Chapter 15

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So for some reason it slipped my damn mind that the quirk assessment test happened the same day as All Might's hero-villain thing so YEET IT'S THE NEXT DAY NOW YA'LL RIP THAT

Third person pov

"Good morning, Lillian!" Uraraka crowed happily as the girl entered the room. Lillian offered a hesitant smile, shuffling her feet nervously. "Come sit by me! Come on!" Ochako waved enthusiastically. Lillian ducked her head, shuffling down the row. Todoroki's eyes shifted to the girl momentarily as she offered him a polite smile and nod of the head before taking the seat between himself and a very exuberant, telekinetic girl.

"M-Morning, Ochako." Lillian greeted with a small smile. The girl brightened considerably at the greeting, sparking a conversation on quirks that Iida soon happily joined. Both wanted to know Lillian's quirk, but she insisted that it was really nothing all too special, and that was the end of it. She learned a lot about Ochako and Iida's quirks, however. Iida's was absolutely amazing. Quirks that affected one's body always seemed to be. So was Uraraka's, even if it did leave her feeling sick after. All quirks had to have some kind of drawback, she supposed.

The room slowly began to fill with other members of Class 1A, all eager to start the most anticipated class of the year. Hero Basic Training was, reportedly, everyone's favorite class. It was evidently the most quirk-involved class in the whole school, and you got to do all sorts of trainings and activities you wouldn't otherwise get to do had you attended a regular highschool.

"I heard All Might is teaching this class." Ochako gossiped to Lillian, brown eyes wide with awe at the mere prospect of the one and only All Might teaching them how to be heroes. Lillian's own eyes widened in surprise, and she blinked. Just seeing a projection of him had left her frozen and gaping. What would she do if he were to really appear?

"I am here!" A familiar voice suddenly boomed, and Lillian paled. She supposed she was about to find out. "Coming through the door like a hero!"

She would have been more embarrassed if she were the only one in shock, but a vast majority of her peers seemed to have similar reactions. Some even went so far as to cheer as they gaped, awed, and examined All Might in all his retro-glory. Ochako had gotten her hands on Lillian and was violently shaking her out of excitement, but Lillian didn't much care.

All Might welcomed them to what he described as 'the most important class of the year.' Lillian had no doubts about that. They were here to become heroes, and this was essentially heroing-101 for them. I felt her nerves climb along with her amazement the longer All Might talked. Ochako faired no better, whispering to her about every little thing. Lillian didn't care. Had she a little more confidence, she'd be doing the same thing.

Lillian's amazement was interrupted my the sheer horror she felt when All Might announced that they'd be doing battles in teams. A battle, of all things, and this early! She supposed she should have expected it, and mentally prepared herself for it. Hell, the entrance exam itself had been one big battle, really, save for the writing part. 

Lillian was in awe as All Might handed her the suit she'd worked to design. He grinned widely at her as she hesitantly took it, her cheeks flaming with flustered embarrassment. "I have high hopes for you, Lillian Faust." He said. She thought back to his recording, and nodded rapidly, her whole face going red as she fled to the locker rooms.

Ochako snagged her arm as she darted out of the room. "I thought we could go together!" She offered with a grin. "You seem really nervous, and I am to. I think it'd help to have a friend."

"Th-Thank you, Ochako." Lillian deflated ever so slightly, glad she wasn't alone. If Ochako was nervous, the girl certainly didn't show it the same was Lillian did. The girl felt self conscious as she put on her outfit. The baggy sweater made her feel more comfortable, but she knew it wasn't made out of the the same material a normal sweater would be made out of. No matter how normal it looked, this was a hero outfit, and it'd been professionally made just for her.

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