Chapter 25: Hero Names & Internship Offers!

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3rd POV:

Several days passed and Izuku was starting to get the hang of the paperwork that he had to do as the General of Shiketsu High School which wasn't really complicated since a lot of it was repetitive in itself. Most documents were reports from different small clubs on campus that needed to be reviewed and approves such as their minutes and other things. Soon it was time for Monday and that meant going back to classes so they could receive their internship offers from all of the heroes. Izuku already knew who he was going with so he really didn't care who sent him one but he was interested to see how many he had gotten since Shiketsu doesn't get as much coverage from Pro heroes like UA does since only those in attendance really send offers in which is a limited amount of Pro Heroes, to be honest.

As they were all sitting in the classroom waiting for their homeroom teacher to arrive, Gran Torino stormed in and smirked which sent shivers down everyone's backs. He moved to the front of the classroom and soon entered their homeroom teacher who was carrying a lot of papers. "Good day everyone and a good job at the sports festival. Also, a round of applause for your new General of Shiketsu, General Midoriya!" stated their homeroom teacher and his classmates clapped for him which made him blush a bit and hide his face. "Yet... he still gets easily embarrassed somehow," muttered Gran Torino and Izuku tried to glare at him but the glare he got back was terrifying. Soon the teacher moved the topic along and talked about internships.

"As it stands, you all received internship offers without the school asking any pro heroes to offer some up which is amazing since we tend to have to ask for at least half of the class." stated their teacher as he displayed a list on the screen of all of the internship offers. Everyone had about 50 to 100 offers and Izuku had the most at about 200 offers which he nodded his head at. As they were all given their papers, Gran Torino started to speak up. "Listen up brats, before you can go do your internships you need to have a hero name picked out for yourself so start thinking of it and we will approve or deny it in front of the class!" Gran Torino stated and Izuku raised his hand as he already knew what he wanted. Gran Torino called him up and Izuku wrote his name on the board for everyone to see.

"I want to be known as the Hero of Resilence: Halo," Izuku stated as he finished writing out his name and everyone was interested in his name. One student asked why Halo and Izuku explained. "My quirk puts off a bit of energy and people always said I had a nice smile that made them think of the sun. So I kind of made a leap to Halo since it was unique to itself as no hero has a similar name like no one has anything like All Might's name either." Izuku stated and they all nodded their heads as Gran Torino approved the hero name. Everyone went through and stated their pro hero names that they wanted and Inasa took the name Gale Force which Izuku thought suited him quite well.

Soon they were all talking about their internship offers and the teacher spoke up about what was required of them on the internships. "As you all know, you need to wear your hats like always. Well, expect Midoriya but that is due to special reasons. As you all know that there have been recent attempts on All Might's life like the U.S.J. and how they had a weapon made to kill him. As such, it was decided by the school since Midoriya will be doing his internship with All Might that he will not wear his hat due to the enemies of All Might. If he wore his hat then All Might enemies would know to trace Midoriya back to this school but without the hate, people will need to search really hard for him." stated their teacher as he explained that Izuku would need to wear his hair covering at all times to hide his green hair and him nor All Might would confirm which hero school he went to which would make it harder for people to track him down. They were all warned not to confirm Izuku's existence at the school since they wanted Izuku to get a bit stronger before having to deal with any enemies that wanted to take a shot at him due to his connection with All Might.

They all nodded their heads and agreed to keep it quiet which Izuku thanked them all for it. Soon they were all dismissed after giving their hero names in and getting them approved. Izuku and Inasa decided to train together since they would be doing the Provisional License exam in the near future and they wanted to plan for anything that might happen. Izuku also wanted to see how far he could push his control before the exams as well. As it stood, Izuku was currently using 18% of One For All with slight pain as his body adapted to it and could push it to 20% with harsh pain if he really needed to do it. Izuku really wanted to gain 20% control of One For All without any pain but Gran Torino wanted a small break for Izuku's body since if they kept doing that hell training his body would collapse on itself. As such, Izuku agreed to a reduced level of training but it would still be pushing him, just not to the level of pulling a truck and tanker filled with water while carrying several hounds pounds of the extra weight!

Izuku did add all of the extra weighted clothing back onto his body as he was now wearing 250 pounds which Inasa found shocking but for someone like Izuku it was really nothing since he carried All Might on his back during his hell training on the beach and that man weighed a lot more! As such, Izuku was pushing his body but not too extreme limits that the hell training included. This was how Inasa and Izuku both spent the week they had left before the Internship weeks and Izuku was honestly glad that he would get to spend an entire weekend with his father figure without having to worry about school or other things. 

Though unknown to Izuku, his internship week would include large amounts of chaos as fate always likes to screw with Izuku Midoriya and he could do nothing but go with the flow. However, going with the flow includes an idiot former classmate of his who was out for revenge and another former classmate that refuses to use half of their quirk. Izuku would find himself in the weeds but will he prevail is the question? 

Hero of Resilience: HaloWhere stories live. Discover now