Chapter 52

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This is totally a filler but like it felt too awkward trying to skip past this stuff so I greatly apologize.

Third person pov

Mic got back around twenty minutes after leaving, red faced and sweaty from running all over the place. Aizawa was somehow with him, not looking at all exhausted. Maybe it was the bandages on his face, though. Either way, the blonde pro hero proudly announced that he was one of Lillian's new, temporary legal guardians. Right next to Aizawa, who gotten temporary custody by default due to the fact that he was her homeroom teacher. How Mic had weaseled his way in, nobody was sure.

Everyone collectively agreed that it would be better for Lillian to stay with the Shinso's, at least for a while. Aizawa grumbled something about his spare room being a mess, and Mic waved his arms around while proclaiming that he needed to move completely so his 'little listener' could have a bedroom of her very own. Lillian had gone red and sputtered out that it wasn't at all necessary. Neito commentated by saying that Lillian could probably be told to sleep on the floor in a corner and she'd be fine with it.

Hitoshi's room had become chaos central. They'd re-arranged it completely, Neito was literally building another bed, with the help of Hajime. The man was happy to have Lillian stay, and disappointed in her not-parents. He'd scoffed and muttered to himself about them being incompetent, proclaiming that 'kidnapping was actually against the law, so what the fuck?' very loudly for everyone to hear.

Lillian tried her very best to minimize the space she took up. She didn't particularly want a new bed, and sharing a bedroom with Hitoshi was going to be odd. Mihoko also didn't seem too sure about the idea, and Lillian could swear on her life that she'd heard something about condoms. Why, she didn't want to know. Hitoshi, Neito, and Hajime all seemed to find absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Aizawa and Mic had been hesitant to leave when they heard Lillian was staying in a room with Hitoshi. They'd both shared a look nobody could quite decipher before saying something about more paperwork and joint custody. At the time, the room was in too much mayhem for anyone to hear what they really said. Hitoshi was hauling paint cans across the house for some reason, the bed thing was happening, someone had a power drill, and Hajime had called in a favor to get another mattress delivered asap.

"It'll be great." Hitoshi assured the nervous girl later that day as sounds of construction filled the house. What were they doing back there? "You know I'm a chill guy. Besides, we both know all we're going to do is watch vines and sing the entire time anyway."

"Fresh and spicy." Lillian sighed heavily. Mihoko appeared, a pleasant smile on her face as she grabbed her son. Claiming she needed to 'borrow' him, which was code for lecture him, she dragged him away by his arm to the kitchen. Lillian could only sit on the couch as the sound of Hajime cursing and Neito crying about something being backwards wafted from down the hall, followed by a bang and more cursing.

Mihoko did indeed pull Hitoshi to the side, gripping him by his upper arms. He stood stock straight, looking like he was about to be accused of murder. He also looked incredibly guilty for some reason. Mihoko raised an eyebrow at him accusingly. He winced just a little.

"Look, it wasn't technically me, okay?" Hitoshi sighed heavily. "Neito thought a slingshot would be a good idea. I didn't know his window would break."

"Y- wait, what?" Mihoko blinked. Hitoshi blinked right back at her. The woman took a deep breath. Right, okay. She could figure out what... that was about later. Right now she needed to have a heart to heart with her son! And the subject, of course, was Lillian. Because the girl was moving in. Again, that wasn't an issue at all. They had more than enough money to support her and Hitoshi, and having her here was an absolute pleasure. But...

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