Chapter 21: Shiketsu High Sports Festival Pt 2.

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3rd POV:

The rounds went by and Izuku's team had made it into the single combat rounds since there were only ten people left after all of the team combat rounds. As such, everyone was moved onto the last stage of the freshmen battles. The second years and third years all went through their teamed battles and some had to fight a second time due to how many people were left so they needed to get down to only ten members left. After taking a 30-minute break so the students could relax they were all called back and the freshmen one versus one round were called to start. 

After a few rounds of people fighting, Izuku was called out. He was facing one of the stronger opponents in his class but Izuku was confident in his training and would not look down on his opponent. 'The person I am fighting has a quirk called Electric Charge. They can send an electric charge through the ground or any other surface that they come in contact with and send arcs of electrical energy out to shock people. Overall, it's a powerful quirk to knock people out and especially if they get physical contact which they can knock someone out.' Izuku thought. Both Izuku and his opponent took their positions in the field and looked at each other as they waited for the starting call to happen. As Izuku looked across he could see the person gearing up and charging electrical charges to be ready to send out.

'They are going to try and catch me when I get close most likely since I've shown that I've needed to get close to land hits. However...' Izuku thought as the start call was made. Izuku charged forward and he watched as his opponent started their quirk into the ground but Izuku quickly stopped halfway across the field and pulled his arm back very quickly which shocked everyone as he then quickly punched forward. Izuku's enemy electrical charges came out feet in front of Izuku where he would have been if he kept moving but he didn't.

They were all shocked! "WHAT! WHAT HAPPENED!" Called the announcer as they watched the other student fly right into the wall of the stadium and get knocked out. Everyone was confused about what exactly Izuku Midoriya did! Izuku didn't even provide an explanation on what he did either as he had no plans to reveal his secrets. Izuku just went back to his seat since the match got called. Everyone looked at him for an answer but he never gave one even when he made it back to his seat. He only wore a light smile on his face. 

Overall with Gran Torino, Inko, All Might, and the Principal they were all confused except Gran Torino. Gran Torino was laughing inside of his mind as he watched what happened. Most people didn't see it but he knew to look for it when Izuku had stopped. If you were paying attention closely enough then everyone would have seen what happened in reality. What happened was that Izuku used one of the special moves that he created. The special move was called the Phantom Punch and it was really like it was called. A phantom Punch that no one saw!

The way that Izuku performed this punch was by quickly stopping and pulling back his arm quickly with whatever energy he was using and then quickly pushed forward with that arm before the energy could really spread out in the air. This created a tunnel of air that fed itself because when he pulled his arm back it pulled a large amount of air backward but when he pushed forward it pulled all of that air forward and created a forceful wave of air that would collide with whatever was in front of it. 

Everyone felt the air move around them when it hit but they didn't see the air moving forward due to being distracted because they were confused by his sudden actions which help confuse the opponent long enough for the compressed air through the forceful punch to arrive at its target. It's not good for super long distances but the distance between where Iuzku was and his opponent was within range for a good attack. 

All Might looked at Gran Torino looking for answers but Gran Torino didn't provide any instead he just sat there smirking without even looking at All Might. Even the Principal was wanting answers because he's never seen an attack like that happened but he got nothing out of Gran Torino either. As such, they had to just wait to question Izuku Midoriya themselves later on when the entire festival was over.

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