Chapter 33: Provisional Exam!

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3rd POV:

It was time for the Provisional License Exam to happen. Izuku's class all gathered up the morning of the exam and wished Izuku and Inasa good luck on the exam and hoped they would pass to represent their class well and dominate the hero industry! Izuku just laughed at all of their comments but just nodded his head and went along with whatever they were saying since he didn't want to try to interrupt them since it was a chaotic mess. Soon they were done and they all just hug Izuku and Inasa and Izuku had to admit to himself that he was glad he left UA since staying at UA would have meant he would have had to deal with Bakugo and that wasn't something he was sure he would have wanted to deal with anymore.

Izuku's also has been sharing far more of his past with Inasa who has helped him understand his emotions better in regard to the past more. Izuku with Inasa's help had come to the conclusion that he didn't enjoy being anywhere near Bakugo anymore nor wanted to be friends with him anymore. Instead, Izuku came to the realization that he would rather see Bakugo's dreams of becoming a hero ruined but due to Izuku's nature, he couldn't bring himself to do it himself personally. No, Izuku had the desire to watch the past catch up with Bakugo and watch him get destroyed by his own actions instead of Izuku calling him out on it. 

Anyway, back to talking about the Provisional License Exam instead of the past! Izuku and Inasa said goodbye to their classmates as they got onto the bus that would be taking them to the Provisional exam. Izuku again wasn't wearing his Shiketsu High School hat since the school didn't want him getting connected to Shiketsu High right now with All For One being back around. As such, neither boys were required to wear their hats and the school has honestly been considering dropping the hat requirement during any fieldwork due to concerns brought to them by the students that pointed out that some student's outfits had to be compromised to ensure their hats could be worn still. As such, it was being debated to change the hats during fieldwork to just a patch that would be placed on the hero uniforms but could easily be taken on as well when need be. After an hour's drive, they soon arrived at the location for their Provisional License Exam. 

The exam is held twice a year which meant that students had only a limited number of times to pass the exams. Various hero academics from across the country enter their students into the exam but the classes from each school are separated to different locations to avoid infighting of their students. Even though Izuku and Inasa are both only first-year students, they are not taking it with the second-year students from Shiketsu High School since both 2-A and 2-B are being sent to different exam locations to ensure they don't fight each other. This way the school can ensure as many students passing the exam as possible. 

Soon all of the students were gathered together inside of an orientation room where a representative from the public safety commission started to explain the rules of the first test that they would be taking. The rules were explained and they were told that they would have a 50% passing rate for the participants and there were at least over a thousand students in attendance. The first phase was explained to them that they would be required to hunt down the villain team members that have been placed inside of the exam site. The students would need to detain and not kill the villains with the least amount of damage possible. Once you detained the villain, you had to bring them back to the start area where an examiner will credit you with the capture and ask the fake villain how much damage you caused to get them. Once all villains were detained then only those that were in the highest 50% will move to the second phase. Right after that was explained the walls around the students fell apart and there they stood in the exam site already and they could see quite a few fake villains spread out in the exam site.

 Right after that was explained the walls around the students fell apart and there they stood in the exam site already and they could see quite a few fake villains spread out in the exam site

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