Chapter 45: Fighting of Titans!

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3rd POV: 

Izuku stood there in shock at what he was seeing. 'WHY THE HELL ARE THEY... OH NO, THEY DIDN'T!' Izuku thought as he realized Momo Yaoyorozu had the ability to make the tracker once again to find this location. This meant that the students of 1-A had come to save Bakugo Katsuki and that thought annoyed him for multiple reasons. One, why the hell would they come to a place where they knew was going to be turned into a battle when they don't have provisional licenses. Two, they really came to save Bakugo of all people? Lastly three,  they were risking their lives and all of the heroes by being there since they now needed to be protected and escorted off-site! Izuku knew Shigaraki saw them as the man had a huge grin on his face and spoke. "You can either fight me and my members kill them or save them and let us go, your choice?" Shigaraki asked and Izuku looked at the man and spoke. "Our fight gets delayed one more time it seems Shigaraki... no matter, the fight between the Titans happened no matter what. We are fated to clash so until next time Shigaraki!" Izuku said as he bounced away and headed towards the students while Shigaraki and his members left via the portal. 

The students who were hiding behind the portal were stunned in fear at seeing a villain capable of handling All Might. They were also stunned when Bakugo had gotten rescued so easily and realized they screwed up by coming since now they were in danger. As they started to move away, Kirshimia knocked some rubble over and that caught the attention of the League members and Halo as they all looked at them. They could hear the conversation that Halo and the League were having and realized that they were going to be the cause of the League escaping and that thought ate them all alive! 

Halo appeared right next to them due to his incredible speed and they could see it in his eyes that he was pissed. "We need to get you out of here now or else you will die in the fight," Halo said and forced them forward and out of the fighting area as he watched the League Of Villains go through the portal. Soon he escorted them towards a police line and told the police to ensure they got to wherever Bakugo Katsuki was taken to since they would need to be questioned by UA and others later. 'God... they are really filled with the so-called potential now aren't they Eraserhead?' Izuku thought a bit bitterly as he rushed back to the fight and put it out of his mind since he had no more time to think about them and how big they screwed up since he couldn't stop the League of Villains from escaping. 

Izuku arrived back at the fight to watch his master and father be forced to take a massive attack from All For One or let the civilian behind him die due to the attack! The attack was massive and All Might was forced back but when the dust settled Izuku's worst fears came true as his father's true form was revealed to the world to see. Everything went quiet as the world was in shock at seeing All Might's form

Even Bakugo and the UA students who were standing together now were in shock as they looked at the TV on the building near them

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Even Bakugo and the UA students who were standing together now were in shock as they looked at the TV on the building near them. Back at UA, Nezu had dropped his teacup and it shattered on the ground. Eraserhead and Vlad King were stiff and freaking out at the fact that All Might's form was revealed and that it looked as if All Might was finished. As they were all silent, All For one spoke up as he began to mock All Might as he revealed the truth that Tomura Shigaraki was Tenko Shimura the grandson of Nana Shimura. 

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