Chapter 12: First Days are easy? No! Training Start!

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3rd POV:

After the tour around campus was done, Izuku and his classmates all headed back to their dorm but when they arrived they found Gran Torino standing in the common room waiting for them. They all looked confused but he spoke up. "Hello, I'm sure you all remember me from the assembly. As I've been informed, Izuku told you all about me training him so I will make it clear. I will end up spending a lot more time with your class and I will help you all during your lessons. However, Izuku Midoriya is my main focus outside of your lessons. With that said, BRAT GET CHANGED NOW IT'S TIME TO START TRAINING!" Gran Torino said as he jumped off the ground and blasted into Izuku's stomach making him drop to his knees. Everyone was shocked and stunned but Izuku got up and ran up the stairs as Gran Torino chased him and kept trying to hit him. Izuku turned his quirk on and kept dodging.

Soon they made it back downstairs and everyone in his class was still standing at the door in silence because they didn't think what they saw just happen. Then they heard Izuku coming back down and as he landed on the first floor, Gran Torino caught up to him and kicked him in the back sending him to the ground. "GET UP AND GET MOVING! I AM NOT GETTING ANY YOUNGER AND YOU ARE ABOUT TO LEARN WHY YOUR MASTER FEARS ME SO MUCH!" Gran Torino yelled as he kicked Izuku in his side and sent him out the front door past his classmates. They were all still in shock at what was going on. Soon they saw Izuku power his quirk back up and dash off with Gran Torino right behind him as he kept attacking Izuku.

"Um... should we call the staff and ask them if that is okay?" asked one of the students in their class. They all nodded their heads and called the main building staff room since the teachers have all told them that they were normally there until 5 pm before they would return to their staff dorms. One student made the call and started talking. "Hello, Sensei. This is the 1-A dorms and we are wondering if we should be expecting more of Gran Torino attacking our classmate Izuku Midoriya right when we enter our dorm building moving forward?" the student asked and then retold them what they all witness. The student was on hold for a moment before the Principal came over the line. The Principal had the student put the phone on speaker before he spoke.

"What you witness will be normal in regards to Izuku Midoriya's training under Gran Torino. Gran Torino is a harsh and grueling trainer and I actually pray none of you end up under his private training since he will not hold back during those moments. Anyway, are there any more questions?" Asked the Principal and everyone said no. As such, the phone call came to an end and they all just stood there dumbfounded. "That is an interesting way to end our first day of school..." stated one class member and everyone nodded their heads as they all sat down and started to talk amongst themselves while some wondered how Izuku would return to the dorms.

Now, with Izuku Midoriya! He was currently running away from Gran Torino with his quirk activated at 5%. Gran Torino was chasing him and Izuku honestly didn't know where they were meant to be going. As such, he stopped and dogged a hit from Gran Torino. "Sir! Where are we even going!?" Izuku asked as he took a chance to regulate his breathing better. Gran Torino looked at him and shrugged. "I didn't have an actual spot in mind... but let's head into the woods behind the dorms." Gran Torino stated and Izuku looked so done with Gran Torino since the dorms were behind them and about 10 minutes away since he ran so far! "Better get running brat!" Gran Torino stated and Izuku gulped as he turned his quirk back on and ran. Soon after some running, they were back in the forest behind the dorms. 

"So what are we working on today Gran Torino?" Izuku asked as he took a drink of water that Gran Torino threw at him. Izuku noticed they were always meant to come here since Gran Torino had stuff setup! As such, he made Izuku do all of that running on purpose! Gran Torino thought about it for a few minutes before looking at Izuku. "Turn your quirk on to the max you can go to and tell me what percentage you're at." Gran Torino stated and Izuku turned it on to 5%. "It's still five percent?" Izuku asked and Gran Torino looked him over and shook his head. "Raise the percentage as slow as you can until you start feeling pain because from what I can tell your body adjusted already to 5% so we need to fix your new max limit. Stop when it starts to feel like a buzzing sensation under your skin or its starts prickling a bit." Gran Torino stated and Izuku nodded his head. 

Izuku closed his eyes for a bit and started to feel the power going up. '5%... 6%... 7%.... 8%... ow!' Izuku thought as he hit 8% and it started to hurt. As such, he started to drop it down to 7% and the intense prickling feeling went away. He then opened his eyes. "I am at 7% and the prickling feeling isn't intense enough to stop me from using it. It's like how it was at 5% when I first achieved it." Izuku stated as Gran Torino looked at him. 'Damn this kid's pain tolerance must be high to withstand the feeling of being pricked by needles nonstop.' Gran Torino thought as he connected the dots of Izuku's childhood to his higher pain tolerance and hated the people that did it to the kid. 

"Okay kid... Each time the feeling of the prickling goes away I want you to tell me about it. Okay?" Gran Torino asked and Izuku nodded his head at that request. Then Gran Torino then spoke about what they would be working on for the afternoon. "We need to find you a combat style or fighting style that fits you. Let me say it right now, you are NOT All Might so don't even bother copying him with just his punches. You need to make your own damn style like every user before you. The 7th user had her float quirk with One For All and focused on quick combat and flying combat from above people. You... you are built for more speed style. So, I want you to look towards using your legs with kicks more than anything. Power up and let's spar and see if you can start finding yourself a combat style." Gran Torino stated and Izuku nodded his head as he powered the quirk up to 7% and dashed off towards Gran Torino. Gran Torino easily dodged the attacks and Izuku kept trying to capture him.

As the training was going on, Izuku kept thinking of how to adapt his fighting to win! As Izuku was jumping around and trying to land a blow on Gran Torino, he started to analyze how Gran Torino was moving about. Soon, Izuku moved from just running and jumping to more of a style that mimicked Gran Torino's movements a bit more as Izuku was quickly moving as he jumped between things before he tried to land a hit. They kept this training up for several hours before Gran Torino let Izuku return to the dorms. "Good job brat. You are free to go back to the dorms for the night. I will be planning on how to adapt your training more but you are starting to get a fighting style going but don't copy me fully, it's okay to take things from other styles but don't copy someones completely since it won't fully work for you. Understood?" Gran Torino stated and Izuku nodded his head as he made his way back towards the dorms. He soon arrived and he was hungry but as he came into the dorms he saw everyone looking at him.

"Hi?" Izuku asked and they all got up and asked if he was alright since he looked like he was going through hell as they all had front row seats to his training since it could be seen from the common room dorms. Izuku rubbed his neck and said that was only light training from Gran Torino. "It's only going to get worst from here on out for me. I only have two months with my quirk while you all have ten years or so. As such, I need to get as much training in as I can get." Izuku stated and they all groaned as they felt the phantom pain from just imaging his training that he would be put through. Inasa pulled Izuku and made him sit at the dining table on one side of the common room as another person went and brought him food. "Thank you guys," Izuku said and they said it was fine since they all got to eat together as he was put through hellish training. They also got entertainment out of it even though he was being beaten up by the teacher which Izuku sweat drop at. 

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