Chapter 18: Training for the Sports Festival

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It was now several days after All Might had visited the school and Izuku learned that the sports festival for Shiketsu High School would be in about two weeks' time. When he learned of this he sought Gran Torino out after school that day with a request. That is how Izuku could be found sitting in the staff room with Gran Torino, his homeroom teacher, and all of the other staff who were busy working on their stuff. Gran Torino was looking at Izuku who was sitting across from him and who had made an interesting request to Gran Torino.

"So please repeat that request again kid?" Gran Torino asked to make sure he heard it correctly. Izuku looked at Gran Torino with eyes of determination and spoke once again. "Gran Torino, I want you to up my training moving forward. I need to increase the speed at which I am getting control of my quirk... I want you to stop holding back on me because I know you are." Izuku stated and the staff all froze at Izuku's comment. They couldn't believe that Gran Torino was holding back on Izuku since they have heard about his training methods and they considered it harsh but now they are learning that it's a scaled-down version! Gran Torino nodded his head as he made a humming sound. 

As he kept making the sound and nodding his head for a few more moments he looked at Izuku. "Indeed, I've been wondering when you would ask. I take it this is due to your conversation with the blond idiot?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku nodded his head and confirmed it. 'Really... these two are so much alike. He reminds me of Toshinori a bit after Nana's death when he had me train him into the ground.' Gran Torino thought and then smiled. "FINE THEN! GO GET CHANGED AND MEET ME IN GYM A. WE ARE TAKING IT OVER UNTIL THE SPORTS FESTIVAL ENDS AND EVEN AFTER THAT WE ARE NOT STOPPING UNTIL YOU DIE OF EXHAUSTION!" Gran Torin said as he stood up and Izuku only removed his school uniform to show that Izuku had training clothing already under them. This made Gran Torino smirk at Izuku's determination.

Soon both of them headed off to Gym A which had some equipment that could handle Izuku for now since the gym made for him would be done roughly after the sports festival. The staff in the staff room were all shocked. Some were asking what was going on between the two of them while the Principal and the homeroom teachers of 1-A and 1-B were silent as they had a fairly good idea since they were kept in the loop on most things about All Might and Izuku Midoriya currently. After arriving in Gym A, Izuku looked around it and noticed there wasn't much in it currently.

Gran Torino though flipped a switch and out of the wall came rows of weights and other gym equipment

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Gran Torino though flipped a switch and out of the wall came rows of weights and other gym equipment. "They hide them so that the entire floor can be used for other things if need be. Today, we are increasing your weighted clothing. I've had the support department double the weight that you will be carrying so put these new ones on." Gran Torino said as he pointed towards some weighted clothing. Within a few minutes of working to get the heavy clothing on, Izuku had them placed on and asked how much they weighed. 

"You had a total of 60 pounds across your body last time. Now, you are wearing about 150 pounds distributed across your body with all the weights. Tell me how easily can you move with them on right now?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku tried moving around and he could move but he noticed he was without a doubt having to put more force and effort into it. He explained this to Gran Torino who nodded his head. "Good, we don't want it too heavy that you can't do most things but we want it heavy enough that you are putting effort in to move so your body starts gaining muscles due to it as your body needs to work more to move about." Gran Torino stated and Izuku nodded his head in understanding. Gran Torino had Izuku put weights on a machine and start working out.

The machine was a bit weird as it was a jogging machine but had weights on the back of it that were tied to Izuku. As such, he had to put effort into running to keep the weights suspended in the air which forced him to run harder. There were also some connected via cords to his arms as well which helped mimicked more weight on his arms as he moved them back and forth. Gran Torino had Izuku doing this for several hours before switching to another thing. This next task was a large tire that Izuku had to flip without using his quirk but he also had dead weight dragging behind him when he went to move. 

"As you are working let's have an honest conversation." Gran Torino said and Izuku nodded his head but kept his eyes focused on what he was working on. "I know that you two had a conversation as I said before... but I am guessing he said something on the lines of you are not to go try and save him when All For One comes knocking. Am I right?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku paused for a moment before starting up again but confirmed what Gran Torino had asked. "Kid... I  hate to say this but he is right. I really don't want to see him die when Nana had entrusted him to me but All Might won't let All For One get to you easily without going through him first which would include his death. That is why you need to focus on your training first and foremost but no matter what... I am afraid you won't be strong enough in time to help in the upcoming fight." Gran Torino stated and Izuku tensed and activated his quirk as he tossed the large tire across the room. 

Izuku turned to Gran Torino with tears going down his face as he spoke. "Then what the hell is the point of me having One For All if I can't even save my own father! MY OWN MASTER!" Izuku yelled out as he was panting as he breathed but you could see his face was filled with anger. "The point? Before All For One's return, it was meant to help you on your path to becoming an amazing hero to help protect people in the future. Now with him back, the goal is to kill that man or throw him in prison. Whichever comes first." Gran Torino stated as he looked at Izuku. "So I am doomed like every other user to watch the person before them to die a painful death?" Izuku asked with sorrow in his voice and Gran Torino was silent for a while as Izuku stood there. Gran Torino looked at him and spoke. "I doubt he will die that easily but even then... we all must die one day and he would rather die than let All For One get to you easily. So focus on training and living your life until it's your turn to deal with All For One and uphold the world." Gran Torino stated and Izuku just dropped to the floor and cried out as Gran Torino came over to him and rubbed his back. 'Sorry kid... but that monster isn't easily defeated but we can only prepare the best we can for now.' Gran Torino thought. 

Soon, they got back to training and they kept training until the sun started to set. Izuku made his way back to the dorms and everyone looked shocked at his exhausted state and asked him what happened to him. "I ask Gran Torino to stop holding back on me in his training. I need to get better as quickly as I can for some personal reasons. We also have the sports festival which I want to be prepared for as well so I will be doing some hell training under him for the next two weeks."Izuku stated and everyone soon got pumped up at Izuku's determination and it fueled their desires to train harder as well. This was how Izuku spent the next two weeks before the Shiketsu High Sports Festival by undergoing hell training at the hands of one Gran Torino who enjoyed pushing Izuku Midoriya to the breaking point. 

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