Chapter 63: War!

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3rd POV:

Izuku had long since returned to Shiketsu High School and the school and students had begun preparing for the upcoming war. Even UA had gone on a lockdown mode of sorts and had been drilling the students on what to do in large-scale combat situations and reducing since they were sure there would be a lot of death and blood coming in the near future. Izuku had warned his class with the more direct details of what has happened with the rise of the Meta Liberation Army that had combined with the League of villains. Izuku wasn't going to lie to them and tell them that the future would be easy... no, Izuku gave them the cold hard truth. However, Izuku was surprised by their actions as once Izuku finished he was met with a new slogan that they were spreading around the school to replace the old one. The slogan was 'WE ARE RESILIENT!' as it was a connection to Izuku's hero slogan of being the hero of resilience: Halo. Izuku was proud of how far his class has come in their training and was glad he had come to Shiketsu High School instead of staying at UA. Izuku looked at them all that night when he had returned to the dorms and told them it was time for Shiketsu High School to take the stage as the prominent heroics school of Japan! 

Soon the months passed and the war had arrived. The commission had gathered a large force of heroes that would start the raid on the Paranormal Liberation Front locations. There were multiple locations across the country that needed to be hit to ensure that the Paranormal Liberation Front was taken down. The UA students were going with the first division of heroes who were being led by Endeavor as he was the number one hero while Shiketsu would be actually leading the second division under Halo and Inasa who were granted full heroics licenses. The reason they were granted them was to help secure the future after the war as this entire war would be their debut in a sense to the entire world. 

Shigaraki's location was closer to the first division so they were assigned to stop his 'upgrades' in a sense before he awoke with his new powers. Halo was told to try and quickly finish up the Paranormal Liberation Front force's second main base that was on the west of Japan so that he could transfer leadership to Shiketsu's Principal Souh aka the Red King. After the transfer of leadership, he is to reinforce the first division and stop Shigaraki if they were unable to prevent him from waking up. As such, the war plans were finished and their forces gathered. 

Izuku currently sat in Shiketsu's 2-A dorms common room as he waited for the call to gather since Shiketsu High School was being used as the staging ground for their side of the war. In his hands was his heroics license and Izuku sighed. "Why the face brother?" Inasa asked as he sat across from Izuku which made Izuku smile seeing his brother in all but blood. "I thought it would be a while longer before I received my license but here we are. The both of us have it due to war knocking on our doors and we've been given the option of returning to Shiketsu High School after the war or not. I wonder how many of us will be left by the end of this which is my biggest concern. I've grown so close to this class that I don't want to see any of the dead at the end of this." Izuku said with a voice filled with sorrow and Inasa nodded his head. Neither of them wanted their friends that they considered family to die in this war. They could only hope that the first division would stop Shigaraki before he gained the full power of All For One otherwise Izuku was in a fight for his life and they both knew Inasa and the class would be right behind him helping him against the overwhelming power.

"We can only be resilient in our methods and push forward. At least our families have been all taken into Shiketsu High School bunkers so we don't have to worry about them and just focuses on not dying on the battlefield." Inasa said and Izuku nodded his head but then they heard it over the intercom across campus. All heroes assigned to the second division were called to gather. Both of them got up and headed towards the tournament stadium where they were all gathering as they could see it packed with heroes.

 Both of them got up and headed towards the tournament stadium where they were all gathering as they could see it packed with heroes

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The Principal of Shiketsu High School called everyone to attention and then passed the mic to Izuku. Izuku took a breath in and looked at his sides as his class gathered next to him. "Thank you all for coming here today. As most of you know we are gathered to wage war against the Paranormal Liberation Front which is the combined forces of the Meta Liberation Army and League of Villains. The Paranormal Liberation Front has multiple main bases which one is near us on this side of Japan. Our division has been tasked with the destruction of this base and the capture of all Paranormal Liberation Front members but I warn you now this isn't a typical hero vs villain battle. No, this is a war that will cost both sides large amounts of blood. I know most of you assigned to this division are graduates of Shiketsu High School and I had that done on purpose as I want Japan to know that Shiketsu High School produces amazing heroes as well. That we are resilient through the test of time itself because NO MATTER THE TRIALS WE FACE WE WILL OVERCOME THEM EVEN IF WE DON'T RANK HIGH IN THE HERO RANKING BECAUSE THE RANKING ISN'T WHAT MATTERS MOST TO US! NO, WE ARE SHIKETSU HEROES AND WE ARE RESILIENT EVEN IN THE FACE OF OVERWHELMING FEAR AS WE WILL DEFEND OUR COUNTRY! OUR FAMILIES! OUR FRIENDS! OUR LOVERS! OUR SCHOOL IS RESILIENT!" Izuku yelled out and everyone broke out into cheers and started to chant the new slogan that has been passing around the school and the graduates. 

"WE ARE RESILIENT WE ARE RESILIENT! WE ARE RESILIENT" Yelled the giant crowd as they all stood up. You could feel the ground vibrate due to how loud everyone was and Izuku raised his hand in the air with his finger pointed upwards. "SHIKETSU DIVSION MOVE OUT!"  Izuku yelled with one for all enhancing his voice to make it go over all of them chanting. As such, everyone started to get into their groups and head out to their staging points to wait for the signal to attack. As this was going on, all of the students of UA that had joined the battle were with the main group that was attacking the Gunga Mountain Villa where the Paranormal Liberation Front were stationed currently. Most of the class was on the back-up team while a few members were apart of the attack squad with the heroes that included a lot of the top pro heroes. Everyone was nervous as they waited for the battle to start.

Some of the class though such as Bakugo Katsuki and Shoto Todoroki were not at the villa raid but were apart of the main team that was going to be attacking the hospital with Endeavor, Eraserhead, and many other heroes. Gran Torino would have been assigned to this team as well since Izuku wanted updates on what was going on for that side of the war so he knew how soon he needed to be over there. Soon though, the order to attack was given as both locations of the heroes side of the war moved off to attack at the same time. However, many people were not ready for the level of destruction that would be caused in this war and many would lose hope before it would be restored again but until then let us venture into the blood and death as we see the start of Japan's largest war since the Quirk Riots at the dawn of time. 

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