Chapter 56: Prelude to Raid!

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3RD pov:

Izuku woke up in his mother's home the next day and stretched himself. 'Good to be healed but god... I think I like the medics back at Shiketsu High School since their quirks don't consume all of my energy but instead use a mix of mine and theirs...' Izuku thought as he was still a bit exhausted from Recovery Girl's quirk. Soon he made his way out of the bedroom which was no longer a shrine to All Might since Izuku had boxed all of that up. Don't get him wrong... he still wanted to have a room full of All Might merchandise but it wasn't going to be in his bedroom anymore but he didn't exactly have a decent room to place it all without others feeling weirded out at all of the eyes staring at them.  

"Brat, come sit down and eat. After you eat we are going to UA and using their gyms to get more training in. You are sitting at 65% control right now and I would love to push it more but I want to work on agility and countering instead since we need to be careful of you not getting shot so I am having Nezu load up a lot of guns to shoot up which you need to dodge. They are going to be loaded with paintball bullets that won't kill you but will sting like a bitch if you get hit." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head but Inko just sighed at what she was hearing. 'Better than being shot for real I guess.... sometimes I wonder how Izuku handles all of the pain that gets inflicted upon him...' Inko thought as she put the food in front of both men and she sat down to eat as well. Soon they finished eating and got up and headed off to UA. Nezu had already messaged Izuku that his hero outfit was already fixed up since he had Power Loader work on it all night even though Izuku had the copy of his suit in the support device on his wrists which were meant for emergency use.

As such, the first place they stopped when they arrived at UA was the support department where Izuku changed into his hero outfit and moved around in it a bit to make sure nothing was off. "Is it all good? I called Shiketsu's support department since they do the repairs on it. I was shocked to learn it was actually made by the Shields on I-Island and not a normal support company." Power Loader said as he watched Izuku move around a bit. Izuku nodded his head and confirmed that it was good. "Yea, most companies can't make something that can withstand my quirk's power and they tend to get ruined easily. The Shields made All Might's suit which was a base concept to make my suit since our powers work on similar principles which made it easier for them to create something for me since they already had a suit made by them that they could base the material off of for mine." Izuku said and Power Loader nodded his head. Soon the two of them went off towards a gym that Nezu had worked on overnight and modified to fit what training Gran Torino wanted to do. Though, Nezu had 'forgotten' to inform Eraserhead that the gym that his class had been using was taken over by someone else and class 1-A was scheduled in a new gym. 

As such, during the middle of the training with Gran Torino, Nezu, and All Might watching Izuku dodge all the bullets that were flying at him, the big 3 with Eraserhead and his class arrived at the gym and were stunned to hear something going on inside. They walked in and saw what was going on as they watched Halo dodged hundreds and hundreds of bullets that went flying at Halo. "What the hell!?" Eraserhead said and Gran Torino turned his head and then back at Nezu and asked if he purposely forgot to tell Eraserhead that his class was relocated to a different gym. "Ah, I must have been so clumsy... Anyway, I think the UA students could learn a thing or two from watching his training for a bit. No?" Nezu said with a grin and Gran Torino just rolled his eyes while All Might sighed. Everyone in the class watched up closer to the bullet-proof glass and they could see circles on the ground marked and noticed that Halo never stepped a foot out of the biggest circle.

"Brat, go down one circle!" Gran Torino yelled and Halo adjusted himself and now was only moving inside the second largest circle. "How about we turn the rounds per second?" Nezu said as he pulled a tablet out and made a motion with his finger as the shooting increased a bit more. About 5 minutes later, Gran Torino had Izuku move down another circle and within 2 minutes the guns stop firing which indicated Izuku had taken a hit. Nezu looked at the table and then spoke up. "Out of 10,000 rounds of the paint bullets, you ended up getting shot 20 times right at the end..." Nezu said and everyone was stunned but Gran Torino and Izuku. Gran Torino looked at Izuku and told him to reset and do better next time. Izuku nodded his head and started again. 

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