Chapter 51: Provisional Exams Shiketsu & UA Pt 1.

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3rd POV:

Izuku and Gran Torino were on the train heading towards Shiketsu High School as they had already left UA. Izuku was sitting on the train and could see the few people that were in his car on the train taking pictures of him and Gran Torino. Izuku just waved at them and smiled and they just kept taking pictures but soon they were the only ones left in the train car as they went further west towards the school. As such, they both started to talk about future plans. "So with you taking over Might Tower, are we taking over as the primary heroes for the League of Villains case with the detective?" Izuku asked since he wanted to be one of the people to track them down since he wanted this war with them to come to an end before it could fester into a full-blown war instead of the small skirmishes that they been having. Gran Torino nodded his head at Izuku's question and spoke. "Indeed, the detective will inform of if he finds anything that he needs us to dig into on the field as he will question people and try to get a general idea of where they are at before we go in." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head. Soon the train ride came to an end and they arrived back at Shiketsu High School.

Both of them made their way into the school dorms and Inasa was surprised to see Izuku back already when everyone else noticed him and jumped onto him. "I'm back!" Izuku called out from the bottom of the pile as all of his classmates kept him pinned to the ground. They all started to ask him how his summer went outside of the fight to the death which Izuku chuckled at how they worded it. "It was... good to a point. Anyway, we got some stuff to talk about." Izuku said as they let him up and right on cue the Principal and homeroom teacher for their class entered the dorm common room. They all sat down and the Principal started to speak up as he got them all to look at him.

"As you all know with the retirement of All Might, the crime rates will start rising as there is no longer a man to push all of it down like we used to. There is also the problem of the League of Villains being on the lose as well. As such, both 1-A and 1-B have been recommended for the Provisional Exams that will take place about the second month of the semester." Principal Suoh said as he looked at all of his students and they all looked pumped up. Then someone spoke and asked if they could have their classes start a week earlier in regards to physical training and everyone nodded their head in agreement. The staff looked at each other and spoke for a bit and they came to an agreement that they would set up some all-day physical classes that would focus on making super moves and training their overall abilities for the next week and a half before classes started up.

 As such, that is how everyone spent the next week or so. Everyone was training the best they could while Izuku himself was also pushing his body and training to get more control of One For All while including Float in his battle tactics. It got to a point where Inasa and he had started to do fights in the air to get better at air combat even though it was rare for air combat. However, it was now time for the school itself to start back up and that meant they had about a month and a half before the Provisional License Exam would start. Izuku was honestly proud of the determination his class has shown with the oncoming threat and he was hoping they would all pass the Provisional License Exam so he could get their help on the field during combat because Izuku doubted the League of Villains would stay hidden forever. 

During the month and a half before the exam, everyone was push as best as they could while Izuku was doing the extreme and they all knew why. He was the protege of All Might, the one that needs to hold society up and Izuku is going to play a critical role in everything that will be coming in the future. During these remaining times before the exam, Izuku could be found lifting passenger train cars as he used his quirk and also used float. He wanted to be able to lift things in the air if, for example, a building started to fall. This way, Izuku could catch a falling building if it was within his weight range and stabilize it so other heroes could get civilians out of the building before it crashed into the ground. They were all impressed and as the final weeks, before the exam had arrived, they asked what percentage of control was he currently at.

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