Chapter 49: Dream & Unlocking Quirks

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3rd POV:

A week had passed since the staff had gone to their student's homes and got their families to agree to move the students into the dorms on campus. However, there was still about a month left before the next semester would start and the students would only move onto the campus about a week and a half before UA would start up again. Now, while Izuku and Gran Torino were not at Shiketsu High School, they were staying at Midoriya's mother home where All Might had also more or less moved into since his and Inko's relationship had advanced to that stage now. Now, while we could poke and tease Izuku about his parents getting together, we have more important things to deal with such as the new quirk.

Now, you might wonder what new quirk are we talking about? Well, simple really. As Izuku went to sleep one night on one of the nights while staying at Inko's home, he found himself inside of the dreamscape of One For All. He was wondering why he was there and looked around to see if he could find the past users and as he was looking he soon found himself standing on top of a building ledge. It was night time and the city was bright with all of the lights from the buildings but Izuku could tell there was no one 'real' there as there were no cars on the roads or people moving around but then Izuku heard a voice from behind him and he found someone standing on the other side. He walked over and found it was Nana Shimura the 7th user as she stood on the roof of the building looking at the city. 


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"7th... why am I here?" Izuku asked her and she just waved him over to him and had him join her on the edge of the roof as they looked over the city. Soon though she spoke and Izuku's eyes widened at what he learned. "You are here because the changes that the first user warned you about are starting to happen. The core of the quirk has grown and is pushing the other quirks out. As such, we users decided which quirk would be pushed out first since one quirk had to come out and you were already pulling on mine without even knowing about it." Nana Shimura said as she turned and looked at Izuku in the face. Izuku was confused but did remember something about changes that would start happening due to the quirk singularity point. 

"How was I pulling your quirk?" Izuku asked so he could know how to do it with the others in the future if he needed them. She looked at him and smiled a bit as she could hear his thoughts. "Be careful to not take too much at one time or it might overwhelm you. You pull them without them being forced out due to your desires. You have been using One For All to fly in a sense which had synced up with my quirk which allows me to float and in a sense to fly. Though, One For All has supercharged it so it's really more than just floating if you can figure out how to apply it better than just floating and using one for all to move around." Nana said and Izuku nodded his head at her statement and asked her for any advice on activating Float when he wakes up. She thought about it and then spoke.

"It was more of a weightless feeling for me but it might be different for you. Don't overthink it though but apply your quirk book theories to it since you are good at it. I might suggest trying to activate it on the feeling of stepping on the air itself or as if you're pulling yourself in a direction via axis of movement if you know what they are." Nana suggested and Izuku nodded his head and kind of liked the idea of the axis of movement and would likely try it since it might help him learn control of the quirk and use it to fly. Nana then walked over to Izuku and wore a sad smile on her face. Izuku asked her what was wrong and she sighed a bit.

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