Chapter 39: I-Island Pt. 2

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3rd POV:

Several days passed and it was now time for the main Expo event to happen. However, all was not as it seemed because villains had decided to invade I-Island and aimed for a device that their employer wanted them to get for him. Now you might ask how would these villains get into the Island if we already knew David Shields didn't go through with his plan of stealing the device! Well, unknown to David Shields, there was one more person who still was upset at their device being taken and that was his assistant Sams who had helped David create the device. Sams was pissed and wanted to earn money off of his device since he had dedicated so much time to build the device but the Island had decided to lock the device up and to never be revealed to the public. As such, without David even knowing, his assistant had betrayed him and had leaked important codes to the villain group so that they could sneak into the Island without being discovered. 

However, none of them would find this out until later on as right now they were all getting ready for the party to start. All Might had already arrived at the party but Izuku was waiting for Melissa to finish getting dressed as he was going to be her escort. All Might and Izuku were both wearing black suits but Izuku had a black mask around his entire face area that only revealed his eye area so that no one would see his face. When Melissa came out and saw it she rolled her eyes but knew why Izuku was doing it. As they made their way towards the hall where the dinner event would happen an alarm went off saying that there was a bomb in the building and that the defense setting was activated. 

Izuku asked Melissa if this was the normal operation for a bomb and she shook her head. They headed towards the event hall but saw something disturbing. There were people everywhere near the event hall with guns. As such, they retreated backward to think about what was going on and they came to the idea that villains somehow had taken control of I-Island. Izuku asked if there was any way to get a look into the event hall and she nodded her head and led him to an area where they could access but on their way they ran into the students of UA. Melissa told them to follow her and soon they looked inside of the event hall and saw All Might and all of the other heroes captured by the villains. There were quirk-resistance cuffs and All Might couldn't attempt to break free without a hostage being killed. Jiro pulled her headphones into the wall to hear what All Might was saying as the man was looking in their directions. 

She repeated what All Might stated, "UA students should be careful and are to follow any order given by Halo. Halo, I leave it to you." Jiro repeated and Halo nodded his head and All Might smiled a bit. Soon they all were back out in a hallway from the access point and Halo thought it over before going into a room and within a minute he walked out in his full hero outfit. They were all shocked he had his hero outfit on and wondered where it came from. "God, I am so glad we gave you that device..." Melissa said and Izuku just chuckled a bit and gave her a commlink as he made his mouth guard hide his voice and he spoke to her via it. He asked her if there was a way to take control of the system and she nodded her head. "If we want to take control of the system then we need to get to the top floor. Once there I can take the system back under our control and enable the weapons system to protect the Island." Melissa stated and Izuku nodded his head. Everyone was wondering why they couldn't hear his voice and Bakugo spoke up. 

"Oi, stupid Halo fucker! Why aren't you speaking up so we can hear you! If you don't start speaking up then I am just going to go off and do my own things and save the day instead of hiding here like a coward." Bakugo stated and Melissa and Halo just ignored him which pissed him off. However, he could do nothing as the rest of the class stopped him from doing anything which Izuku was glad about. Soon, Melissa and Izuku finished the plan and Melissa told them all about it so Izuku didn't need to speak to them all which would risk Bakugo recognizing his voice.

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