Chapter 44: Ready? Set! Raid!

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3rd POV:

Izuku Midoriya, Gran Torino, and All Might were all standing outside the bar location of the League of Villains and were about to break in. Earlier before they arrived, Izuku had to deal with Endeavors stupid complaining about a student being on the raid but Endeavor was just ignored by everyone since they have seen what the Hero of Resilence: Halo could do as Izuku has been making waves during his patrols out of the Might Agency. The general public loved him and it was suspected that if he was included in the official ranks he would already be in the top 50. Now, outside of that, the heroes had split into team teams between the locations, and All Might was given the green light to start the operation as he knocked on the door and said Kamino Pizza delivery. Right after he said that line, he broke the wall down, and there stood all of the heroes as they looked into the bar and saw Shigaraki with his League of villains. They also saw Bakugo Katsuki standing up in a position that looked like he was about to fight the League members. 

Within moments, Kamui woods had everyone contained in his woods as they struggled to get free. Dabi looked ready to burn the wood but Gran Torino quickly attacked and knocked Dabi out cold so he wouldn't be able to break them free. "YOU KILLED HIM!" Twice yelled out but Gran Torino snorted. "No, he's still alive but just out cold." Gran Torino said and Twice calmed down. Shigaraki looked annoyed but he had his eyes on one person and it wasn't the person you would think. He was looking not at All Might but at Halo! 

"It's been a while Halo! I wish we could stay and fight our battle out but it's time for our masters to come to blows and not you and me! With that said, Kurogiri release the Nomu!" Shigaraki said but nothing happened as Kurogiri looked at him. There are no Nomu in their positions! They already took them out!" Kurogiri said but then got knocked out by Edge shot which the members thought he was dead but again he was just out cold. As such, two of the League members were out cold now and Shigaraki looked pissed! "HOW DARE YOU TAKE OUT MY NOMU AND KNOCK MY MEN OUT!" He yelled out and All Might just let out his common Laugh. "AHAHAHAH, It's over now why because we are here! Now, Shigaraki where is your master?" All Might asked and Shigaraki just laughed and called out for his master to lend him his power and in the next moment before anyone, there was black sludge coming out of the mouths of the League members and as well as Bakugo Katsuki as they all got teleported away. 

However, that wasn't the only thing that was teleported. No, Nomu started to appear out of the sludge as well and were fighting all of the hero and police on sight. Endeavor just yelled at All Might to leave already if he was going to leave and he did just that as he jumped away with Gran Torino and Halo following right behind him. Though he put distance in between them due to how much faster he was than Gran Torino and Izuku at the time.

Now, while that all happened, a half an hour before the raid started and they would attempt the rescue, there were students of UA heading towards the beacon location that their classmate had provided to the heroes and police. They were making their way through the streets in disguise that they had decided to get at a thrift store so that they wouldn't be recognized. After they had finished that, they were almost to their goal when they heard someone say they were from UA! However, it wasn't them that was being talked about but the Principal, Vlad King, and their homeroom teacher Eraserhead that was currently doing an interview with the press. The press was asking all different sorts of questions and one press individual asked if Bakugo Katsuku had a place in the hero course since he has shown so many tendencies of being a villain. The class was shocked at what they heard but then were amazed when their teacher Eraserhead stood up and defended Bakugo Katsuki. "Any failing of my student is my responsibility for not correcting him. Bakugo Katsuki has an amazing drive to be a hero and that does make him come off as too aggressive but I believe he can still become a hero." Eraserhead said and unknowing to him there were many people that disagreed with him and one was his own employer who was pissed at what Eraserhead had just done. Eraserhead had just tied UA's reputation to Bakugo Katsuki and Nezu was pissed since this tied his hands on taking much harsher punishments against Bakugo because if he wanted to then he would really need to punish Eraserhead as well. Though, Nezu knew some of it was his fault for keeping Eraserhead out of the loop currently but could you blame the Principal when he was also a part of the issue itself when he expelled Izuku Midoriya.

Moving forward, the press conference had come to an end and the raid on the League of Villains had started. The three UA staff moved to a different room and Nezu looked at Eraserhead and spoke with a pissed tone. "You shouldn't have done that... you now tied UA's fate to an unstable student who I had plans to get rid of most likely," Nezu said and Eraserhead was shocked and asked why would they get rid of Bakugo Katsuki since he hasn't done too much to get expelled yet and still had potential. Nezu just laughed and spoke once again. "Eraserhead... it seems your definition of potential has become quite fucked up this year now hasn't it? You don't realize that you have screwed this school due to your definition of potential so many times this year... moving forward you are no longer allowed to expel students without my strict approval. As such, don't even use it as a threat unless they do something really stupid because I can't trust your judgment in those matters anymore. Moving forward you will also be attending classes that deal with quirkest behaviors because you have repeatedly displayed them and I am honestly shocked by you doing that. I will figure out what else I want to do with you because right now your job is hanging on by a thread since if I want to get rid of Bakugo, I most likely need to fire you because of your statement out there since you tied UA's reputation to that villainous boy since you have zero ideas of all of the crimes he's committed... oh wait, you have a good idea since he's shown the behavior in front of you but you've waved it off like they were nothing!" Principal Nezu said in his pissed tone and both of the teachers were shocked at what they heard. They were downright confused on what sparked this and what Eraserhead had done that was deemed quirkest. Eraserhead was shocked for him of all people to be accused of being a quirkest and wondered what crimes his boss was talking about that Bakugo has done.

"What... what are you talking about?" He asked and Nezu just smiled but it wasn't his normal smile. No, it was the one that promised agony. "Oh... my foolish employee, why ruin the fun? No, you need to find the answer yourself because when you do you will release everything on your own. I will give you a hint though, it ties back into a student you have met before." Nezu said as he walked away deeper into the room they had entered as he ignored Eraserhead since he was so pissed with the man. Vlad King and Eraserhead just stood there though in silence but moving forward. Eraserhead though was consumed with his thoughts and was trying to figure out what he had done that would be considered quirkest and what all crimes of Bakugo he waved off but it would be some time before he even got the answer he sought and when it happened he would be devastated by his actions. 

Now back to the raid itself as they all watched it live on the news cameras that were recording. All Might had just arrived at the site where the warehouse was because they had lost contact with the raid team over there. It appeared that All For One had wiped them all out with one devastating blow but Best Jeanist was able to keep them all alive in the last moments but it didn't stop the devastation that happened. As All Might arrived, he yelled out All For One's name and the man himself blocked All Might's attack with some ease. "HERE TO KILL ME AGAIN ALL MIGHT!?" All For One asked with an amused tone. Bakugo and the villains were all blown back a bit due to the shockwave of the attacks but All Might couldn't get Bakugo due to All For One stopping him. 

All For One used a forced activation quirk on Kurogirio's knocked-out form and told them to take Bakugo and leave. Shigaraki wanted to object and stay but his master ordered him away. However, before the villains could take Bakugo away, the rising star Halo arrived on the scene and knocked several of the villains away, and grabbed Bakugo as he tossed him into the air where Gran Torino grabbed him and sped off. Now, Halo stood in the middle of all of the villains as he looked at Shigaraki. "Hello, Shigaraki. Care for a dance?" Izuku asked with a chuckle and Shigaraki grinned as he got ready to fight but it seems their fight wasn't destined as they heard rubble break behind the villains and when Izuku looked he saw students from 1-A located there! 

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