Chapter 52: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 2.

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3rd POV:

Izuku turned his head as he was called out by the students from UA's 1-A and looked at them. They all looked at him and Bakugo still looked constipated with his emotions. 'He really needs to get some damn help if having the facts of his life thrown in his face makes him like that.' Izuku thought. He motioned for them to speak since they were silent and he wasn't honestly going to start any of this conversation or whatever they wanted. UA's 1-A is honestly disappointing in Izuku's eyes since the class has members that have broken the laws multiple times and have gotten away from actual punishment that most people would get charged with. Soon, Kirshimia spoke up and asked him if he knew anything about what Izuku's classmates were talking about in regards to Bakugo. 

Izuku paused a bit at that question and just sighed though before he could speak, Inasa spoke up instead. "I can confirm for you that Bakugo is indeed an abuser that is only still in UA due to UA's current bad image. Anyway, shouldn't you all be getting to the exam since it's about to start and if you aren't signed in on time you will be declined your chance to take it?" Inasa said and all of them widen their eyes and got moving quickly. Izuku and Inasa chuckled and headed off as well and made their way to their class and reminded them to not get to focused on the UA students and put the focus on passing instead which they all nodded their heads at. After that, Izuku and Inasa made their way to the observation room where they found the second-year teacher watching as well. There were also teachers from other schools as well that had all arrived. 

Soon Eraserhead also arrived and sat down with all of the other people that accompanied the students from the hero schools. They all watched as all of the students were moved into the large gathering room and the hero commission official came on to the stage to start the exam. "Mera looks tired as ever now doesn't he Inasa?" Izuku joked as he remembered the man from their exam and Inasa agreed that the man looked as if he needed to sleep.

 "Mera looks tired as ever now doesn't he Inasa?" Izuku joked as he remembered the man from their exam and Inasa agreed that the man looked as if he needed to sleep

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"Good evening students that are here for the Provisional Licensing Exam," said Mera as he stood on the stage and talked. They explained that there were about  1,540 students in attendance for orientation. "This exam used to have a 50% passing rate for participants but due to recent events like Stain's arrest and All Might's retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10% of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might." Said Mera with an upbeat tone which was surprising for the sleep-deprived man. All of the staff in the observation deck were shocked when they heard this but Izuku nor Inasa were shocked. The staff noticed this and asked them if they knew. "It was only logical for something like this to happen. The hero society is corrupt right now and it's filled with people that only care about fame or money which has caused a large rise in villains. Take Endeavor for example, even though he's going to be the number one hero he is only getting that due to All Might's retirement and no one will honestly think of him like that when they think of a true hero. Endeavor is the personification of a corrupt hero in my views and he won't stay in the number one position for the long term once people from my class and age graduate. Now, there are those that cause issues at my age but hopefully, their schools can fix them before they graduate or they will get targeted by the changes in the society and will end up being dragged down quickly." Izuku said as he spoke and Eraserhead knew some of those words were pointed at him and UA's 1-A class with all of the stuff his class has pulled over the summer and past semester. Everyone nodded their heads and was silent as they watched the exam start. Soon the walls fell down just like it happened in Izuku's exam and they found themselves in the same setup for the stadium as Izuku and Inasa did.

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