UA.

"You are all worried about Izuku and wonder how the U.S.J. connects to his current state well... All Might was the target of the villain attack and Izuku Midoriya is All Might's protege and more or less adoptive son. That is why Izuku was crying because he was told about the attempt on All Might's life and I am saying this now... All Might is human. He can be killed and those villains did come close to it since they somehow had a bio-engineered weapon that was made with multiple quirks that we're able to fight All Might. It had a good chance of actually killing him which is why Izuku was crying since it was an actual close call on All Might's aka Izuku's father figure and mentor life." Gran Torino stated and they were all stunned in shock! They all looked at Izuku and then back at Gran Torino and then back at Izuku. The room was still in shock at what they learned.

"Again, I remind you that everything you learned or might learn about Izuku Midoriya and All Might is to be kept quiet as you are entrusted with a large secret. Do you all understand?" asked the Principal and they all nodded their heads. "Damn... that explains why you were sad. It also reminds us how fragile our system is because I honestly can't remember a time that the system wasn't supported by All Might..." Stated one student and they all realized how fragile their society really is since so many people relied on All Might. Gran Torino nodded his head. "You kids are smart... indeed. All Might is human and will die one day. He is old but not as old as I am and will need to retire from all the work he does. It's why he started to teach since his retirement is coming up quickly. Your generation will be handing the burden of his retirement and it will be rough." Gran Torino stated and they all widened their eyes a bit but the staff could see the eyes of determination that they all had and Izuku smiled at them all and thanked them for being worried about him.

Soon, Izuku was at the bottom of a dog pile as everyone jumped onto him. Though, they were surprised when he was able to keep standing with most of them on top of him! "Damn... how strong are you!?" Some asked and Izuku stated something about having to carry All Might on his back before and they all fell over in laugher at the mental image. This allowed the tension room to lighten up with laugher which made the staff happy and soon Izuku was laughing as well. Inasa raised up though and had a question. "Izuku... couldn't you have gotten All Might to ask the Principal of UA to undo your expulsion?" Inasa asked and Izuku nodded his head. "He wanted to and the Principal actually wanted to undo it without even being asked since he didn't want to lose me since my quirk is thought of being able to rival my dad's, again not biological, and it was how I met Gran Torino since he taught All Might himself. However, I didn't want to have my place secured by him and wanted to go to a different school since Eraserhead of 1-A class at UA couldn't be bothered to help me learn to control for my quirk which I only had for two months. It was in my file so he was in my view discriminating against me or was just a lazy teacher. I don't really care since I've been enjoying my time here at Shiketsu." Izuku stated and they all were happy he came as well. Soon the conversations switched to happier conversations as the Principal and the two teachers returned to the school building since the Principal wanted to start talking about upping the school's defenses to prepare for the future. 

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