Chapter 10: Dorms & Roommate!

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3rd POV:

A staff person that the principal had called for lead everyone over towards the dorms that Izuku would be staying at. There was a top floor where the homeroom teacher stays at which had a few extra rooms as well which the school uses for storage or emergencies. One of the spare rooms is where Gran Torino would be living since he will spend most of his time with Izuku's class but mostly Izuku. As such, Gran Torino would be living in the freshmen dorms on the same floor as the homeroom teacher for 1-A of Shiketsu High School.

Soon they arrived at the dorms and it was decently made. The staff person explained that the main common room area where everyone gathers is made in a cedar log and stone type build structure while the upper floors take a more neutral color scheme since they leave it up to the students to decorate their own living areas while the common room area is made to appeal to the masses. 

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Overall it was an amazing looking home area and Izuku could see how it would fit a decent number of students in the building since there are 20 students per hero course class

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Overall it was an amazing looking home area and Izuku could see how it would fit a decent number of students in the building since there are 20 students per hero course class. Izuku figured that easily two classes could fit into the common room space if they needed to. There was a dining room table that fit 10 people under the second-floor walkway while antoehr table was off to the side behind an opening near the kitchen. There was also more seating at the kitchen counter area. It was as if the building was duplicated on each side with two wings with the main living area in the middle as it was outwards. 

After looking around the common room area they soon went up to the main area where people would sleep and live at. The staff person warned Izuku that the dorms are made to house two people each. Each room has its own bedrooms with bathrooms attached that they are meant to clean themselves. They also have their own laundry units in their dorm rooms with a smaller kitchen to cook small quick meals and a smaller living room as well.

 They also have their own laundry units in their dorm rooms with a smaller kitchen to cook small quick meals and a smaller living room as well

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