Chapter 51

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People are in the comments theorizing that Lillian and Hitoshi are siblings or related.

They're not. So stop.

Incest is one of the most disgusting things in the world to me. That's my personal opinion, but the day I ever purposely or knowingly put it in a story is the day America as a whole becomes pro-Trump. As in it's never going to happen. So please stop with that theory, because it's not true, and quite frankly disgusting to even think about. Sorry to be a downer y'all, but that's n a s t y. 

Also if you guys check my conversations board and scroll down a few messages you'll see more information about more BNHA stories coming out yeet.

Third person pov

Aizawa was glad the three teenagers didn't stop to scream another Hamilton song. They stopped at the one before appearing from down the hall, armed with a good majority of her room's contents. Lillian was had a backpack on her back and an armful of Present Mic posters and merchandise she'd collected over the years, the jacket her teacher had personally gifted her being one of them.

An odd, strangled choking noise left her throat when she saw her blonde teacher standing there, almost dropping her stuff. Neito and Hitoshi both raised an eyebrow respectively at Aizawa, who shrugged helplessly. He'd called Mic to take the metaphorical emotional wheel. Emotions weren't his forte in general, but crying? Never. He had no idea what to do, but he wasn't about to tell Lillian to suck it up. This wasn't a 'suck it up' situation. 

She didn't even look at June and Hisato, staring at Mic with wide eyes. Mic bounced over happily, grinning widely down at his favorite little listener. Sure, he was pissed as hell and wanted nothing more than to scream at her not-parents until their eardrums burst. But he had to keep things positive! For the little listener! And so he wouldn't be in as much trouble with Shota after this was all over...

"Mic is going to go with you to Shinso's house." Aizawa sighed. "And I'm going to stay here and deal with these two."

"That's right!" Mic giddily took some of the merch in Lillian's arms as she stared at him, eyes full of awe and horror. "It's just me and you three, you guys! Come on! We can even go out for pizza after." 

"So... we're babysitting him, then?" Neito asked as Mic bounced at the door. Lillian rushed to follow, and Hitoshi did the same. Aizawa sighed heavily when he realized the blonde teen was right. He was totally making them babysit what was quite literally a man child. Mic was responsible and juggled three jobs, yes, but he was the most immature adult he'd ever met. It was like he was still in high school.

"Yeah. You are. But at least he'll keep Lillian's mind off... them." He scowled, eyes shifting back to the Faust couple. They didn't look guilty about what they'd done, but looked relieved that Lillian had people with her when she found out. Aizawa hated to think what might happened if Lillian didn't have friends like Hitoshi and Neito. If she didn't have someone she could go stay with and trust. The thought alone made him wince.

"I can sign this all." Mic said as they started down the sidewalk. "All of it. I'll sign it."

"Y-You really d-don't have to, Mr. M-Mic. I really a-appreciate you coming a-and all, but I don't wa-want to be e-even more of a trouble." She stuttered quietly, gripping the straps of her backpack tightly. Hitoshi hoisted the duffel bag he was holding up higher, glancing back as Neito darted out of the house, more bags in tow, along with some of Lillian's blankets. 

"You're never a trouble, little listener. Tell you what, after we drop all this off, we can all go out and get food. On me. Anything you want." Mic grinned down at her. She blinked, taken aback and looking anxious. Hitoshi supposed her being focused on Mic and his overwhelming presence was better than her crying over her kidnappers. 

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