Chapter 14: U.S.J!?

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It was the second week of school for UA and the students of 1-A were heading towards the U.S.J. The class had gained a new member of the class who was called Hitoshi Shinso who had a brainwashing quirk. Hitoshi was bumped up to the hero course when Izuku Midoriya was expelled to the disapproval of All Might and Nezu though Hitoshi didn't know about their distaste in Izuku Midoriya being expelled nor did Aizawa-sensei. Eraserhead did have some issues lately though since Nezu had come down harsher on his decisions without telling the man why. Nezu had also announced that Aizawa was no longer allowed to tell people that they were expelled without talking to Nezu beforehand and the man didn't know why. Nezu stated that the school board was getting anxious at his expulsion rate and that he was just appeasing them for now and nothing really changed since Aizawa would have good reasons when he came to him for expulsion. Though, Aizawa didn't know it was done this way so Nezu could prevent future Izuku Midoriya's from being expelled and pushed away from UA when Nezu could have salvaged the situation if Aizawa had communicated it with him first! 

Video's of Izuku's training and first combat lesson made their way into Nezu's hands via the Principal of Shiketus who wanted to rub it in Nezu's face that he had lost such an amazing student. Nezu got annoyed enough that he had cracked his teacup on accident. Nezu was shocked at Izuku Midoriya's progress who had gone from zero control to having control in three days and then getting to 7% of One For All already while displaying excellent combat decisions and planning abilities. Losing the 9th user of One For All pissed Nezu off but losing Izuku Midoriya and his mind was what really annoyed Nezu since it's hard to find pure intelligence like Izuku Midoriya since most people as smart as Izuku are done via quirks. 

However, going back to the class of 1-A that was on the way to the U.S.J. All Might had joined them already on the bus since Inko made sure he got to work on time since she bugged him none stop of not stopping to stop crime since he needed to save his time limit as long as he could so he should stop helping in crimes that heroes are already handling. As such, All Might had made it on time for the U.S.J. and was riding the bus with them! This would change many things on this fateful day if Inko had not forced All Might to save his time and arrive on time to the school to join the trip.

The reason for this is moments after they entered the U.S.J. they were face to face with villains that had come to kill All Might. All Might was pissed that these villains dare threaten his life when he wants to live for his son as he promised to! He was also pissed that they dare drag the students of 1-A into the battle even though he didn't like a certain blond hair kid. Soon, All Might dispatched all of the minor villains that had shown up on the plaza and smirked. "Really? You wanted to kill me with these people, you better have come with far more than them." All Might stated and the villain leaders just smirked as they ordered their creature to go and attack All Might which slammed him into the staircase. "ERASERHEAD GET THE STUDENTS OUT OF HERE NOW!" All Might called out and the hero was already doing it as he went with the rescue hero thirteen to escort the students out. 

He was really glad he had decided to not jump down into the fight since the warp user had appeared and tried to stop them from leaving. The warp user had attempted to warp the students away but Eraserhead stopped him from warping them away which confused the warp user until he realized who Aizawa was. "Damnit... they 1-A teacher is Eraserhead... that complicates my part of the plan." The mist man stated as he ran away and got out of Eraserheads vision and warped back down to the plaza.

"Sorry sir but the 1-A teacher was able to stop me from warping them away. If I stayed up top then I would have been captured due to his quirk." the warp user said and the leader beside him scratched his neck in anger. "Damnit Kurogiri... if you weren't way out of here I would kill you!" stated the man. "My apologizes Tomura Shigaraki." Stated Kurogiri. Though everyone's attention fell back on All Might who was fighting the creature as the students had escaped the facility and Thirteen sent the student named Iida ahead to warn the school of the attack so they could get back up but the rest of the students were forced back on the bust as Thirteen drove away. Eraserhead after ensuring the students were gone ran back into the building. 

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