Chapter 31: Internship Over!

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3rd POV:

It was the final day of the internship and the only thing people were really talking about was how All Might's protege had defeated the Hero Killer: Stain by himself and had saved two UA students and a Pro Hero who got attacked by the villain. It was also released out that the Hero Killer confirmed that he was indeed not working with the League of Villains and that the attack on Hosu city was the League's attempt to screw with the hero killer himself. As such, a lot of people were pushed further away from the League and some people were annoyed with the League's actions in regards to the hero killer but it didn't stop all of them as some people choose to take the news with a grain of salt and still sought out the League of Villains since they were powerful enough to do so many attacks. 

Izuku knew that the news wouldn't push everyone away from the League of Villains but he honestly hoped it would do some damage to the Leagues abilities to recruit people even though that thought was kind of foolish in his mind as there would always be All For One behind the League which was a powerful recruiting force just by his presence alone. Anyway, outside of the entire mess with Stain, Izuku's been fielding questions from his friends in his class and he told them all to just wait until they all returned on Monday so he didn't have to repeat himself multiple times. 

Outside of that, Izuku and All Might both have been dealing with a lot of paperwork due to the events of Hosu which had kept them both really locked down in the office for the most part. "Paperwork sucks... can't they make these easier?" Izuku groaned out his question and All Might just chuckled as he patted Izuku's head and said it was the horrible side of hero work since they could never escape all of the paperwork that would come their way. Soon though they did some training in one of All Might's old gyms in the Might Tower. It honestly didn't get used much due to All Might going out of his prime and having the skinny form but it finally got some use today as All Might had Izuku training on some of the equipment that was built for them. All Might did remind Izuku that the new gym at Shiketsu High School would finally be finished as well when he returns to the school. 

However, all good things must come to an end as it was time for Izuku's internship to come to an end. All Might and Izuku decided to jump out of the tower instead of going through the bottom lobby since the press might try to track Izuku down back to his school if they left normally. As such, they skipped over one train station and made it to the second station away from the Might tower where they stopped. Izuku had also changed out of his hero outfit as well just like All Might ahs since if he wore it back on the train then images of him would be plastered on the internet and make a trail back to his school as well. It was a problem with being known quite well by the public and trying to hide their faces. 

They both sat on the train and spoke as they were the only ones in the empty passenger car currently. "Son, I am proud of your progress and amazed at the dedication you have put into this. You are already making a name for yourself and you don't even have a provisional license yet either which I hope you do well in your training for the next few weeks before that exam." All Might stated and Izuku smiled and nodded his head. Izuku was really pumped up for the exam as well and couldn't wait to take it. He really wanted to achieve his provisional license as soon as possible for many reasons. One being spite to UA's Eraserhead and Bakugo, and the other reason was to help his dad in the fight against All For One if he could figure out a way to get All Might to accept it. Though All Might still refuses to let Izuku help in the fight.

Anyway, Izuku makes it back to Shiketsu after All Might gets off at his stop to head towards UA since he needed to alert Principal Nezu of the endeavor situation and he wanted to do that in person instead of over communications that could get hacked. Izuku told him that he would be in touch and they went their separate ways. Izuku sat there on the train thinking about the upcoming future and hoped he would get stronger faster. He was already at 20% and it hasn't even been a full semester yet. As such, if he could keep the pace up then he could in theory get to 100% of One For All by the end of the second school year but there was no way the villains would wait until then and he was doubtful the fight against All For One could be delayed to that point in time. 

Time passed and the train arrived back at Shiketsu High School train station stop. As such, Izuku got off the train and started to walk towards the school which was a quarter of a mile away. As he was approaching the school he heard a shout from behind him and saw Inasa coming up behind him. "Hey Inasa, I didn't see you on the train. Did you get dropped off another way?" Izuku asked and he nodded his head and said the pro hero he worked with dropped him off before they had to go work a case. Izuku asked who he worked with and Inasa said it was a hero in the top 30 ranks which Izuku recognized the name when he was told it. It was a decent hero that used wind for a lot of their attacks so they would have been a great person for Inasa to work with during his internship.

Soon they both arrived back in the dorms and found the rest of the class in the dorms. The moment they all saw him they jumped towards him and started to ask about the fight with Stain. Izuku gave as many details as he could without blowing the cover story up in the air as well. They soon accepted it and asked how his training was with All Might which he spoke about and how he handled most villains by himself during the training. After talking a bit more about his training they moved onto the other people's internships for a while before Gran Torino walked in and hit Izuku with his cane. "You just had to go fight a crazy lunatic villain didn't you?" Gran Torino said with an eye roll and Izuku just rubbed his neck. The homeroom teacher also walked in and looked at Izuku and Inasa.

"Yoarashi and Midoriya, as you both know, you two have your Provisional License exam coming up in a few weeks since Izuku took the position of General. As such, starting Monday you two will be out of your normal classes and doing crash courses the entire time to get anything down we think you will need for the exam. Do you two understand?" Their homeroom teacher asked and they nodded their heads. Gran Torino then spoke up and told Izuku that he wouldn't be getting out of harsh training either after the crash courses since they needed to push his quirk control eleven higher which Izuku easily agreed with. Izuku and Inasa were both glad they were ahead of their classmates in education by at least a year or so since they always finish their lessons and homework within the class period generally. Soon everyone was tired from their trips back to the school and wanted to relax. Some people joined together and made a large dinner for the entire dorm and they all enjoyed themselves for the night since they would go back to working and studying once the weekend was over.

Back at UA though, All Might was sitting with Principal Nezu telling him the full and true story of the Stain incident, and the Principal was pissed off. "Ironic... Aizawa kept these types of students around when he expelled my protege for not having control of his quirk and not having the potential to be a hero yet they have this called potential he judges them on?" All Might asked not really wanting an answer and Nezu knew that so he kept silent. Nezu knew that All Might was really bitter about Izuku Midoriya not going to UA due to Eraserhead's actions. Nezu had to admit that it was indeed Eraserheads fault and the fact that even though the man didn't mean to do it, he had expelled a student due to quirkest reasons. Quirkest beliefs can go both ways though the common one is against those with weaker, villainous quirks, or no quirks at all but Eraserhead was qurikest against a student that had now passed a strong quirk even though he had only received it the day of the exam. Eraserhead had failed to read Izuku Midoriya's student files before making the decision to expel the student which resulted in the school losing a valuable student as seen by the Stain incident. 

It looks far worst for UA if you compared Izuku Midoriya against Bakugo Katsuki, Iida Tenya, or TodorokI Shouto who have all shown undesirable traits for heroes. Nezu just sighed internally at the mess that now laid on UA's doorstep and just prayed nothing from Bakugo's past came back to bite them in the ass or any of these incidents gets exposed or UA will find itself in deep water.

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