Chapter 71: Press Conference! -END-

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3rd POV:

Izuku arrived at the others with his class and told them they were ready. As such, they all set off towards the large room where the press conference was going to be held. Izuku noticed in the side of his eye that the UA staff was leading the UA students and other people to the press hall as well via the main doors to the room while Izuku and the others would be going to the back door to walk onto the stage together. It wasn't really a stage per se but more of a long table in the center of the room that had a lot of seats facing it like a large meeting hall as the back had a lot of cameras that would make the conference live and seats for reporters and others to sit in.

 It wasn't really a stage per se but more of a long table in the center of the room that had a lot of seats facing it like a large meeting hall as the back had a lot of cameras that would make the conference live and seats for reporters and others...

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(Think similar to this room but bigger and longer table in the front.)

Izuku was waiting for them to be called in as he moved next to the commission's President. "Are we going to announce the suggestions I recommended since it would likely help push the attention forward on rebuilding society and Japan's future?" Izuku asked and she nodded her head as she handed him some notes that showed everything that she would want to talk about in the press conference which included pretty much everything but in more broad terms so they didn't end up focusing solely on one aspect of an issue like the UA entrance exam but making sure all hero school entrance exams were fair for all students. 

Izuku looked over them and nodded his head. "I haven't been able to give the letter to Hawks yet since he had been transferred to an actual hospital since he needed to be stabilized but I did leave a message for him to be given once he woke up from his small coma he slipped into due to his wounds. The President of the commission nodded her head and thanked him for delivering it when he was able to which he nodded his head at and a few moments later they were all called into the room.

Izuku and the commission's president would sit in the middle with All Might, Nezu, and Shiketsu's principal Souh sitting to Izuku's side while other officials of the commission sat next to the president. Izuku's classmates would be standing behind the table up against the wall and behind Izuku for when they announced the fact that they were all licensed Pro Heros now and would be aiming to take the burden of their failing society onto their shoulders. Izuku entered the room and saw the UA staff and students in the back to a side but he ignored them since he had more important things to focus on. As they all sat down the cameras were going off and questions were being thrown.

After they all sat down the questions were being thrown still but Izuku raised his hand which silenced the room. 'Having a lot of respect really does wonders...' Izuku thought in his mind as he leaned a bit forward to the mic and adjusted it. "I would say good afternoon but recently there has been nothing good about the situation Japan has found itself in over the past days." Izuku started out with as he spoke which sent the mood of the entire conference room. "As I promised out on the battlefield, I am here to deliver statements regarding the events that have happened. Joining me is the President of the Hero Commission and her staff in addition to All Might, Principal Nezu of UA, and Princial Souh of Shiketsu High School. I ask you all to attempt to be civil in taking turns as you ask your questions. Do I make myself clear?" Izuku said and he was met with a choir of yeses and head nodds. Izuku nodded his head and then pointed at one of the reporters sitting in the front.

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