Chapter 55: Report and Raid Request?

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Izuku started to make his way out of the forest and also inspected his wounds as he moved. He decided to use Float instead of walking because he was sure he sprained his leg or maybe fractured it during one of the times he got tossed into the mountainside. 'Damn... that Gigantomachia is without a doubt a monster... he doesn't appear to be a Nomu but had multiple quirks as well... this is going to be troublesome for the future...' Izuku thought as he made his way out of the forest. Soon he made it back to where they all had parked and found more police cars and other heroes arriving. They all noticed Izuku and were surprised at the state he was in. "Did Gran Torino and the others make it out?" Izuku asked and one hero pointed towards an ambulance that was on the side of the road. Izuku made his way over and found the detective and Gran Torino being checked out and they saw him. 

"KID WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED! WE HEARD A LARGE SCREAM!?" Gran Torin asked worried at seeing Izuku's state. Izuku waved his hand and told him to quiet down. "I am exhausted and tired... I likely have a broken leg from being slammed into the side of a mountain so please calm down won't you?" Izuku said and everyone that heard him froze when he said that he got slammed into a mountain! Izuku looked at them all and shrugged as if it was nothing which freaked them all out at his pain tolerance. Soon it was decided they all should go to the hospital and Izuku groaned. "Can't we just go to UA and get Recovery girl to hit us with her quirk?" Izuku groaned out and all of them agreed and told them that they would get healed by Recovery Girl at UA since the detective only required a patchwork while Gran Torino and Izuku needed a bit more work and she could provide it.

As such, they found themselves with a police officer driving them to UA. Izuku said he would hold off on explaining until they got patched up and looked at since he was relaxing from the destructive battle but did tell them that the giant shouldn't be anywhere near there anymore since he retreated after the last exchange of blows due to damage. Right as they arrived they also saw UA 1-A class and some third years walking towards the dorms. 'Hm... they must have had a training session or something since they all looked tired.' Izuku thought and he was right. 1-A had asked the big 3 to help them train so they could grow their skills. They all froze when they saw Halo, Gran Torino, and the detective from the U.S.J. get out of the police car all bloody and wounded. Then they heard Recovery Girl, Nezu, and All Might rush outside of the main building and asked what the hell happened to them and they were honestly interested. 

"Can I get hit with RG's quirk and explain then or do I need to explain then get hit with her quirk because it makes a huge difference in how detailed I will be?" Izuku asked and Recovery Girl just said she needed to look him over first and had them all move inside towards the nurse's office first. Soon they were all inside in the nurse room getting examined. "So while she does that... start explaining what you meant on the phone when Gran Torino said you got thrown into a mountainside that no longer exists now?" Nezu asked and everyone was shocked at hearing what he said. Izuku chuckled which sounded dark for some reason. "Yea... don't know how many people can say they get slammed into a mountainside twice and survive a walking natural disaster! Anyway... we have been hunting the League down and we found Kurogiri searching a mountain so we got sent out to capture him. Congratulations to us we did it but we discovered what he was looking for... it seems the League of Villains had members hidden from our knowledge for quite some time as they have a walking natural disaster that between me and the giant's fight... several mountains no longer exist and the destruction area would be big enough to be larger than Kamino Ward destruction site by about 3x?" Izuku said and everyone paled including Gran Torino and the detective since they didn't see it nor reports have come back yet since no one has been sent into the area to look around yet.

"Wait... you said, members!? There was only the monster before I fled with the police so who else did you fight?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku shrugged a bit and that confused them. "I didn't fight another member but I know there is another member we have zero ideas about but the voice is familiar to me in all honestly... like I've heard it before but I don't know from where. Anyway, the voice came over that little radio on Gigantomachia's neck and told him to retreat right after I dealt a devastating blow that changed the tide of the battle." Izuku said and they asked what he did and Izuku chuckled a bit. "I did a phantom punch and made it seem I was going for its stomach area which would not have done anything at my 65% but instead I aimed my punch at his left eye and blew it up. Gigantomachia should now be blind in his left eye since the eyes and mouth seemed to be the sole weak points I could damage from what I could tell. If we are lucky then Gigantomachia will be recovering for a while and won't appear again until I am stronger near 100% since I doubt anything below that will do much actual damage against his body... it was nearly indestructible and my 65% only did light damage but never broke through." Izuku said and everyone was shocked at what Izuku had done and paled at what he said next.

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