Chapter 68: Wounds of The Battle

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3rd POV:

Izuku and his class made their way to their principal before the current number one Pro Hero Endeavor made it to them with the other heroes of the First Divison that were still around. The UA students helped their teacher Eraserhead walk over as well as a few other heroes who had helped Gran Torino make it to Izuku. The old man patted Izuku on the back and told him that he did a good job which Izuku just nodded his head at in silence. Izuku looked over all of the Pro Heros from the second division that had arrived and it was about half of the division that had arrived so Izuku assumed the other half was keeping the villains from the other base detained still.

"Shiketsu's Divison spread out amongst the destruction and start searching for anyone that may have survived though I am doubtful. Start working from the center and out towards the edges. There also may be injured Pro Heros that got caught in the destruction from the battles so be on the lookout for them as well." Izuku ordered and they all got to work quickly as they were prepared for rescue work. Izuku though just moved Tomura to be placed in front of him as some of the Pro Heros from Izuku's division came up with equipment to hold Tomura more securely so Izuku could drop his quirk. Izuku did notice Best Jeanist had shown up though Izuku didn't know when that man had shown up since he knew he faked his death but Izuku didn't care. 

"Red King, what's the status reports from the other battle sites? I know we cleared up for the most part on our fighting area before we set off but how are the Villa units and everyone else?" Izuku asked as he just simply Ignored the looks he was getting from Endeavor and the others as Izuku simply didn't care for the man. Even if he may be getting better a bit in his attitude, Izuku knew the man had committed so many crimes that lead to the creation of Dabi and maybe other villains as well. The Principal sighed and started to give the reports of what they knew. It turns out Re-Destro had sent a clone to the commission's meeting and blew up a portion of the building so a lot of the higher-ups were in serious conditions but the President of the commission had survived and would make a recovery soon. 

Izuku nodded his head as he listened to the reports from the Principal of Shiketsu High School and as it stands the First Division had suffered the highest death and injured rates in the entire war while the second division hardly sustained many injuries with actually no deaths. Izuku knew a good portion of that was due to him and his class forcing their way into the main underground section and using the fog of war quirk from FOG on all of the villains which made it easy to win that side of the war. Izuku also knew that he made sure his division forces didn't take anything too lightly. 

"So as it stands the First Divison is mostly fractured and I shouldn't be counting on getting much help from them to stabilize everything?" Izuku asked with a completely done tone of voice which Tomura just chuckled at which earned glares from everyone that had belonged to the First Divison. Endeavor looked ready to barbeque Tomura so Izuku just stepped in front of the man to ensure he couldn't which made Endeavor turn his glare to Izuku instead. "Are you protecting this monster?" Endeavor asked and Izuku could see the cameras of the news crews that had landed from their helicopters as they were within hearing distance and were broadcasting live. 

"Well, I am legally responsible and am in charge of his safety as he is my prisoner so I would rather you not try to kill someone in my custody," Izuku said dully which made Endeavor pissed as he said that Sigarakai deserved to die right here and right now. Izuku rolled his eyes. "I am sorry but neither you nor I am are the judge, jury, and executioner. The job of the hero is to detain and transfer to police custody of any criminal in their custody once they have been detained. If he is to be put to death then it will be decided by Japan's court system not you nor I do you understand me Endeavor?" Izuku said as he had fully turned to Endeavor and was now looking straight into the hero's eyes as he challenged the man. 

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