Chapter 64: Blood & Conflict

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3rd POV:

The war had begun and all the heroes apart of the war effort had set off to their individual battles. Izuku and Inasa were leading the second division which was currently heading towards the second main base of the Paranormal Liberation Army location. Overall this base had a large number of forces but so did the hero side of the second division but it was a matter of willpower and determination that would decide which side would win the war because even an overwhelming powerful individual would lose a war against thousands due to human limits. As such, it was time to see who had a stronger will and determination as the two sides ended up clashing in the deep forest area where the base was located. Izuku had sent a large punch of air pressure before anyone on his side made it into the area. This was done due to the overwhelming power he could push off and to give a morale boost to his side as the moment the air pressure connected with the ground you could see all of the trees in the air being wiped out and forced away which revealed the Paranormal Liberation Army base location. This way they would have a more clear sight of the base itself and it also wiped out a decent chunk of the villains even though a few were getting back up since the destruction was absorbed by all of the trees. 

"WE ARE, RESILIENT!" Izuku yelled out as he leads the forces towards the enemy as the heroes spread out to encircle the enemy forces as best as they could. Now while this was going on, the heroes of the first division were also on the move in two separate attacks. One attack was lead by Endeavor with some other heroes who were all moving around in the hospital where the doctor was and where Shigaraki was reported to being at. As the heroes were moving through the hospital they stumbled upon the doctor who looked at them and broke into fear as he knew that they knew just by the looks of things and it was only confirmed when Endeavor spoke out. "YOUR CRIMES END HERE DOCTOR!" Endeavor said as the Heros started to walk towards him but the doctor bolted towards the basement where he had all of his Nomu's at.

Now while this was going on the other heroes of the first division were at the other location were starting their fight as well. They were raiding the mountain villa where the other half of the Paranormal Liberation Army was located for the main base. This battle was very destructive as all of the quirks were being fired off from both sides but the heroes had struck first and had landed a deceive blow that allowed them to get into all of the possible exits that the Paranormal Liberation Army could take to escape the underground facility and the mansion itself was surrender as well. This meant that the heroes only had to push all the way and arrest every single villain that belonged to the organization to ensure that they had defeated this base.

However, not all things were going to plan because if we jump towards the Pro Hero Hawks who were currently fighting for his life as he fought Twice and Dabi we could see the damage Hawks had sustained in the battle. Twice was on his last legs but Hawks was also badly damaged as Dabi had wasted his wings which were his main form of combat. As Twice ran away to go and try to help the others, Hawks ended up killing the real Twice but that left a sole clone of twice left. Hawks decided to let it go since it would die sooner or later without the real body and he had his troubles with Dabi as well.  

Dabi was close to ending Hawks when Dark Shadow plowed in and knocked Dabi back from landing the ending blow. Fumikage Tokoyami called out for Hawks to see if he was still alive and he indeed was. Now while the situation with hawks was getting better there were many other things going on as well. For example, one giant was sitting and waiting as he listened to his radio as he wanted to hear the commands from his master to get moving. However, what no one expected was that the command did arrive as Shigaraki had awakened! The heroes at the hospital failed to stop him from waking up and many were killed the moment he woke up due to him turning his enhanced decay quirk on which allowed it to go for a far wider range than what he used to. His former quirk could only decay the target he had directly touched but with this version he was able to spread the decay to anything touching what he had first touched which resulted in the entire hospital and the surrounding city being wiped away. 

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