Chapter 107

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Third person pov

Neito knew going alone wasn't an option. If Lillian and Bakugo really were located in Kamino Ward, then that was a pretty clear sign the League would be lurking about, too. His quirk could be powerful, but it sorely depended on who was around him. The seeming inability to die was certainly a plus. So long as they didn't rip out the heart in his chest, he should be all good to go. Not that he wanted his face disintegrated by a man with skin drier than Aizawa's humor. So, it was time to gather his ragtag, volunteer army in need of a shower. Hamilton would be proud.

Todoroki? A must. He'd go in a heartbeat. Apparently nobody had seen Izuku since they'd gotten here, but the rumors going around said that both his arms were pretty much out of commission anyway, and Neito really didn't want to waste time. Hitoshi had just died and was missing an appendage, so he wasn't much of an option either. Aizawa was catatonic, and Mic gave off major snitch vibes, so they sure as shit weren't going to risk that. Chad was preoccupied with also getting Lillian back, but Neito wasn't about to sit back and do jack shit.

That left the entirety of 1-A. Sure, he would go to 1-B, but they didn't really know Lillian, and they definitely weren't about to risk their bacon for Bakugo, who they all despised. He couldn't blame them for that, but the point still stood. They were more likely to tell Vlad King than not, which meant Neito had to hope and pray that some god was on his side, and that whoever agreed to go believed him and his sorry little tale.

That redhead seemed like a good option. He was one of the few who could actually stand Bakugo, and his quirk was good for defense and offense both, so long as he was in close range. It was a good one to copy. Simple and easy to activate, yet extremely useful. He probably wouldn't rat him out, right? With Todoroki and Kirishima both with him, they had a fighting chance. But their little team left something else to be desired. Who else should he ask to go? Who else could he really put his faith in? A smaller group would make them less inconspicuous. 

Most of the heroes who were still fit to fight were no doubt rallying to make a stand. UA had been challenged, and it wouldn't back down. Especially not with children involved. The media were in a frenzy, and a press conference would be starting soon. Neito momentarily wondered if dragging the two sleep deprived teenagers into his little mission was a stellar idea. It's not like they'd sleep even if they didn't come, so he supposed it didn't matter. The sun would be coming up fairly soon. Neito was pretty certain, after some digging around, that there'd be some form of a recon mission to try and get the kidnapped students back. But he was also pretty sure they were going to be looking in the wrong place.

"Alright. You've got this. Be diplomatic but firm. You've got to convince them that this is a good idea." Neito muttered to himself. He was pretty sure Shoto would jump at it, but Kirishima? He could bring their operation that wasn't actually an operation yet crumbling to the ground, and Neito really didn't want that. It wouldn't be very Gucci, Coach, or Chanel for things to be ended that prematurely.

Todoroki had entered a deeply depressed state since the kidnapping of his friends. Not to mention his severely injured boyfriend was missing. For all they knew, the villains could've found a way to get a hold of Izuku Midoriya as well. It was clawing away at him. His mother had tried several times to comfort him to no avail. He was too beaten up by what felt like his own, personal failure. All the times his father called him useless and a waste of space came flooding back like a crushing tidal wave threatening to drown him if he didn't swim. But his clothes felt waterlogged, and he was sinking with remorse and grief.

Neito sashayed into the waiting room like he owned it. It was odd to see him looking so much healthier than everyone present despite him being dead. Shoto looked more like a walking corpse than the blonde did. He sauntered in, looking tired, a little scared, but incredibly determined. It was clear Neito had somehow managed to form some sort of structure to hold himself up in these drastic times. Shoto both envied and admired him for his ability to stand up and look so self-assured.

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