Chapter 48: Bakugo Household

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3rd POV:

It was time for the conversations with all of the parents about relocating all of the students to the campus to help decrease the chances of them being targeted while they were en route to the school itself each day. As such, that is how Eraserhead found himself going between each home with All Might helping him. Overall, the homes went pretty dam easily with little to no resistance from the parents at all since UA has been trying their hardest in the views of the parents. However, the problem came when it was time for one Bakugo Katsuki turn as Principal Nezu joined the two staff on the trip to his home because this was going to be a far wider topic of conversation than the Bakugo's knew to be expecting. 

Eraserhead stood outside of the home and knocked on the door with Principal Nezu on his shoulder. All Might was still slightly recovering from his wounds due to the battle but would be healed up soon enough. As they waited for the door opened they could hear shouting inside of the home when the door slammed opened to reveal one Bakugo Katsuki who saw his teachers present with his Principal. "Bakugo, we are here to talk to your parents about the dorms and other matters. Are they here?" Eraserhead asked in a monotone voice not giving his displeasure of being near the kid away. He was still coming to terms with everything that he has read about Bakugo and the fact that he said Bakugo could be a hero even after all of that on live TV when he didn't truly know his student at all.

Bakugo grunted and waved them in and soon they were all sitting down on a couch with the Bakugo's. "Hello, Bakugo's. I'm sure you are aware of the notice we sent a few days ago that we would be arriving to talk about the dorms on the UA campus?" Eraserhead asked and Mitsuki Bakugo nodded her head and said they were aware and had no issues of their brat going on campus. "OI, I AM NOT A BRAT OLD HAG!" Bakugo yelled out to only get slapped on the back of the head by his mother. "Quite down and behave for once in your life!" Mitsuki Bakugo yelled out. The staff just watched and analyzed the situation as they discovered Bakugo's mother is quite like Bakugo himself which may have helped fuel his issues which only made matters worst.

The Principal decided to speak up next. "Indeed, however now we must talk about if Bakugo Katsuki can even become a hero anymore." Principal Nezu said and the Bakugo's froze and looked at him. Katsuki Bakugo looked pissed and was about to hell when his mother spoke up. "What the hell do you mean by that?" Mitsuki Bakugo asked and Nezu nodded his head. "The problem doesn't lay with him having been kidnapped but rather why he was kidnapped because we did some digging into Bakugo's past and discovered quite a lot of criminal activities that your son has had his hand in. Would you like to start this conversation Katsuki Bakugo or would you like me to?" Principal Nezu asked no longer wearing his smile and only had a small frown on. Bakugo's parents were confused by what the hell they meant by criminal activities and asked their son what they meant.

"I DON'T KNOW JACK SHIT WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT! I AM GOING TO BECOME THE NUMBER ONE HERO AND BE FAR GREATER THAN ALL MIGHT EVEN WITH HIS SHITTY USELESS PROTEGE AS DEK-" Bakugo was yelling but got cut off when All Might yelled for him to silence himself. "SILENCE YOURSELF! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO INSULT HIM WITH THE ACTIONS YOU CHOOSE TO DO IN YOUR LIFE! MY PROTEGE HALO WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN SOMEONE LIKE YOU YOUNG BAKUGO SO DON'T EVEN DARE COMPARE YOURSELF TO HIM BECAUSE YOU WILL ALWAYS FAIL IN COMPARISON" All Might yelled out as he had buffed up again for a slight moment before going back down and coughing some blood. "All Might, I think it might be best for you to leave... you are emotionally compromised since Halo is your son..." Nezu said and he said this for a reason. All Might and he had talked beforehand to Inko Midoriya about 'accidentally revealing the son/father relationship without saying if it was biological or not. This way it would help cover up One For All because no one could really ever find Hisashi Midoriya and the Bakugo's were really the only ones that knew of Hisashi Midoriya and the fact that Izuku was quirkless beforehand. Making All Might appear as Izuku's father for the Bakugo's would help cover One For All up in a layer of protection since Inko Midoriya had been dodging Mitsuki Bakugo's calls for quite some time since she found out about Izuku's past. 

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