Chapter 62: Planning For War!

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3rd POV:

Izuku had been pushing his body as best as he could to achieve that last gap in power ever since he saw the news about Shigaraki wiping away an entire city. As such, he spent nearly all of his time in the gym when he could but soon he received a phone call from the commission which confused him since neither side liked each other. Izuku stopped training and sat down to take the phone call. He answered it and started to speak. "This is Halo, what can I do for you?" Izuku said and waited for the other side. The person on the other side was none other than the Madam President of the commission. "Halo, it's me. I'm calling you about the League of Villains. I need to see you in person for this meeting, can you come to the commission at once?" She asked and Izuku looked at the time and spoke up. "I can get there within roughly 40 minutes if I use my quirks instead of taking the train. Let me go get cleaned up from my training and I will start making my way out there but do you mind if I bring Gran Torino since he's been on the League's case?" Izuku asked and she confirmed to bring him along as well since they were going to call him to arrive anyway. As such, the call came to an end and Izuku ran to the dorms quickly and started to get changed.

Izuku had called Gran Torino on his run and told him about the meeting with the Commission and told him to get ready and wait for him in the common room. About 10 minutes later, Izuku was cleaned up and in his hero outfit. Everyone asked him where he was going since they didn't know of any missions nor did Izuku typically have patrols on Saturday afternoons. Izuku looked at them all and sighed. "As I told you all before, Deika City was the starting drums of the war. I've gotten called in by the commission about the League. My guess is they have learned their location or very disturbing facts that will make impacts in the war since they typically just send me the information since me and Gran Torino lead the case. As such, I'll let you all know what I find out when I return but... just be ready because I fear we might start the war soon. I am just glad I've pushed my control to 95% in the past month and half." Izuku said and they all nodded their heads in understanding as they watch Izuku and Gran Torino leave.

Gran Torino got on Izuku's back since he could go far faster than Gran Torino could since Izuku would combine Float and One For All at 95% which granted Izuku speed far faster than All Might's prime. Within moments of setting off they were high in the air and as they were flying Gran Torino spoke. "This reminds me of the times with Nana. Kid... I know Shigaraki's her grandson but if it comes to the breaking point you will need to kill him to ensure he is stopped if he won't go silently. Do you understand?" Gran Torino asked as they went through the air. Izuku was silent but nodded his head. Izuku knew he didn't want to kill Tenko Shimura if he could help it but he also knew that he might not have a chance in the end.

About 15 minutes later they arrived at the public safety commission building and Izuku noticed they were about 20 minutes sooner than he had planned. "Well... I have really gotten much faster than I thought I was. I told them we would be here in 45 minutes but it only took 25." Izuku said and Gran Torino just chuckled at the speed they went since it reminded him more and more of his youth when he could go fast as well but with age, he slowed down a bit.

" Izuku said and Gran Torino just chuckled at the speed they went since it reminded him more and more of his youth when he could go fast as well but with age, he slowed down a bit

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