Chapter 46

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Third person pov

The week rolled by in no time at all, and Aizawa found himself faintly impressed with Lillian's ability to not only keep herself going, but to keep her two friends from falling behind as well. He didn't know what she was telling herself to keep her body running, but whatever it was, it was definitely working. He was glad. He really didn't want to see Lillian carted off to Recovery Girl because he accidentally killed her with his deadly workout.

It was Saturday now, and he'd agreed to meet them, against his better judgement. He didn't have much else to do but sleep. However, if they wanted to work out on campus, they'd need a teacher on site. While he did enjoy sleeping, he also liked to watch his student grow and improve, and he supposed those other two idiots were growing on him just a little too. Not much, but he guessed they weren't complete nuisances.

"M-Mr. Aizawa!" Lillian called as she, Hitoshi, and Neito all jogged up. They'd all met up at Hitoshi's house beforehand so they could inhale some of his mother's cooking. Neito's mom was pretty uptight according to the blonde, so they strayed away from his residence. Lillian also didn't want her mom and dad to interrogate her friends about their quirks and how they worked, so Hitoshi's home became their default meeting place. Half because it was technically closest to the school, and half because Mihoko adored and fed them.

Aizawa turned the give greeting back, as was customary when addressed by anyone other than Hizashi, and he promptly froze.

"...What are you wearing?" He asked the trio cautiously. They all wore the smuggest, most shit-eating grins he'd ever seen in his life. It wasn't a look he'd ever seen on Lillian's face, really, but that wasn't what he was primarily focused on at the moment.

The three of them wore matching black T-shirts, which was all well and good, but they had a pair of very familiar goggles plastered on the front.  Printed under it, where perhaps the neck of someone would be in correspondence to the goggles, was very clearly a scarf he found he knew quite well. They all looked incredibly proud to be wearing such attire, their hands on their hips so the whole world could see their shirts.

"It was Lillian's idea." Hitoshi reported in a self-satisfied sort of way. Aizawa couldn't help but feel like she'd been influenced my her friends. The two boys seemed too smug.

"And a brilliant one, at that." Neito seemed to agree. Aizawa really did try to stop his heart from swelling. A part of him wanted to demand they go home and change, but he couldn't bring himself to when his dark eyes met a pair of excited blue ones.

"Th-This isn't even the best part." Lillian spun around, looking over her shoulder as she pulled her ponytail out of the way. Aizawa felt his breath hitch. Oh my God, why did he ever become a teacher?

The words "Team Eraserhead" were printed on the back in bold, golden-yellow letters that matched the goggles on the front. Neito looked amused by the short girls exuberance over the fact, and Hitoshi, a little bashful and possibly slightly embarrassed, but still happy. Aizawa blinked as Lillian spun back around, looking overjoyed. Like this had made her day.

"Look!" She pulled something from her gym bag and thrust it towards him so he could see. "W-We got you one!"

Aizawa felt his lips curl into a smile, because hey, these brat's weren't as bad as he thought. Not that the shirts had really swayed his opinion or anything. That would mean he was soft, and he wasn't, right? Right.


Mic didn't like to do work on the weekends, but there were times when it simply piled up, and he was forced to. Normally he was pretty sour about it. He'd groan dramatically to himself and make a big show of dragging his feet as he lumbered onto campus like he was marching off to his death. He loved English, and being a teacher, but trying to read some of these kid's handwriting was like attempting to crack the Da Vinci Code. Impossible.

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