Chapter 27: Internship Reactions!

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3rd POV:

It's been a few days since Japan and honestly, the rest of the world had found out about the hero-in-training Halo. Everyone was shocked to learn that All Might had taken someone under his wing since this was the first student he was privately training and no hero student has ever been registered under his agency either. There were some different reactions to this news depending on who they were as some were pissed and some were thrilled. Some of those pissed reactions belonged to one Sir Nighteye who was the former sidekick of All Might.

The former sidekick was sitting in his office looking at the news that had broken over the last few days and he slammed his hand into his desk. "What the hell All Might!? You didn't even meet Mirio at all and now you have passed the quirk off to someone else that likely isn't even as good as Mirio is?" Sir Nighteye stated with an irritated tone. The Pro hero wanted to meet this so-called hero-in-training Halo and had called up Principal Nezu of UA. However, he got stonewalled by the Principal who told Sir Nighteye that he was not at liberty to release the information that he was looking for which meant in Nezu's terms that Sir Nighteye had nothing to offer in return for the said information or that All Might had asked Nezu to keep his mouth shut about it. Sir Nighteye was betting it was the second one instead of the former. 

Sir Nighteye even tried calling Gran Torino who wasn't answering his phone calls. The voice message on Gran Torino's phone said that if he didn't answer and it was important to leave a message or some message indicating what they wanted to talk about and he would call them back if he wanted to talk about it. That just annoyed Sir Nighteye even more and the only other person who would likely know who Halo was would be the police detective who was close friends with All Might but even that man was dodging Sir Nighteye as well. As such, as it stood, Sir Nighteye was cut off from finding the information out from any sources that knew until he had the bright idea of asking his work-study Mirio to poke around at UA to see who had taken the hero name of Halo on so that Sir Nighteye could talk to them though he knew that it would take some time since there were the second years and first years that the person could be at. Sir Nighteye did consider that the person may go to a different school but the fact that All Might works at UA made it more likely for them to be there instead of another school. The fact that Izuku didn't wear the Shiketsu hat also made it a firmer belief in Sir Nighteye's mind that Halo went to UA instead because that would mean that Halo went to a small school since Shiketsu students are required to wear their school hats even out on internships or work studies.

Now, another person that was pissed was Bakugo Katsuki who was working at Best Jeanist office for his internship. Bakugo was pissed for many reasons but none of them were at Izuku Midoriya because Bakugo didn't know that Halo was Izuku Midoriya. Instead, he was pissed due to the fact that he the winner of the sports festival wasn't working at All Might's agency instead of whoever this no-named Halo person was. Bakugo was also pissed because that person was getting to do patrols with the number one hero while he was stuck being lectured by Best Jeanist on his hair and attitude when he had zero issues with them whatsoever! Bakugo had gotten to go on a short patrol but was pulled back into the office when he was too aggressive towards some children and had made them cry. 

Outside of those angry reactions, there was one more but from the villain side. This villain was located in a bar where he had just disintegrated a glass from watching the news as it talked about the hero-in-training Halo working under All Might and that the world might have a new symbol being born. Though when the villain known as Shigarki from the League of Villains went to grab another cup, a voice came over a TV and told him to calm down. "Calm down and observe the new variable because they will have effects on our plans. We need to be wary of them and move with care when we take our next actions. You should try to find out what the student's name is though so we can know more about them. Do you understand my protege?" said the ancient-sounding voice and Shigaraki nodded his head and called out that he understood. 

Unkown to Shigaraki, the voice which belonged to All For One was curious about this new hero-in-training Halo. 'I see you found your successor All Might. I wonder will you be alive long enough to help them gain some power to resist me or will you die before they can grow strong enough to face me?' All For One thought as he sat in his medical chair that helped keep him alive as he just sported a grin across his face.

Now outside of those angry reactions were those that were curious about All Might's so-called protege. One person that was curious was the so-called Hero Killer: Stain. Stain was looking at the news on a tv outside of a store as he stood on a roof across the street. He's seen the news a few times but this was the first time he paid more attention to it. It's been talking about how the Pro Hero and the student have been sighted around different cities around Tokyo and that All Might had been letting his student handle all issues while the hero stays off in the distance before jumping into any situations that he thought he needed to handle due to his student lack of experience. As such, people were interested in everything the two were doing and even Stain had to admit that he was interested. He was also interested in how the student didn't talk much at all to the press and allowed All Might to do nearly all of the conversation which mainly included diverting the reporter's attention away from important questions like what school his student goes to or what was his actual name and face like since Halo kept his face covered and they never revealed his name.

Stain was wondering if All Might's student would fall into the category of being a true hero or would he fall into the category of a false hero and had tricked the number one hero. As such, Stain wanted to find the student in the near future but he didn't know that he would find him sooner than he had anticipated. However, before that could be done a portal opened up behind him on the roof, and out stepped a warp user who asked for a meeting for his leader. The warp user belonged to the League of Villains and soon the city would be in flames that night. 

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