Chapter 43: Ready? Set! Talk!

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3rd POV:

Soon Izuku and Gran Torino both arrived in the area around UA and headed off towards the school. They saw the front gate filled with reporters and people asking what the heroes were planning to do about the captured student and it was currently learning the morning of the next day when the two of them arrived. They both decided to go to the side entrance and go in via that entrance since Gran Torino had a key card to swipe to get in that Nezu gave him a while ago. As such, they both avoided the press and were able to enter the building as they made their way to the staff room which All Might said they were all currently at. Gran Torino just shoved the door open and shocked all of the UA hero staff that was standing in the office and Izuku had to resist the urge to laugh. They all looked at Gran Torino before Izuku walked in and they were shocked to see the protege of All Might as they knew he didn't attend the school which was actually a heated topic one day since they all wanted to try to figure who he was but none of their students had their hero name listed on the files which proved he didn't go to UA. 

"Ah, Gran Torino and Halo. I am so glad you could join us for the raid that will be going on tonight. I will have you both placed with All Might in the event he appears." Nezu stated and they both nodded their heads. Izuku withheld from using his voice since the staff might recognize him if they had a good memory. Nezu asked All Might, Gran Torino, and Halo to join him in his office. As such, they left it and were soon in his office where Izuku removed his mouth guard so he could drink some tea and speak easier. "How is everything with you Nezu?" Izuku asked as they sat down and Nezu looked at him as if that was a dumb question considering everything that is going on and Izuku just chuckled a bit. "I mean outside of the sky falling around UA?" Izuku rephrased and Nezu sighed. "It could be better. I've been meaning to have the conversation with Eraserhead about his expulsion regarding you and the quirkest bias he had shown you that day since I doubt he read your file before expelling and didn't read it after you left since he never came to me about it. Besides that, I've been trying to figure a way to punish Bakugo for all of the things he has done and was planning to force him into therapy and Anger management while putting a large number of black marks on his future hero license which would show the crimes he committed but not against who but the recent kidnapping has made that troublesome." Nezu said and Izuku nodded his head in understanding. Nezu in all honestly has been wanting to wash his hands of Bakugo since he didn't want a new endeavor going through his doors but at the rate, things have been happening it would complicate matters if he expelled him right after being kidnapped since the League has shown an interest in him. Nezu explained that he was looking into having a case made and sealed on his record while forcing a large number of punishments on him but again if it ever got out then UA would take a hit for even accepting him in the first place and keeping him around. 

Izuku just told Nezu to do as he sees fit since Izuku's entire class at Shiketsu knew of Bakugo's crimes so one day it was likely going to get out regardless of what Bakugo wants and it would be better for UA to deal with it in some way before it ever leaks from another source since all of Izuku's class hates Bakugo. Nezu nodded his head and said that he would see if he could get something done sometime when classes start back up in the second semester. Soon, they moved on from those topics and talked about what would be going on during the raid on the bar and the second location that they have found recently via the tracker one of 1-A students had placed. Nezu explained that all three of them would be going to the bar since that is where they believe Bakugo was being held and they would try to secure Bakugo first before dealing with All For One. 

"Overall, Bakugo is the top target, and then after that is dealing with All For One. We don't know if he is at either of these locations but we need to be thinking he likely will be in all honesty." Nezu stated and they all nodded their head in understanding. "I really wished this could have happened closer to the end of the first year since I would have likely been able to get nearly 100% at the rate I was going... our chances of winning would be far higher than," Izuku said as he drank the tea and everyone had to agreed that they could only wish that the League had delayed their plans for one more semester since it would have made a large difference but they couldn't complain now. Instead, it was getting closer and closer to time for the raid to happen. They all decided it would be good for them to just relax since the other heroes were still being gathered up for the riad that night and it wouldn't do anyone any good if they all stressed out. 

As such, Nezu returned to the staff room where Aizawa and the other staff asked why Halo was joining the raid since he was only a provisional hero. Nezu looked at them all and spoke, "Because he is far stronger than most Pro Heroes that will actually be on the raids itself and it's my personal belief that he is the closest person to being the next number one hero after he graduates. We also need the firepower and he can without a doubt provide it. As such, he will be joining the raid under All might." Principal Nezu stated and that left them a bit confused on how strong halo was because they all thought he was a second-year student and not a first-year student with his Provisional license which is a huge difference. Everyone, including the public, started to believe recently that Halo had just started his work-study with All Might during the internship week since UA had that week off which would allow All Might to directly train said work-study student. However, they were all wrong in that thinking and Izuku was in fact a first-year student who had defeated even the third-year students at Shiketsu High School but Nezu wasn't going to tell them that. Not when he could have a bit of fun with it and wait for the perfect moment when they discovered how bad Eraserhead had screwed up in expelling Halo from UA. It was at that moment when Nezu would decide to have his long and overdue conversation with Eraserhead about his screwups. 

Now, outside of all that, All Might and Izuku were both sitting in a conference room together and just enjoying each other's company as this might be the last time they would see each other since there was a good chance of death on this mission. "Dad... promise me that you won't give into Sir Nighteyes stupid vision since I refuse to believe his quirk sees the actual future and only a possibility because in his vision did he ever say anything about me? Because if he saw me then he shouldn't have been trying to get you to pass the quirk onto someone else if there was already someone 'fated' to become the 9th user according to his visions." Izuku stated and at that statement, both Gran Torino and All Might eyes widened as they realized Sir Nighteye never said anything about Izuku Midoriya or Halo being the 9th user which meant he either didn't know or they were already in a timeline that differed from what he saw. "No... he never did mention you or me having picked the 9th user in his vision. He only talked about my death and that it was gruesome." All Might said and Izuku nodded his head and pointed out that dying at the hands of the Nomu at the U.S.J. would have been gruesome but yet it didn't happen and for all, they knew the time had already passed and they wouldn't know unless Sir Nighteye looked again which they all knew he wouldn't do. 

All Might started to laugh and promised Izuku that he wouldn't die to All For One and would push forward for him. That made Izuku smile and soon he fell asleep since he was tired from the train ride to UA. Gran Torino looked at All Might and Izuku sitting there on the couch and smiled. "Nana would be proud of what you've accomplished. Remember that and don't let that man get inside of your head because he is good at that with his words because it makes you reckless." Gran Torino told All Might who nodded his head. Soon the time passed and it was finally night time again and it was time for the raid to start happening. All Might had Izuku get up and they all got ready and headed off to where they were instructed to meet the other heroes. It was time for the battle of Titans and for the world to rumble at their blows. 

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