Chapter 34: Peaceful Conversations

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3rd POV:

Izuku and Inasa soon arrived back at the school and were met with all of their classmates in the common room area. They all looked at the two boys and waited for the news on if they passed or not and the boys just raised their provisional License Hero ID's which showed that they indeed passed the exam! Everyone jumped onto them and they decided to host a party in the dorms common room to celebrate the two of their classmate's passing. As the night was going on, Izuku soon excused himself and went outside as he sat on a bench. He looked up and watched the stars as they lit the sky up. It was an interesting thing that you could see the night sky so well at Shiketsu High School. The campus was not directly pushed up against a town so there was only light from the campus which was dimmed down when night came around. As such, you could see the stars in the night so clearly that it became an amazing site that you wouldn't see in the towns or cities around Japan due to all of the light pollution. 

As Izuku sat there he pulled his phone out and called his mother. He had sent her a picture of his license earlier in the day and she congratulated him on it. Now he wanted to just talk to her more since he had some free time away from everyone. As the phone ranged, Izuku just sat there looking at the stars. "CONGRATULATIONS SWEETIE!" Inko's voice said as she answered the phone. Izuku chuckled and had a few tears down his face. 'Always the crier...' Izuku thought as he spoke to his mother. They talked a while about how the exam went and how he felt during it. However, soon he decided he wanted to talk to All Might before it got too late into the night.

Inko had easily thought it was a good idea and soon Izuku was calling All Might. "Hello, Halo! Let me move to a private location before we speak." All Might said and Izuku hummed in acknowledgment since that meant All Might was near other UA staff or heroes most likely and they were still trying to keep as many details about Izuku limited.

Soon All Might had found himself in the Principal's office of UA who also wanted to be present for the conversation since he was interested in how the exam went and how Izuku has been. As such, they had both left the staff room which was filled with heroes, and were confused on why they moved to a different location since it was only Pro Heroes in the room but they didn't push it. All Might told Izuku that they could speak freely now since it was just them and Principal Nezu listening to the conversation now which Izuku greeted the Principal.

"How are you doing Izuku? Has Shiketsu been treating you well?" Principal Nezu asked as both of them have gotten close as they would share analysis of heroes and villains while doing some puzzles together. Both of them enjoyed a good challenge in their intelligence which made All Might shiver at the thought of them working together. "I am doing quite well Nezu. Shiketsu has honestly been a great decision of mine since I don't have to deal with my past tormentor or your crazy students of 1-A... now that I think about it. What happened to Iida and Todoroki due to their actions?" Izuku asked and Nezu chuckled as All Might groaned. Nezu explained that the two students were put through the wringer of having to spend the entire semester and next cleaning the support department which has a thrilling student whose inventors explode all of the time which makes a crazy amount of messes. Of course, they did receive some suspensions and other punishments but unless UA wanted to blow the hole in the Stain story they couldn't expel them for it so they just had to put them through hard punishments. 

"That's good. Anyway, All Might." Izuku said and All Might said he was still there. "Am I doing my work-study with your agency?" Izuku asked and All Might acknowledge that was the plan but they needed to figure out how to make it work since it would be a two-hour train ride one way for them to meet up which was four hours a day if they wanted to do his work-study every day. At that statement, Nezu suggested a fix for the situation. Izuku would spend the weekend up near UA and the Might agency Friday afternoon and weekends while Gran Torino and Izuku would work closer to Shiketsu High during the rest of the week. All Might would just hire Gran Torino on via his agency as a hero without telling the public and Izuku could work under Gran Torino that way and act without All Might being near him. 

Overall, it was an amazing idea which they agreed would work.  Soon they moved on and talked about other things such as the exam itself. Izuku explained that Inasa and he worked together during the entire thing since there was a loophole in their exam for the first part. They had to capture villains and bring them back and they were able to get credit for each other's captures since they worked together to fight which lead them to have a far higher score than the third-place person. Nezu was laughing at what Izuku did and enjoyed it. Soon they talked about the second portion of the exam and how they had to fight actual former villains in the exam which surprised the two since UA didn't send anyone to take the exam this semester since 2-B had all of their provisional licenses and there was no 2-A due to Eraserhead getting rid of the entire class. They were honestly shocked that the exam takers had such a test set up since that would be the first time they did it like that.

After talking a bit longer, Nezu had asked Izuku if he ever attends to use his General power to set up interschool events since Nezu really wanted Izuku to come to visit UA at some point in the future. Nezu also wanted to rub it in Eraserhead's face at how bad he screwed up when he expelled Izuku Midoriya but he's been holding off since it would cause issues if Izuku's hero identity got out there since All For One could track him down. Izuku thought about it and told Nezu that he would likely do an interschool event most likely during the latter half of their second semester or at the start of their second year since he was more focused on increasing his control right now and preparing for any encounters with All For One.

Nezu that it sounded like a good future timeline for possible events to happen as he agreed they needed to be wary of any possible encounters with All For One. Nezu also warned Izuku of the possibility of there being a traitor at UA due to the U.S.J. events. Nezu admitted that they could have stolen the schedule via the warp user but there was also the chance of a mole being in UA so it would be good to hold off on Izuku making an appearance in the school until All For One is captured. Izuku asked Nezu if he considered feeding false information to see if it would lead to the mole and Nezu admitted he considered it but the mole could verify the information by asking other classes or other staff members and find out that it's not true so that method likely wouldn't work which Izuku acknowledge. Unless they questioned each individual student which Izuku suggested that they do the next time an event happens. "You could use the detective if they don't know his quirk. Have him ask general questions as a follow-up to all of the events and frame it as if you guys are looking to see if the League is targeting any students and you are just trying to figure out who to protect more from the League due to them possibly showing interest." Izuku stated and Nezu liked the idea and agreed to implement it the next time they could get away with it. Soon the conversation moved to more pleasurable topics about how other things have been and where Izuku's at in his progress.

At that, Izuku realized All Might didn't know about his recent progress in One For All. "So that is why Gran Torino was smirking when he mentioned telling you about my progress. You don't know do you?" Izuku asked and they were confused and asked what he meant. "You know both know about my control during internships right? How I was sitting at 20% right?" Izuku asked and they said they did know that. "Well, turns out I've been applying One For All slightly wrong. Inasa had pointed something out to us without even knowing the truth of One For All yet and it led us to discover I was only applying One For All outside of my body and not internally as well which boosted my control from 22% which I was sitting at due to training all the way up to 35% of One For All. I've gained over a 10% increase in One For All and the green lighting is less visible now since I'm not wasting as much energy as I was doing before." Izuku said with a smile on his face. Both All Might and Nezu were shocked to learn of Izuku's progress and how he's changed his control method of One For All. It was amazing progress that he was making and it's only nearly the end of the first semester with finals coming up soon. They realized that if Izuku keeps going at the rate he is going he will likely gain control of 50% of One For All likely by the end of summer break since he will have far more time to train without classes going on. Overall, All Might was downright proud of his son on how far he has come with so little time. 

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