Chapter 34

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Third person pov

Being swarmed by a group of antsy teenagers who all thought hugging was a good idea was more overwhelming than Lillian ever could have imagined. Her face immediately went red, and she found herself hiding behind a sheepish Izuku and apologetic Ochako as her classmates asked how she was with varying degrees of concern. Most were just excited she was back, and complimented her on her 'badassery'.

"Who knew you had that in you." Kaminari grinned down at the girl, who'd been quietly answering some of Izuku's questions about her quirk. He was the only one who wasn't screaming at this point. Even Ochako had dove in to shriek with Mina and Hagakure over Lillian. They'd all seen the state she was in as she was pulled into the ambulance. They were proud, relieved, and exuberant all at once.

"Y-Yeah." Lillian sputtered out in surprise. The guilt she felt over ditching Hitoshi really wasn't helping the situation, either, and she found herself reciting the words to the baby shark song in her head. Why? She truly had no idea, but it helped keep her from crying. She didn't imagine tears would go over that well with her classmates.

"The actions you took during the attack are admirable! If not for you, who knows what state Mr. Aizawa would be in." Iida said formally to the girl, making chopping motions in the air. Lillian felt a small smile form on her face, and she ducked her head.

"Y-You were really c-cool too, I-Iida. Th-There's no telling wh-what would have happened if y-you hadn't gotten help." Lillian complimented back immediately. Iida didn't respond, but his back straightened and his chest puffed out a little with pride. Lillian was glad he could be proud of himself. She thought he may be blaming himself for leaving, even if it was to notify the other teachers, but she could see now that wasn't the case. She was relieved. 

"Yeah, but you looked pretty bad when they were loading you and Mr. Aizawa into the ambulance, Lillian. Are you sure you're alright to be back at school?" Kirishima scratched the back of his neck.

"Yes, you were coughing up quite a lot of blood." Shoji sounded concerned. Lillian could recall him being the one to carry Mr. Aizawa out of the USJ. She was glad he was alright. She was glad that all of her classmates were alright. E-Even Mineta... and all he'd done was compliment her boobs and try to touch Momo's butt.

"I-I'm alright. It was just a-a side effect of o-overuse." Lillian assured quietly. She glanced at Ochako and Tsu. "I-I never thanked you for helping m-me out. I wouldn't h-have been able to wa-walk, and..."

What she was talking about dawned on the pair. "It wasn't a problem, ribbit. You would have done the same for us." Tsu said immediately. "You saved my life, Midoriya's, and Mr. Aizawa's. It's you we should be thanking." 

"She's right! We all got super lucky. Tsu and Deku could have been hurt had you not been there." Ochako's cheeks puffed out. Lillian felt her face get even redder, and Izuku was quick to change the subject, shooting her a covert thumbs up. Lillian felt herself deflate a little as her peers began to talk about their time in the USJ, the attention shifting off of her. Having someone else with an anxiety disorder in class was heavenly.

"You alright?" Izuku muttered lowly. Lillian almost didn't hear him.

"Y-Yeah, thanks for that." She whispered back with a small smile.

The rest of the day went on smoothly. Present Mic was their substitute for the day, and he took special care to smile and stare at Lillian literally as much as possible. It was actually more nerve wracking than being interrogated on her health by Momo and Jiro, who were, as it would turn out, an absolutely terrifying duo.

She and Shoji talked some more, and somehow Tokoyami got sucked into the conversation. She was okay with that, though. Tokoyami was pretty quiet. His voice was always level, and Dark Shadow was surprisingly really sweet too. She was secretly a little glad for the time away from the other girls. Of course she loved talking to to them, but they were just... really, really intense sometimes! 

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