Chapter 40: Shiketsu High School Summer Training

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3rd POV:

The summer training at Shiketsu High School has finally started as Izuku had returned a few days after the incident on I-Island. The media was abuzz once again that All Might and his protege had saved the day once again and they were all talking about how the villains were defeated. Though, none of them including the UA students knew how dangerous that day was because if Wolfram had escaped then they would have all been doomed. This is due to the fact that All For One would have gotten his hands on the device and neither All Might nor Izuku was confident that they could beat the man if he had that device. 

They decided it was better to just return early instead of staying since nothing would be going on for the remaining days of the I-Island trip since the Island needed to fix all of their security and change anything in the event a villain tried to use the old codes again to break in. They also needed to deal with the fallout of David Shields's assistant betraying the Island which was a hot mess for them to deal with. David came out clean with the authorities of the Island since he admitted he had similar thoughts but had abandoned them since he came to agree with the Islands decision to lock the device away for the exact reason Wolfram proved. The device was a weapon that could kill many in the hands of evil people. As such, David Shield was cleared of any wrongdoing but had agreed to be monitored for the Island's peace of mind. 

Anyway, the few weeks of the specialized training started and Izuku decided to take the classes focused on strategy and applying it in combat since Izuku knew that times would be shifting greatly soon. Izuku wanted to be able to control an entire battlefield through tactics of war and be able to save as many people as he could. As such, he wanted to ensure he was able to apply battle tactics to his fighting and be able to lead an overall war front if need be. Izuku knew he felt pretty good in his rescue work so he didn't need to spend a lot of time on that and he knew he would get more quirked training and overall training from Gran Torino outside of the specialized classes so the strategy & combat specialized combat classes were the best fit for him and Izuku could also apply his notebooks better in this section as well.

Inasa decided to take the classes that specialized in indoor combat since his quirk was better fitted for the outdoor combat. As such, he wanted to get more training to help himself be better trained indoors. Inasa still joined Izuku in his training that he did with Gran Torino since it would help make him stronger since he as well knew that the calm before the storm was about to come to an end. As such, both of them worked hard and didn't let up in any of their training.

Now, the class was downright shocked at what they saw when about a week into the training one day they all decided to check out what type of training Inasa and Izuku do when they go after specialized classes and everything. So they decided to have their homeroom teacher take them to the training ground area where they would be training and they were quite disturbed with what they found and saw. They could see Inasa wearing several hounds pounds of weight attached to him via some chairs as he was lifting himself into the air. This was according to Gran Torino to strengthen his body and quirk ability to generate a wind strong enough to lift more weight. However, that wasn't the most disturbing thing they saw! No, no, no! The most disturbing thing they saw was  Izuku fucking Midoriya lifting a god damn train cars! The thing about train cars is that they weigh different weights depending on what they are used for and the one he was lifting easily weighed around 60 TONS! 

The entire class and even the homeroom teacher were wondering why they were pushing themselves so hard! The homeroom teacher had a small idea due to All Might's state but he had zero clues about One For All and All For One. As such, the homeroom teacher was really concerned about why his two top students who already had their provisional licenses were pushing so hard and were afraid of what it meant. He decided to call the principal and asked him if he approved such training and the only response he got was to leave it in the hands of Gran Torino since he knew the situation for them. 

As such, the homeroom teacher of 1-A could only watch in shock as they pushed themselves so hard. After they finished training that day, one student from their class had gotten the courage and asked them the question of why. "Izuku and Inasa. Why are you pushing so hard when we have several more years before we graduate?" asked their classmate and Izuku tensed which they all noticed before he sighed. "Because Japan is about to fall into a state of war soon," Izuku stated not hiding the truth from his classmates that he has come close to and saw as friends. They were all confused but Inasa just nodded his head as if he knew the truth which he did. Someone asked him to explain what he meant by war. "In Japan, there are many forces that are just waiting for my master's All Might's retirement and I hate to say it but my master will retire either this year or next. The moment he does will be the opening of the floodgate and crime will rise at a steady pace. There are dark forces that will seek to gain control of Japan during his retirement and it will fall onto our generation to stop them. I want to be prepared as best as I can because I can tell you right now our generation will be filled with blood and death. As heroes, we are going to be blamed for every single death that we fail to stop and it won't be easy so I want to be prepared to save as many people as I can." Izuku said as he sat down and started to drink some water after he explained what he meant to his class. Everyone was honestly shocked to hear what he meant and thought about it.

They had to agree... crime rate was so low due to All Might keeping a lot of crime away and installing fear into lower villains but the moment he is gone those hidden organizations will start to make their moves in the public light since they don't have to fear him anymore. That all got them a bit scared but also motivated to work harder in their training and they asked Gran Torino to increase the difficulty of their class lessons when school started back up again and the old man grinned and nodded his head. Soon they all left and Gran Torino looked at Izuku and asked why did he tell them. "Not that I think you were wrong but I am wondering why you told them?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku looked at him. "Because everyone is lifting with blinders on their eyes currently and aren't seeing what is about to happen. Dear God, All Might has been scaling back his operations for years and no one really noticed at all but now at least there will be some preparation for it. It won't make a difference on a large scale but hopefully, it can help stall some of the destruction that will come." Izuku stated and Gran Torino nodded his head in agreement with Izuku's point. He agreed with Izuku in all honesty and even with them mentioning All Might's retirement in the news, no one really paid attention for a long period of time. It did help people start preparing for it but it became an afterthought as everyone thought they would still have years to prepare when in truth they might only have a year or less depending on when All For One makes his moves. 

Soon they got back to work and contained this training for another week as the Shiketsu High School summer training came to an end. Izuku Midoriya had pushed his control up to 50% and he was proud of what he had achieved in so little time thanks to the hellish training he has been receiving from Gran Torino but on the last day of the training they received the horrible news that shook them all. All For One had made his move and the calm before the storm had come to an end as the world would bear witness to a fight between two titans. 

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