Chapter 16: UA Aftermath & Decision

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All Might had moved to the medical bay to have Recovery Girl check him over. They wanted to get any clues on if his time limit had gone down at all with him pushing himself so hard in that fight. About an hour passed since he was sitting in their and Recovery Girl was finally done looking him over and doing a health check on him. She was sitting across from him with Nezu and the Detective in the room. "So, any changes in his time limit from what we can guess?" the detective asked for the group. "From what I can see, I don't think he has suffered any noticeable drop in his time limit but he's the one that can tell us the most since he should sense a drop in his time limit if there was any large drop." Recovery Girl stated and they all nodded their heads as they looked at All Might for an answer. He shrugged a bit. "From what I can feel I don't notice anything large in my time limit. If anything it was maybe minutes or so but we will see as we go through the days." All Might stated and they all were glad that he didn't have any large drops in his powers. This meant he could last longer and give Izuku more time to grow more powerful to help stabilize the nation when All Might has to retire.

"Well, we will be having a staff meeting soon. So let's get moving and the Detective needs to finish with any statements from the students." Nezu stated nad they all got off and moved to do what they need to do. Luckily for UA, zero students came anywhere close to being harmed since they got removed from the site quickly. As such, the reports did hit UA a bit but not to the level that they could have. The story that was playing out was that villains had attacked the U.S.J. with the aim to kill All Might but were quickly defeated and backup arrived to end the fight while all students were removed from the building within minutes and were not endangered of being harmed due to the quick actions of UA. 

Soon the staff meeting started and the detective joined the meeting as well since he finished quite quickly with the statements he gained from the students. He had also gathered all the reports that they had gained so far from the U.S.J. attack and had it ready for the meeting. As they all sat down, they waited for Nezu to start the meeting as he came into the room with some tea and was drinking it. "Okay everyone, I am glad that this event went far better than it could have gone since we were able to get the students out of the building before they could be attacked," Nezu stated and everyone nodded their heads. "It's clear that the attack on the gate was most likely the work of this League of Villains as a means to get the schedule for the trip. We will be looking to see if any more information was stolen as well but all future trips will be rearranged moving forward to help secure against another attack." Nezu stated as he displayed some images from the U.S.J attack. 

They soon talked about how the leader of the attack was unstable and childish but Nezu spoke up in talking about how the leader did have some hidden intelligence under his childish demeanor but that there was likely a bigger leader in the background grooming the person known as Shigaraki. They talked about how there were no individuals known with their quirks by the leader's names nor with the quirks shown in the raid which complicated things. 

As the meeting came to an end, they were all dismissed and allowed to leave. UA had decided to cancel classes for the rest of the week and start back up on Monday which would give students several days off to relax from the events. All Might, the detective, and Nezu said back in the meeting room to talk. "Sir... we need to prepare for All For One." All Might stated and Nezu nodded his head. Nezu though had another question for All Might. "What are you going to do about Izuku and his internship? I know you were planning to offer him an internship when they started after the sports festival since UA's and Shiketsu internship weeks match up to the same time." Nezu stated and All Might nodded his head at the question and was silent for a bit. "I honestly don't know... if I take him on it's like a signal that tells All For One that he's the 9th user of One For All and it would also alert Sir Nighteye of Izuku being the 9th user as well. Both things I want to avoid..." All Might stated and Nezu nodded his head at that statement and suggested to do it even though it signaled who he was but to have Shiketsu agreed to not have Izuku wear his their school at. 

"Get their school to agree for him not to wear the hat during the internship and whenever anyone askes which school he is from don't give them an answer. Also, have Izuku wear the head cover that you have on his outfit since I did see it when you all submitted his outfit when he was still going here. This way the only identifying mark would be the green eyes that he has." Nezu stated and All Might thought it over as the Detective spoke up. He agreed with Nezu's suggestion since as long as All Might nor Izuku confirmed which hero school Izuku was from they would assume UA since he taught at the school. All For One was already targeting UA due to All Might so it wouldn't change anything if they all assumed the 9th user was at the school as well.

"It might be good to have Izuku change his eye color via contacts but that might be too much since not many people would recognize him just via his eyes." The detective suggested and All Might kept thinking it over and agreed that it was a good idea. "I'll contact his school later. I am thinking of going up to his school in a day or so to talk to Izuku in person since I need to make it clear to him... he can't come after All For One until he's fully strong enough. I plan to tell him to run away if All For One ever makes an appearance." All Might stated and they knew that wasn't like to go over well and should indeed be done in person. Keeping the internship going on via All Might would help stabilize Japan with the knowledge that All Might recognizes someone as good enough to come under his wing since he hasn't taken an internship before and only Sir Nighteye has been a sidekick under him before. As such, it would draw a large amount of attention to Izuku's hero name on whatever he came up with. 

As such, the plans and decisions were made and they would all start making their moves. The storm was coming soon and they were only dealing with the warning thunder before the actual storm hits. Everyone knew on both sides that this was going to be a long and hard war. 

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