Chapter 30: Hosu Aftermath

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3rd POV:

Izuku and All Might both jumped away and headed to the hospital before everyone else would arrive. This was to give All Might time to relax in his skinny form before he had to buff up again since he was closing in on his limit with only about an hour left for the day. Overall, they have been doing good and All Might and Izuku have been able to spend at least 10 hours out on the field with All Might only having to use about two hours of his limit each day. As such, the press and everyone else was never aware of All Might's time limit because they always believed that All Might was nearby Izuku watching which was true but just in his skinny form to save time.

"Okay, run me through the details of what all happened before we talk to the chief of police because now Endeavor is involved in this and I want to make sure everything goes how we want it to and things aren't covered up because those students will need to be dealt with by UA." All Might stated and Izuku nodded his head since he agreed. As such, he started to explain to All Might about showing up to face off Stain after he heard a shout of his name. He arrived just in time to save Iida from being killed since Stain was about to do it.

Izuku admitted that he screwed up in not securing Stain the first time he knocked him out and that he learned from that mistake. All Might nodded his head but didn't speak since he wanted Izuku to explain everything first before he spoke. Then Izuku talked about the fighting stain and how Iida wanted Izuku to leave because Iida was there for revenge and wanted to deal with Stain himself. Izuku mentioned how Stain and he ended up talking about how Stain wondered if Izuku was a true hero or not before somehow Izuku proved himself to Stain and got declared as a true hero like All Might was. 

As he explained how the fight then went he hit on the topic of Todoroki showing up. "So, Todoroki didn't care that his attack would have hit me and Stain. He had zero regard for that and when I asked him to take Iida and Native so we could escape... Todoroki said he would defeat stain to show his father that he was stronger than I was because I am your protege which would prove he didn't need to use his fireside. So that is concerning in itself.." Izuku stated and All Might had to agree but he let Izuku keep going since he didn't feel like that was the end of the mess. Izuku then talked about how he asked if Todorooki had permission to even be there or use his quirk. "Todoroki didn't have clearance to be there or use his quirk. I know this with how he responded to my question. He stated that his father would cover for him anyway which confirmed he was acting as a vigilante at that time. " Izuku stated and All Might groaned as this was a complete mess. Izuku nodded his head at All Might's groan and contained on how he had radioed back to All Might at that time and watched the fight looking for a chance to get involved since Todoroki's ice was troublesome to fight around as it was being thrown so it kind of limited Izuku's involvement for a bit before Stain paralyzed Todoroki as well and Izuku was forced to save him as well.

"Stain got pissed since I wouldn't let him kill them... anyway as we got close to the end I asked him if he was involved with the League of Villains and he denied the claim so we need to alert the police so that gets out to deter villains that follow Stain from joining the League. Then it was the end of the fight where I performed a phantom punch. I did it by getting him to look away as I called out behind him that you were behind him and he turned around and I performed the phantom punch that gave me the chance to detain him. I assume at that point you were present since I felt you nearby me?" Izuku asked and All Might nodded his head knowing the rest of the story. Soon they headed into the hospital after All Might told Izuku some things to correct in how he dealt with the situation in the future and Izuku nodded his head and they agreed to talk about it more later on. However, it was time to deal with the chief of police for Hosu.

As they were walking down the hallway of the hospital they came upon Endeavor telling the Chief of Police to credit his son with the capture of Stain since he had authorized his son to fight which annoyed All Might and Izuku. At that time All Might spoke up. "Really Enji? Falsifying police reports and trying to cover up your son's illegal quirk usage and vigilantism?" All Might stated with an annoyed tone and the chief of police turned around to be faced with All Might and Halo. Endeavor looked pissed and the police chief looked worried about what he got caught in between. 

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