Chapter 78

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Sorry for the awkward slow down in chapters. They should pick back up again. 

This is also shit and I apologize. I don't know why the last few chapters have been so bad??? What even ngl.

Third person pov

Lillian wasn't someone you easily angered. It just wasn't who she was. She had her own set of morals she followed, and she didn't really concern herself with others. If someone said something offensive, she'd frown and go on her way. Mic had seen her get frustrated with herself, and mildly irritated with others, but there was absolutely nothing that could match the immense rage she seemed to have for Endeavor.

"I mean, I don't know how he's so high in the ratings. He has the highest death toll out of the top ten. He just covers it up with how many 'rescues' he makes. Do you have any idea how much unnecessary property damage he causes? He charges in without thinking because he wants to be the best. The rankings are all he cares about!" Lillian had been on the phone with the same man for half an hour now. Anytime Mic saw a good ending place and tried to cut in, he'd get a warning glance that shut him up right quick.

"Right! And not to mention his family." The man on the other end hissed the word like it was poison. "Where the hell are they? They reach the press in very small, controlled spurts. They're not sighted outside the house, and they completely covered up what happened to Rei Todoroki!" 

"You noticed that too?!" Lillian's eyes went wide. "Apparently she 'went crazy'. But some reporters went and found her family, and apparently she was completely sound of mind before! No history of mental health. You know what happened to those articles? They got totally taken down! I had to email the individual writers, and even then they had to cut some stuff out. Nothing adds up, and Shoto-"

The man on the other end inhaled sharply, cutting her off. "That's right; he's your classmate. Is he alright?"

"Yeah, I heard he moved out and is staying with some friends just to get away from the guy. He sits next to me in class. He fucking hates his dad." Lillian shook her head. "He approached me during the Sports Festival and asked what I thought of Shoto. I think he's trying to force him into a quirk marriage."

"Wait, what?!" Mic shrieked. He was ignored.

"There's theories that the asshole bought M- Rei. Apparently there was no reports of them ever being seen together. Their wedding was quick. Just them signing some papers or some shit like that. After that she immediately got pregnant." The man on the other end sounded pissed off even as he said this. Lillian couldn't help it.

"What an asshole!" Lillian all but shrieked. "I swear to god, when I get my grimy little hands on that flaming piece of shit, I'm going to-"

"Whoa, okay!" Mic laughed nervously. "Let's not go around making threats now." 

Lillian couldn't help but seethe. Not at Mic, and not at the man on the phone. Not even at herself. It was all reserved for Endeavor. She'd never run across someone who pissed her off so badly. Maybe it's because she didn't get to have real parents. Maybe it's because the ones she did get in the end ended up being kidnappers who repressed her so bad she was too afraid to tell them, or anyone, about a quirk she held that could save hundreds! And yet Shoto did have a mom and a dad, only one of them was shit. Endeavor was a piece of shit who'd given Shoto, his other kids, and his wife absolute hell. 

"Hero society is corrupted! Why should Endeavor be above the law? He throws money at his problems and thinks its okay. Shoto wouldn't even use the fire side of his quirk because it reminded him of the guy! Not until Izuku whacked some sense into him at the festival!" Lillian's eyes began to glow red from rage, her hair drifting upwards. Mic had seen it before, but he still couldn't help but gape a little. "I don't know how everyone is so blind to how horrible he is! If they just looked a little closer at him, they'd see what I'm talking about! None of the other top pros have issues like he does. All Might doesn't do anything wrong, and neither does Hawks. Hell, Shoto chose to intern with Hawks over his own dad!"

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