Chapter 32: Provisional License Training & OFA Control!?

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3rd POV:

Monday class started up and the class was thrilled to get back to work while Izuku and Inasa were in a world of pain and agony as Gran Torino was left in charge of setting up all of the crash courses for their Provisional License Exam Training and they all think Gran Torino took the 'crash' in the crash course a bit to literal. The reason they were saying and thinking this is that during the training of one course where they had to inspected people for wounds that were fake but they still needed to know how to do it, Gan Torino would come in charging out of nowhere and yell at them to defend themselves because of Villains won't care if you are helping a victim and if anything they will use it to their advantage to kill you! As such, the old man would come flying and kick them in the sides, backs, or stomachs. Whichever place he could easily get to without them knowing of his attack so that they would have to think fast in defending or get hit... really hard!

Overall, it could be said that Gran Torino was having the most fun out of all of them as he was chuckling almost always during the training while Izuku and Inasa were left bruised and exhausted on the ground. Some teachers questioned and asked the principal if they should get involved but the Principal said it was fine to leave Gran Torino in charge since he wouldn't kill them... though none of them heard him mutter in the low tone that he hopes he doesn't kill them! Even the Principal was honestly terrified of Gran Torino and didn't want to oppose the old man even though the Principal was sure he was far stronger. The thought of getting hit in the stomach again and again just scared everyone. As such, Gran Torino had free control over their crash course training sessions. The two boys were also training in the new Gym that All Might had paid to have built.

Overall the gym was a fairly decent-sized building but wasn't overall large to the point of unneeded space

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Overall the gym was a fairly decent-sized building but wasn't overall large to the point of unneeded space. A lot of the inside had more high-tech equipment that allowed them to change the floor plan up to provide different environments in the building as well as prepare for different scenarios. There was also a section of the gym that was dedicated to weight training equipment that was made for people with stronger enhancement quirks like All Might and Izuku. Overall, it was a dream come true for Izuku and Inasa and a nightmare at the same time because Gran Torino had an amazing toy to use to help him torture the two of them! 

Inasa had started to join Izuku for his after-school training sessions since he didn't want to fall too far behind his friend and Gran Torino had accepted him but warned him straight away that Izuku would be the higher priority for him which Inasa accepted easily. As such, they both would spend the time training together and had even created some combo moves. One combo move came out of nowhere in all honestly because Inasa had made an observation that no one decided to notice and think about though it also including find out about some other matters altogether as well. 

As they were sitting down taking a break about 2 weeks into the training with only about a week left, Inasa had asked Gran Torino and Izuku why Izuku didn't use his lighting since his quirk produced it therefore he should have some level of control over where it goes. Izuku was stunned and Gran Torino didn't honestly know what to think. As far as they knew, the green lighting was excess energy from One For All being put off due to Izuku's body being so small and not being able to handle it all but then Gran Torino realized that the conclusion they had come to could be wrong. Izuku was only pulling out what he could use in his body so there shouldn't be excess energy being displayed. As such, it had to be some other byproduct of One For All but Gran Torino wondered why All Might never have the lighting coming off of him in all of these years. 

That is when Gran Torino thought of something and wondered if Izuku was actually applying the quirk slightly wrong. As far as he knew, Izuku was applying the quirk on top of his body but they already knew so far that it could work internally due to how the past users helped Izuku out of the mental quirk during the sports festival. As such, he had Izuku stand up and turn One For All on and he watched. As he watched he noticed the energy come out and told Izuku to try turning the quirk on by imagining spreading it through his body internally and across it as he used to as well. Izuku was confused but did as he was told and he found that he could spread the quirk out much easier than normal. Gran Torino then told Izuku to increase the amount of power he was using until he felt some pain and Izuku did as he was told and kept increasing from 20%. Izuku reached all the way up to 40% before he fell over as he felt the pain but it felt a lot more painful than the normal pain he normally would get if he went over his limit. Izuku slowly pulled it back and found that he could use 35% with slight pain like normal when he was pushing his limit and adopting his body. 

Izuku explained where he currently was with his power and Gran Torino was shocked at the power jump. Izuku during the past weeks of training had slowly pushed up a percentage or two but now he had gained over 10 percent due to correctly spreading One For All out from what Gran Torino could assume. This was a great deal of progress that Izuku Midoriya had accomplished within less than a semester of training and Gran Torino knew that Izuku Midoriya was going to be a monster of a powerhouse for villains to deal with in the future. Gran Torino was also glad that Inasa had pointed out the lighting and why Izuku never controlled it as now only small arcs were coming out of his skin but they were hardly noticeable due to how small they were now. He looked far more similar to how All Might look using One For All now.

Anyway, back to why Inasa had pointed it out in the first place. Inasa had wondered why Izuku didn't use the lighting for attacks and they decided to try and see if Izuku could expel some energy of One For All in a pure energy form and it turns out with them now having a scorch mark that he kind of could. He couldn't control it at all but he could throw it somewhat as he would wind his hand back and make his hand pointed outwards and lighting as he visualized it would come out of his hand in all directions in front of him. Inasa though seeing that decided to have Izuku do it again but Inasa this time created a miniature tornado and the result was in Gran Torino's view terrifying. It was a miniature lighting storm once they combined their attacks as Izuku's lighting would get picked up by the wind that was created but it would still be unstable and zap anything within the range of the tornado. 

Gran Torino had quickly made that combo move a forbidden move in a sense to only use on people when they are extremely powerful or they are going in for the kill on a villain that they have no choice but to kill. They agreed because they saw the readings that the gym picked up and the electrical output was enough to likely stop people's hearts if they got zapped one too many times. As such, they put that move on hold since there were zero ways of them using it in the Provisional exam since they would be fighting real people during it and not dummies or robots. 

Soon the remaining time of their training had come to an end and they were told to rest for the few days before the actual exams happened. During these crash courses, they learned how to identify wounds, talk to civilians, detain villains, gather information from victims, investigate issues, and many other things. They honestly felt they were prepared and could only wait for the exam to come as Izuku now sat at 35% of One For All and Inasa had gained even more control of his quirk while they both trained even more in quirkless combat since they knew they couldn't rely on their quirks for everything. 

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