Chapter 129

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Third person pov

Gang Orca and his minions were terrifyingly strong. She hadn't been able to get all of them in her shot without running the risk of freezing some other contestants too, but that was okay. It was mainly the Pro Hero she was after. She knew it was going to wreak havoc on her body to freeze the oceanic hero, but she also knew how beneficial it was going to be to taking them down and saving the 'victims' in the area. Gang Orca was in the middle of some sort of speech when she froze him in his tracks. She immediately almost fell over from the sheer pain that stabbed her in the stomach. The silence that followed her quirk's activation was deafening in such a loud field. She thought maybe she heard Hitoshi whoop in the distance. There was no telling.

This was the perfect time for an existential crisis if you asked Lillian. Her eggroll wasn't feeling super buttered at the moment. The whole incident with the Tornado fuck had really drained her emotionally and physically. Yanking him down? That had not been easy when you considered his size. He could definitely bench press a Prius if he wanted to. Maybe even one of those massive Ford trucks that every racist white guy in Texas seemed to own. You know what? Lillian technically could too, arguably. She'd definitely have to freeze it first, but she could undoubtedly lift it up. So it was fine! She was totally on par with Wind Ape. 

It felt kind of like her stomach was ripping itself apart from the inside. She had no idea what in god's name her gut had to do with her freezing time in a certain area, but it sure was annoying. Her eyes didn't feel great either. Her hand immediately flew to her belt trying to hunt down her eyedrops whilst Bakugo tried to keep her from falling over like a limp noodle. She could tell he was just itching to get down there and fight, but also didn't want to leave her to topple helplessly down this massive mound of rubble like Sero had when he got smacked in the face. She would, too. Lillian wondered if this was what it felt like to be a boneless chicken wing.

"Wait a second... Lillian!" Iida loudly realized from... somewhere. Lillian tipped her head back with a wheeze, dropping some eyedrops in her eyes in a shaky manner. She'd nearly forgotten what near death felt like, but here she was again. Literally dying. She could feel the blood starting to build in her throat. This was it. She hoped Neito still had her funeral plans. "Everyone, get moving! A comrade has bought us more time by freezing a portion of the enemies!"

Who knew Iida was such a godsend, honestly. Lillian tried--and failed-- to stand up a little straighter, taking deep breaths and trying to like, not pass out. Katsuki looked like he was having the internal argument of a lifetime trying to figure out what the fuck to do with her. Torn between blasting off to kick ass or staying here to be a human crutch. Lillian was honestly pretty impressed he hadn't ditched her yet. In his shoes, she would've punted herself into the stratosphere and ran off to take advantage of the situation. Props to him for caring. Maybe it was because her dad was watching. She could feel him lasering holes into their backs even from here.

Bakugo really did want to go kick ass. Not just because he liked kicking ass, but because he wanted to make sure he passed. The explosive blonde was pretty confident he was going to make it and get his license. It just... wasn't something he wanted to risk, you know? This was some serious shit, and he'd forever hate himself if he missed out on the chance to go after the literal fucking Yakuza. It had been incredibly badass the first time around. Doing alongside Lillian and the other fuckers? He wasn't going to lie. It was going to be an epic, one in a lifetime sort of experience. Like hell he was going to miss out on that and put a dent in the plan they'd already made.

"Y-You've gotta go throw Gang Orca out of the arena." Lillian sputtered. Blood dribbled from her mouth. Katsuki made a disgusted face when she spat some of it out, to which she rolled her eyes. What did he want her to do? Swallow it back down? Fucking nasty. He was such a germaphobe sometimes, and for what? "Just chuck him. I can't hold him very long." 

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