Chapter 50: Dorms

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3rd POV:

The remaining weeks of the summer break were coming to a close and it was now one week and a half before the next semester of all of the schools would restart. All Might had informed Izuku that he would have an apartment on campus but he would be spending most of his time at Inko's apartment on the days he didn't have any classes scheduled which were about half of the time. As such, he would spend half of his time at the school apartment and half of his time at Inko's apartment. It was also time for the students to move onto the campus dorms since they would need to get settled in. Izuku had agreed to help All Might move his stuff from his actual apartment to his one on UA since he would be selling it since he doesn't stay there anymore anyway. 

As such, Izuku helped him move in and was there when the students of 1-A moved into the dorms but they didn't know about him being there yet since the staff dorm was a bit further away from the 1-A dorms themselves so they didn't see Izuku, All Might, and Gran Torino since they had arrived far earlier than the students since they wanted to be done with moving All Might as soon as possible since Izuku and Gran Torino would be making their trip back to Shiketsu High School either that night or the next morning. Soon hours passed and they had finished moving All Might in and were making their way towards the main building when they saw Eraserhead with his class standing outside of 1-A's dorms.

As they walked up they could hear Eraserhead chew his students out in regards to their attempt to save Bakugo which resulted in Izuku having to let the League of Villains go free. "I know for a fact that all of you except the ones that were asleep knew about the rescue attempt as well. If it weren't for the fact that All Might had to retire, then we would most likely expel all of you that knew or attempted it. Those that knew should have reported it to a UA staff member so we could have prevented them from going since their little attempt screwed a portion of the operation up and resulted in the league members all escaping from Halo! Moving forward, you need to show that the staff at UA can trust you again since right now we don't." Eraserhead said as he glared at all of his students. Then they all noticed who was standing behind their teachers and Eraserhead turned and saw Izuku, Gran Torino, and All Might. Izuku and Gran Torino were wearing their hero outfits since they have been training nonstop whenever a moment presented itself so Izuku has been wearing it whenever he went out for the day and wasn't at home.

"Halo, I didn't know you would be visiting?" Eraserhead asked as a question. Izuku nodded his head a bit before speaking. "Yea, I came to help move All Might stuff to his apartment here on campus even though he will be with mom half of the time anyway," Izuku said as he shrugged and All Might blushed as Gran Torino just chuckled. The students looked stunned except Bakugo who looked constipated but before anyone could say anything a voice called out for them. "Ah, Halo, Gran Torino, and All Might. Just the people I was looking for!" said the voice and they all turned to find Principal Nezu who walked up to them. Izuku greeted Principal nezu who asked about his new aspect that he figured out how to do which confused everyone who wasn't in the loop.

"Ah, I've been getting better at it since discovering it a few weeks ago. It was weird manipulating my quirks energy like that the first time and when I actually used it, I ended up crashing into a large tree and tearing it down with a few others." Izuku said as he turned One For All on and displayed the small green arcs for appearance sakes and then started to float up which shocked everyone. He then blasted off high up into the air and spread around before coming back down. "I see you are struggling with the turning?" Nezu asked which Izuku nodded his head at. "Yea, I'm trying to fly on the basics of the axes of movement which is hard due to as I fly. I am manipulating the energy of my quirk to produce the force instead of sending airblasts like I always used to do when I wanted to fly but this is more pure flying now instead of sudden bursts of movement." Izuku said and Nezu nodded his head but spoke up. "Indeed, but you must not be too hard on yourself when you've only had your quirk for less than a full year now since your one of the world's oldest quirk bloomers though there are a few other cases. I'm just glad you're not breaking your bones as you did before when you used it the first time in the exam." Principal Nezu said and everyone from 1-A was shocked at hearing what they were talking about. Even Bakugo looked stunned since he was under the belief that Izuku had been hiding it for all of the years but there he was hearing the Principal of his school talk about how the nerd had it only for a year! 

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