Chapter 138

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Holy shit. I have no idea if anyone will read this, it's been so long, but wow. Press R to pay respects guys. 

This book last updated in May of 2022. It has been an insanely long time, and to any of you who've been waiting, I apologize. This is a book I plan to finish in full and I want to rewrite it after I do, even if it takes me forever. It is so close to its end-- I really hope I can take it there.

Thank you to anyone who's stuck around, and thank you to new readers coming in. 

(Because of the existence of Patreon, this chapter was written IN 2022. Patreon is two chapters ahead perpetually, so if the grammar isn't up to my usual par, I do apologize to all of you. I broke up some of the larger paragraphs to make it easier to read!)

Third person pov

The call to Mihoko? It backfired. It backfired so bad. It should've occurred to Lillian before that the woman probably wasn't going to let her within a ten mile radius of any sort of fight after she'd just been shot and had her quirk incapacitated. 

Lillian realized this only after the fact, and now they were on a time crunch. Mihoko was on her way, and if she got here first, there was no way they were getting out of here! Lillian had to think fast. Who else did she know that had a car? And who could get here before Mihoko did?

Her dad presumably had no idea she was here and she definitely wanted to keep it that way. They could call and UBER or Taxi, but that meant involving a stranger in their shit and she didn't feel great about that either. Inko had a van of her own, but the woman had been going through so much lately that Lillian didn't think bothering her with this was a good idea. 

She still struggled so hard with what her son had done, and Lillian felt like inviting her out on this excursion was only going to make that fact worse. Especially since Lillian had been like... shot at. Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't that great... not the time for Fall Out Boy. Or maybe it's always the time for Fall Out Boy. It depends on her mood.

Anyway, to summarize, their limited options are dwindling and they're dwindling fast. Eri looks extremely anxious, red-eyes rounded and wide. Amajiki actually looks incredibly relieved that all her plans are failing, but Lillian is pretty sure that's because he's a pussy through and through. 

Takes one to know one. We call this solidarity, folks. Take some notes. Lillian has reached peak trauma and has become semi-numb to anxiety. At least for the moment. Amajiki isn't there yet and though she's going to rag on him for it internally, she understands. R in the chat to that guy, as Katsuki would say.

The blue-eyed girl shoots All Might a glance too just to try and gauge how he's feeling but the guy is kinda spaced. She's about 90% he could not give two damns what they decide to do. He's like a walking nickelback song, if you catch her drift. That's all besides the point. Lillian only sees one more option left, and though it's a longshot, it's worth a try. 

This is a situation in which stops must be pulled, and thus she will trek forth. Eri is counting on her! If Chad can be badass quirkless, Lillian can do the same. Besides, she pretended to be quirkless like, her whole life. She's got this shit scanned and bagged.

Eri scoots a bit closer to her as she brings the phone up to her ear, the freckled girl holding her breath as it begins to ring. If this doesn't work they're going to have to make a break for it on foot or something. Will that go well considering All Might's leg is literally fucked? Probably not, but you know what? 

They can probably find some overachieving fans along the way to carry him like he's their god. His fanbase is still strong out there. Amen. Does All Might even feel pain anymore? He looks so tired that she's not sure he has the energy to feel anything but done.

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